Miniwrimo Tag vierzehn

Nov 15, 2015 22:32

Goal: 100
Words: 322

The morning came and Sray had checked and double checked her bag for everything from her toilitries and underwear to papers, ink, and a few reminders from home. Her bag sat near the door and she passed it as she went in for breakfast. It was quiet at the table, Kallon and Kayrin were already eating and Janef and Teigan joined shortly after Sray. Kallon got up first. He paused a moment behind Sray's chair and bumped the back of it.

"See you in six weeks. I'm heading to the smithy."

"Keep out of trouble, Kallon." She replied.

"You too," he countered as he walked out the door.

There was a slight bite of cold in the morning air, suggesting the coming fall. An object formed in the distance as she kept walking down the narrow road flanked by their pastrue for the animals. A horse and a few cows were grazing. Soon she heard the steady clop of hooves on the hard dirt road. Their horse lifted its head in interest. By the time the carriage reached her Sray was well past the turn to her parent's home and within sight of the first building of Jon.

"We would hav epicked you up from your house Ms. Hillenbohn." The driver commented as he puled up the horses. He motioned the groom down to help her.

"I know, but I'd rather not stand around wainting." She handed off her bag and the groom opened the door before tying her bag on with the others.

Sray didn't have anything to eat. She had barely managed to choke down something for breakfast before heading out.

What had she gotten herself into? Sharing a room with four other girls with just vauge privacy afforded by the separate toilet and curtained showers. All day every day for the next six weeks with people she didn't know in an unfamiliar place carrying her secret all by herself.

writing, miniwrimo, lemyes

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