kiss kiss kiss baby

Dec 15, 2013 11:39

Title: kiss kiss kiss baby
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kai/Luhan
Genre: fluff
Length: 1.8k
Summary: Jongin is pretty sure its not the alcohol that drove him to it.
A/N: I wrote this at like 7 a.m. and haven't edited it IM SORRY also ive had this idea for a few weeks and i??? this is what i had to go on
For Exo Shipping Challenge

kiss kiss kiss baby

Jongdae and Sehun had managed to drag Jongin out to a club on a Wednesday night, two days before a major final. Then they'd lost him in the crowd. Jongin had already drunk quite a bit by now - he'd been at the club for over an hour now and they'd pre-gamed before - and he was lurching through the sea of sweaty, dancing people, looking for the guys. He gave up for a bit and danced, but there were far too many people rubbing up against him and he was too far-gone to enjoy it, so he took a seat at the bar and nursed a half-empty glass of water until Sehun grabbed him arm and pulled him into a cab.

Sehun and Jongdae were talking loudly and Jongin was sprawled across the backseat, giggling drunkenly. Jongin didn't notice the cab stop, or being pulled into the elevator of their dorm building, or even when Sehun dragged out of the elevator when they reached the fifth floor. He did remember shuffling into his dorm room shared with Junmyeon, Kyungsoo and Luhan though, but his memory failed him again when he found himself standing in the doorway of their bathroom.

Luhan was washing his face in the sink, and when he looked up he sent a little smile through the mirror at Jongin. There were still some water droplets on his face and the tips of his hair was wet and his eyes may have been a little blood-shot, but to Jongin, he had never looked better.

So that was why, a few seconds later, Jongin had Luhan pressed up against the wall, hand twisted into the front of his white tee shirt. One moment he was looking into Luhan's eyes, the next all he could see was black and all he could feel was the sensation of Luhan's lips on his.

By now Jongin was certain Luhan was kissing back, so he pushed a bit further, swiping his tongue over Luhan's lower lip before licking his way into his mouth. Luhan's hands moved to thread through Jongin's hair, pulling his head closer to his own as if he wanted more.

Jongin kissed the corner of Luhan's mouth, then kept going, starting to kiss down his neck. He pressed and open-mouthed kiss to Luhan's neck, and started lapping at the skin with his tongue. There was a tiny noise from Luhan, who's head was thrown back, mouth parted. Jongin froze. Luhan froze.

That was definitely a moan.

Jongin looked down, wide-eyed, into Luhan's eyes, and Luhan turned away from his gaze, embarrassment evident in the color of his now red face.

"I'm sorry I didn't - I mean that wasn't - goodnight." Luhan pushed past Jongin who was still in a drunk state of shock and entered his single room, closing the door with a harsh slam.

Jongin stood still for a Very Long Time, before Kyungsoo came into the bathroom and told him to, "go the fuck to bed if you aren't going to study."

He remained awake in bed for quite a while, before sleep finally over came him, and Jongin drifted off to sleep.


Luhan was ignoring him.

Before the exam, Jongin hadn't really noticed, as he'd been caught up in his books and notes, studying for his life. After the exam though, it hit him hard. Normally Luhan would invite Jongin out for food, or ask him to go shopping with him, but Jongin barely got spared a glance before Luhan yelled out, "Junmyeon! Let's go get Thai food!"

Jongin's face fell when Luhan and Junmyeon walked out the door, Luhan shouting a goodbye to Kyungsoo but /not to him/. He stood there looking at the door for quite a while until Kyungsoo emerged from his room, hair wet from a shower, and said, "hey, I'll make food ok?" He patted Jongin's shoulder reassuringly, obviously having caught on that something had upset him.

Jongin didn't move for a few more minutes, eventually turning back to his bedroom door, falling onto his bed clumsily and curling up, wrapping his comforter around him.

It really was comforting.

At a loss, Jongin decided it would be best to ignore Luhan for a few days, to try to figure out what the pounding in his chest meant.

"This isn't because of the kiss, is it?" He muttered to himself, buried under a pile of blankets, arms wrapped around his legs in the fetal position.

He heard Luhan call Kyungsoo's name outside his door and his chest ached a little more.

"I'm going to talk to him."


It was 4 in the morning, and Jongin was awake, not having gone to bed the night before. He took a quick shower, cleaning the sweat off his body and rinsing the grease from his hair.

He really was a mess.

Back in his room, Jongin laid out a nice outfit, his best sweater and a nice pair of dark jeans. Pillows were stacked onto his bed, a thick fleece blanket draped across them, making a pillow fort. Jongin slithered under the blanket and sat up underneath, pulling out a pencil and notebook to record ideas.

After four hours of this, Jongin was pressed to the bed under the blanket, the pillows fallen to the ground. He had the mechanical pencil dangling from his lips, and two lines written on the paper.

One of them said, in all caps, "Don't be a dumbass, tell him you fucking like him." Jongin wasn't very susceptive to harsh words, so went with his other idea.

Yeah, the other one was gold.


On Saturdays, Luhan had a routine. He would wake up at seven, go out for coffee with Minseok who lived across the hall at eight, then at nine he would go for a long walk around the park near their campus with Zitao, Yixing and Kris. At eleven, he'd come back to the dorm for lunch (which Kyungsoo always made on Saturdays) and then he'd just lounge around the dorm for the rest of the day. It had been the same routine since Jongin had first moved in to the fifth floor over a year ago, and he'd been told Luhan's had the same routine since he first started school, almost three years ago. So Jongin knew he had plenty of time - three hours, to be exact - to set up his plan to woo Luhan.

Jongin called in the help of all the other residents of the fifth floor. Within no time, the job was done, and, Jongin checked his watch, Luhan would be back in thirty minutes.

"Ok! I'm going to text Kris, everyone, make sure you aren't in the hallway or else it might not work!"

When everyone had left the hallway, Jongin rushed back into his bedroom to put on the clothes he'd laid out a few hours before, washed his face, and brushed his teeth until they shone white. With a bit of mousse he tried to fix his bangs so they didn't flop into his eyes awkwardly, and then made sure he put on deodorant before waiting just inside the door of his dorm room.

The elevator dinged, and there was the sudden appearance of four voices speaking loudly in Chinese. Jongin took a bit of Chinese in high school, and now in University, so he was able to understand snippets of the conversation

"Wow what's this?" Zitao said, gesturing to the ceiling. There were small sprigs of green leaves everywhere, a few small, white berries peeking out from the duct tape on every stem.

"Why is this taped to the ceiling? And why did they use duct tape?" Luhan added, looking down the hall only to see it taped across the whole ceiling.

Jongin thought this was the perfect opportunity to step out from his hiding place in the door frame, clasping his hands behind his back and sending a nervous smile in Luhan's direction.

"Yixing, I forgot something in your room can I go get it?" Luhan started to turn toward Yixing, Baekhyun and Chanyeol's shared room on his left when Kris grabbed his arm and said, "Nuh-uh you're dealing with this." Luhan screeched a little and Jongin took a few steps forward, wrapping his hands around Luhan's arms solidly, keeping him in place while the other Chinese students went back to their dorms.

Luhan kept his face to the ground, not looking up even when Jongin called his name softly. "Luhan," Jongin said, again, "will you please look at me?" His head moved up slowly, eyes finding Jongin's and looking deep into them.

Jongin took a deep breath, and then another and- "So I know I kissed you and I mean I thought you liked it? Because... you know..." Luhan's face turned pink and he pressed his lips together tightly. "Anyway, I mean, I guess you didn't and I'm really sorry, but it sucks that you're ignoring me? Because this whole thing has made me figure out that I really, really like you, and it's okay if you don't like me to, but I think it would be nice if you would stop ignoring me, because that's really too painful." Jongin barely breathed during his confession, and afterwards, he cradled his head in his hands, waiting for Luhan's answer.

It was silent for a few minutes, until Jongin looked up and saw Luhan staring at him, eyes crazy wide, slack-jawed. When they made eye contact, Luhan's trance was broken and he took Jongin's hands into his own. "I think I really, really like you too." Luhan lets go of Jongin's hands and tries to wrap his arms around him for a hug. Before he can, Jongin stops him and puts his arms back down at his sides. Confusion is written all over Luhan's face, and Jongin can tell he's hurt.

"As good as hugs are, I kind of taped mistletoe everywhere for a reason. You have to kiss me. It is Christmas law." Luhan giggles a bit when Jongin leans in and presses chapped lips to Luhan's own soft ones, making a nice contrast in the kiss. Jongin pulls away, but only a little, so his forehead is still resting against Luhan's. "I think these things are better when sober."

"You're such a sap," Luhan chuckles. And when Jongin pulls away more, to put his arm around Luhan and lead him to their room, there is sudden applause and they both look up to see all the other residents of the fifth floor standing at their doors, clapping and cooing.

Everyone laughed when the couple blushed, and they hurried into their room away from prying eyes.


For the first time since he'd started university, Luhan's Saturday morning routine has changed a little.

He may cut his coffee dates with Minseok short, and he's taken a full hour out of his walk with the rest of the fifth floor China-line.

But that's okay, because this time is now filled with late-morning cuddling with Jongin in his bed, sometimes some lazy kissing, and a whole lot of love.

kai, exo shipping challenge, luhan, fanfic, lukai

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