Mar 11, 2007 22:45
So, sometimes The Internet upsets me greatly. This is one of those times. So below is a news segment that ran on the Grand Forks, North Dakota news recently. It's about emo. The new dangerous fad that's going to ruin all the kids. So like, you know when people don't get things and take them all at face value? That's what this news story is in a nutshell. Oh my god.
I can't even explain how terribly embarassed to be from North Dakota I am now.
I am 25 today, for those that didn't know. The last year of a tangible benefit for getting older: my car insurance was cut in half. I spend the weekend in Winnipeg which is good times as always. And there's a huge ass pan of pumpkin bars upstairs for me to eat, birthday cake wins.
Tonight while driving home, I had to use the restroom in a gas station. And there was a condom machine on the wall. You know, this isn't something I see all that often. And staring at it I couldn't help but think of what a scary goddamn thing they are. I mean, condoms in and of themselves seem so... fragile. A thin sheath of latex that's not only supposed to keep you from getting an extremely uncomfortable infection upon your genitals, but also to keep you from bringing an unplanned life into the world?
But like... out of a vending machine? To put the faith into that? I don't have faith when I buy a candy bar from a vending machine that it won't be all stale. And generally you'd think that you'd have a condom available if you were planning for the sexings. So like, unplanned sexing, plus sketchy condom? I'm not a gambler. That just scares me.
But you know it probably wouldn't be a problem if people weren't so freaked out by the idea of condoms. If kids, I don't know, had a decent sex education program they were exposed to growing up, maybe that would do something.
I hope our generation isn't so... ignorant when it comes to this. I already fear for the next generations with how ignorant we are already.