Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora & Mai Otome 17

Feb 06, 2006 05:00

First for Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora. This story promises to turn into yet another one of those anime that could drive any man to drink, with not a dry eye in the house. An ever lovly story of two young adults around 17 in age living in a hospital. One, our boy hero Yuuichi, could be out by the end of the summer if he would do what he's told and rest. The other, Rika is in need of a heart transplant urgently or she won't live to see 20.

With only 6 episodes, its half way done and the story continues to show that there is little to no limit of how much joy someone can have in one day while everyone around them is close to drowning in the depths of dispair over the hoplessness of the situation. Even Yuuichi by the end of episode three is in tears when he realizes that Rika knows how hopless the situation is, and yet she's still trying to get by.

Episode 3 synopsis: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2006/02/05/hanbun-no-tsuki-ga-noboru-sora-03/

Mai Otome 17

The time has finally come. The first death of one of the students at the hand of one of her friends and roommates! I realize that its really sad, but I'm finally happy that this series is moving someplace. Episode 17 synopsis: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2006/02/02/mai-otome-17/.

Random Curiosity, the blog...

I'm sure that a lot of people know about this blog, but even I'm impresses! With Blood+ officially licensed, I've been watching the raw episodes. Thankfully Random Curiosity is kind enough to give everyone good synopsis to read before or after.

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