Zehn Haiku

Sep 14, 2015 19:13

A writing prompt from spirithorse21: "Post 10 random facts about youself in the form of 10 haikus. Bonus if they can be read together to tell a sort of story."

Nothing like a story, but ten random facts.

Slumber came easy
in places often thought strange
a well-rested child.

Forced to half-smile once
through the effects of palsy
Chris still thought me cute.

One concussion 'nough
Committed after to helmets
Didn't even fall.

Played soccer in youth
loved playing games and to run
quit, practice drills dull

Slow literacy
spent hours trying to read well
never a glance back.

Due dates on birthdays
brothers held their promises
I rebelled early.

Determined not to;
leave dating for post degree.
Married second year.

And then I came to realize
work with them, not on.

Forever seeks learning
strong desire to share all known
natural teacher.

Fascinating worlds
species, language, religion
all from a lone mind.


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