Miniwrimo Tag sechzehn

Nov 16, 2015 22:12

Goal 100
Words: 429

Well she knew it wasn't going to be easy, but the reality was finally pressing in upon her.

The other girls chatted idly as they wound down for the day, asking about where they were from, what they did, what their parents did, all normal things. They seemed like nice enough girls, if a bit talkative for Sray's taste. Each lamp above the beds were turned off one by one and the room darkened by degrees until the last one was snubbed out and the room was dark and Sray could finally see the starts out the window. Sleep eventually found her as she wondered and worried about what the next day would bring.

The roll was cold, probably made in the same batch from the morning. Sray wondered if anyone would notice if she heated it up while they were busy comparing how sore their hands were. With a quick glance towards the others to be sure they were completely engrossed in their conversation Sray picked up the roll and cupped it in both hands to distribute the heat quickly and evenly. It tasted much better warm.

The dining hall slowly filled with students as other classes let out. It had been hard to judge the previous night just how many might be in the school, but if Sray had to guess there couldn't be many more than 100 including her class. Lunch seemed a bit more flexible than breakfast or dinner as people filtered in and out. Their guide returned to continue their tour of the building and grounds.

"At this point you are free to relax the rest of the afternoon. I trust you all can find your way back to the dining hall for dinner, which will be at (whatever time I decide later). I will see you again tomorrow morning to show you to your history and mathematics classes, the next day you will be meeting at the foundry to start your introduction to the various crafts we teach here. You will get your results on Thursday and Friday (need new names for days of the week...) and Saturday will be your final assessment. Starting next week you should be able to get to your classes yourselves with Monday and Thursday for Reading and writing, Tuesday and Friday for History and Mathematics, and Wednesday and Saturday for your crafts.

"Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and I will see you in the morning." Jina turned and left them clustered on the back lawn. The boys were in the same predicament not even ten feet away as their guide abandoned them to their own devices.

Some bits come easier than others. Some of the gaps I am filling have been gaps of avoidance for a long time so it's nice to start bridging them. I do wonder how much I should be filling on some gaps and which ones might be better served being left blank. I guess part of that comes once I finally manage to get the whole thing written and I get to decide about cutting scenes and what works and what doesn't. I know some of the stuff I have towards the end (over 40 pages now! New record for a single project!) is probably going to go and be completely rewritten, but it served its purpose for the time it was written and helped to make the other parts of the story happen so I'm not entirely unhappy with those parts and they weren't entirely wasted words, just I know so much more about the story and characters now.

I do still need to flesh out some of the kids in Sray's group. The girls are getting there, but the boys are seriously lacking. The only one with any real outline right now is Ashtim, and that's mostly because he's the one that gets Sray to lose her temper ( see day nine for a brief bit about that).

The ability tends to run in familys, thus Jina Phyllat, daughter of Johnus Phyllat being there. I'm debating of Elima and Kirren are actually related or just came from the same town (still not sure if they are from the far side of Jon or another town and were picked up on the way to Sray). I think Taysa Vallabohn came in with Kaldeb Montenbohn, Kem probably arrived with two of the other boys, perhaps Yoshuen Stridden and maybe either Tundall Denyan or Danlin Forishunes. That then leaves Ashtim DeBauin, Meikal Kalvue and either Tundall or Danlin together depending on which one ends up paired with Kem and Yoshuen. So while some of the boys and girls shared the ride over I am still going to have to find out if the boys have any outside connections to the girls or if they are mostly apart. They have to mix somehow and I'm at this weird spot of not really knowing how they are going to mix together except for eventually Ashtim pisses Sray off and is appropriately ... reprimanded? Reminded by Sray that she is not one to be bullied or trifled with.

I guess it comes down to just writing out the scenes and throwing them together. The first couple days don't do much for that because they're just doing assessments and they're split into girl and boy dorms on opposite sides of the building with same-gender guides showing them about the place seperately. They're together for class and can sit whereever for meals, but you all know or remember how little you socialize with people you don't know that first disorienting week of school. Short version: I need to get the boys and girls to mix and mingle and actually figure out who the boys are outside of Ashtim the jerk (and flesh out Ashtim other than knowing he is a bigoted jerk...).

miniwrimo, lemyes

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