Wann hab' ich Zeit...

Sep 14, 2015 09:20

I'll scan these things in and show them off properly. These were at the beginning of August the day before Kelhan got his hair cut. That child's hair was out of control. Marty is still disgruntled about the cut, but that's okay. The curls didn't die because I cut it and they will be back soon. He went almost 18 months without a haircut, it was time!

Kelhan loves riding the bikes. We have two little push bikes the boys cruise around on at home and Kelhan is just tall enough to operate his now. Tristan zips around like a mad man and can balance for quite the distance on his own. I will be SO HAPPY when not-summer arrives and I can let them run around outside without having to worry about them getting overheated. It's supposed to be under 100 all week. The end is near!

Yesterday I was looking up possible places to process the 4x5 and it looks like Tempe Camera does it. They will also do pretty much everything else and I could just get the film processed and not get prints, which would save some. Granted I thoroughly enjoy visiting Mr. Grant and don't mind giving him my business as I have for the last 15 or so years.

I do like that the 645 has the option to go up to 1/1000 for the shutter speed. I still love the Mamiya (and I guess I should just start calling it the RB since they are both Mamiyas), but the lenses I have only go up to 1/400. I do need to break out the instant film some day soon and play with that. I think my problem with the previous packs was they were so old the adhesive for the tabs was toast. It wasn't fun having to use tweezers to pull what was left of the paper out so I could access the print! I look forward to a more pleasurable experience next time.

I am also looking into getting a changing bag for the 4x5 film because you have to load the film sheets into the individual holders and had a vague idea of processing my own film, but I haven't processed film since high school and I just sent off my old Paterson tank (figures). I would also have to sacrifice a roll in order to re-learn how to reel the film with confidence let alone thinking about where and how to store the chemicals. That and the 4x5s require a separate set-up to process than the 35 or 120 film. Let's not forget having the time to sit there and agitate it while it processes so no, self-processing will have to wait until I have something like free time and no toddlers to get into it.

tristan, photography, family, kelhan, mamiya 645

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