Unconventional Christmas

Dec 07, 2013 01:38

Title: Unconventional Christmas
Rating: PG-13 (dicks man)
Pairing: Sehun/Suho
Warning: naked Sehun ahA
Genre: fluff, humour I guess?
Length: 700 Words
Summary: Suho wakes up on Christmas only to find a very strange present under his tree.
A/N: idek what im doing anymore someone needs to stop mE
For Exo Shipping Challenge

Unconventional Christmas

Junmyeon rubbed his eyes with his fists, groggy and hung-over. The night before, Sehun had come over to watch a movie, but they had ended up drinking and cuddling in Jumyeon's over-sized bed. They stayed up until three, whispering in each others ears and curling fingers through their hair. Sehun had fallen asleep first, his head heavy on Jumyeon's chest. It hadn't taken long for Jumyeon to doze off to the soft sounds of Sehun breathing, arms wrapped around his boyfriend, their legs tangled together at the end of the mattress.

When he woke up though, he was alone in bed. He heard no other sounds in his apartment, so Sehun must've gone to get food or something. Junmyeon shuffled out of his bedroom, intense headache making him squint against the bright light shining through the window. In the kitchen, he poured himself a bowl of cereal, and checked his phones notifications and oh - it was Christmas. Weird.

Junmyeon lifted his gaze so that he was staring through his apartment window, and watched a flurry of snow swirling down, down, falling lightly on the empty streets. Although it may look like Christmas, it certainly didn't feel like it. Junmyeon knew he wouldn't be getting many presents this year either. At least nothing meaningful.

He didn't mean to be a Grinch, but Junmyeon didn't really enjoy Christmas anymore. Instead of traditional Christmas, which was about giving thanks and spending time with your family, now it had turned into just another holiday companies exploited to gain more money.

After cleaning up his breakfast (lunch), Jumyeon shuffled into the living room, planning to watch TV. He glanced at the decorated tree in his living room, something he only had because Sehun had insisted.

At first uninterested, he took a double take, because under the tree was ???? Sehun???? Naked?!?!

Well - ok, not entirely naked. He had a large red bow on his dick to keep him semi-decent.

Junmyeon was in a state of shock, and his face showed it. His jaw was about to be dislocated, and his eyes showed confusion and surprise. Sehun, meanwhile, was fast asleep under the tree, goose bumps covering his limbs and a few plastic pine-needles in his hair.

"Sehun," Junmyeon called. He stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. He tried again, and this time, Sehun's eyes cracked open a little.

"Shit," he sat up quickly and brought his hands to his head, squeezing his eyes shut. "Merry Christmas Junmyeon," he said, face breaking out in an obnoxious grin.

"Sehun, what the fuck are you doing." Junmyeon had gathered his wits by now, and was standing with his arms crossed a safe distance from his naked boyfriend.

"Surprise! I'm your Christmas present!" Sehun stood up and approached Junmyeon. "Do you like it?" he whispered into Junmyeon's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"It's minus-ten degrees outside, you are naked except for the bow on your dick and your hair is sticking up in seven different places." Junmyeon put a hand on Sehun's chest and pushed him back a little. "And you still smell like alcohol."

Sehun pouted as he tried (to no avail) to smooth his hair down on his head, and smelled his breath (he may have gagged a little). "So you don't like it?" His expression and tone of voice were both sad, and Junmyeon suddenly felt a little bad. After all, Christmas was Christmas, and it's the thought that counts.

His hard expression softened and he took both of Sehun's hands into his own. "It's not that I don't like it. It's just. Not practical. And badly planned." Sehun's expression had turned to a smile, but then quickly returned to a pout. "But I still love you?"

Sehun giggles a little and leaned forward until he and Jumyeon were nose-to-nose. "I love you too." He moved to connect their lips but Junmyeon dodged him, moving his head backwards. Sehun's expression changed to dejected.

"Go brush your teeth first. Then we can kiss as much as you want. Also put on some clothes. I'm getting cold just looking at you." Sehun smiled again and skipped away.

Maybe Junmyeon did get something meaningful for Christmas.

suho, sehun, exo shipping challenge, seho, fanfic

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