Miniwrimo Tag neunzehn und mehr

Nov 19, 2015 21:26

Goal: 100
Words: 213

I didn't really write anything yesterday, but the good news is on average I am doing quite well for my word count!

"Do you mind if I have a few words, sir?" Silfia DeTowr asked as she walked up beside Danrick Mishor and matched his step.

"Of course," he responded without breaking stride.

"I don't think it would be appropriate for others to hear, it concerns a student. Would you mind a detour to yoir office?" Her eyes shifted briefly to the others who were walking the halls.

"Not at all." They turned down the next hall and then another before stopping at Mishor's door, which lacked a knob or handle to open it. Instead there was a slot centered amid four small, circular holes where it should have been. He held his hand in front of it as if cupping the knob. To untrained eyes nothing remarkable would have occured until he twisted his wrist, the latch clicked and he pushed the door open without ever touching it. He let Silfia DeTowr pass as he quickly dismanteled the near-invisible object he had created just to open the door. Silfia didn't have such precautions for her own office, but she also didn't keep private records pertaining to The Brotherhood in it.

"Have a seat, please Transom DeTowr." He motioned to the chair before his desk as he stepped around it and took his own seat.

I hadn't thought about it before today, but as I worked on this bit and was thinking about keys and doors I suddenly realized that with the Mime ability one could make some VERY effective door locking mechanisms. Mishor's door has no handle, but he can make one as needed. Not only that, but he can create the key that would activate the tumbler system inside the door. In order to do that one has to know the exact dimensions in their head to replicate it in a Mine object. This eliminates anyone with only a basic understanding of Mime structures and you can't make something in a space you can't see without knowing the dimensions. I guess lock-picking is a possibility, but I imagine with the ability to do strange angles it would take a long time to pick such a lock. The slot is obviously for the turn key portion and the four smaller holes are to offer stability and leverage. A nob and key combination would not be an easy thing to create either with the fine precision in matching the tumbler and moving parts.

Rolo had her surgery today to be spayed. The incision is much smaller than Appy's was (16 years ago!) and she is a bit sleepy and slow, which is perfectly understandable. The incision is so far back I am not sure she can physically reach it and she hasn't tried at all to get to it. Rolo is short and wide in the body, which limits her lateral and longitudinal flexibility. We found a low cost spay/neuter clinic because $400 was a bit much from the usual vet. We also had her microchipped so the total came to about a quarter of what her normal vet would have charged.

Chris dropped her off and picked her up as I was teaching lessons. The techs at the clinic dubbed her a love bug. She is a pretty friendly little dog. Well... maybe not little. She's apparently hit 23 pounds now according to the scale at the clinic.

Sometimes she sleeps funny.

Tristan helped me muck today. He actually filled two big black garbage bags by himself, so proud! Kelhan eventually joined us too and was a bit less effective than his brother, but that is okay. Tristan does have two years on him. The arena hadn't been done since last Friday so it was in some serious need. It's amazing how much quicker it dries out without the manure retaining moisture.

Boys being helpful as I wrap up one of the bags.

Now I just need to make the time to drag it weekly with the tire and it'll be pretty good. Some day a harrow/drag, which will help break up the wet spots and let them air as well as maybe turn up the dirt a bit so it isn't rock hard.

The final truck payment has been mailed *dances.*

pictures, miniwrimo, rolo, lemyes

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