Throbbing Music Boners 2007

Mar 13, 2007 22:04

So today I was thinking of all the fucking awesome shit I've heard so far this year and how I should make a list to kind of keep track of it. You know so at the end of the year I can remember all the records I listened to, sometimes with little notes.

I'm making it public because maybe something here will interest someone. If you are wondering about something, ask. I'll probably be excited.

Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity
Menomena - Friend or Foe
Deerhunter - Cryptograms (however, their self-titled debut is better)
Apples in Stereo - New Magnetic Wonder
dälek - Abandoned Language ("PARAGRAPHS RELENTLESS" yesssssssssssssss)
Frog Eyes - Tears of the Valedictorian (probably my favorite Frog Eyes record)
El-P - I'll Sleep When You're Dead
!!! - Myth Takes
Hot Cross - Risk Revival
Papercuts - Can't Go Back
Blonde Redhead - 23
Raccoo-oo-oon - Behold Secret Kingdom
Clipd Beaks - Hoarse Lords (ASDGLJASDGL:AJSDGLKJASDGLKJSADG!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It's the second week of March. This year is going to be out of control. The Clipd Beaks album is amazing. AMAZING.
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