Forever After Pt 109/115 (Working Through Sequel)

Feb 17, 2011 14:47

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 109

Flash Forward 2027

Adam sat with his chin pressed against his chest as the crowd screamed around him. “What's happening?”

“Are you talking to your crotch?” Kris asked in a confused tone as he looked at his husband.

“Is Sebastian bleeding or not?”

“There's blood,” Kris answered. “I just don't know if it's his or the other guys.”

“Who's winning?”

“I have no idea,” Kris shrugged.

“Why are you so calm?” Adam yelled over the crowd. “Our son is up there getting hit.”

“He seems to be the one doing all the hitting,” Kris yelled back. “And he's had a lot of these fights now. We have to get used to it at some point.”

“Never,” Adam said shaking his head. “I'm praying for the day he wants to become a dancer.”

“You've got a better chance of Jacob joining the school football team,” Kris scoffed.

“Hey,” Jacob pouted as he sat next to Kris. “I hear you guys, you know.”

“Sorry,” Adam mumbled.

“Me too,” Kris whispered patting his son's knee.

“I could join the football team,” Jacob pouted.

“Yeah, as the mascot,” Sophia smirked from behind Adam.

“I'll ground you,” Kris warned as he looked over his shoulder at his oldest child.

“Okay,” Sophia shrugged. “My feet are so swollen, I would enjoy the rest.”

“Smart ass,” Kris mumbled to himself causing Adam to laugh.

“Hey look,” Adam said pointing across the gym. “Gabe's here.”

“And he's huge,” Sophia pointed out. “When did he get muscles?”

“He's been training very hard the past couple of months,” Jacob remarked as he stood up from the bench. “Can I go see him?”

“Sure,” Adam smiled. “Remember to ask him.”

“Ask him what?” Sophia quizzed as Jacob began to walk away. “What's he asking?”

“He's asking Gabe out on a date.”

“He's doing what?” Sophia shouted out causing a few people to turn around.

“Keep your voice down,” Adam whispered. “Your brother is asking Gabe out on a date. Just one date.”

“He's twelve,” Sophia said annoyed. “I wasn't allowed to date at twelve. Hell I'm not allowed to date now.”

“There's a reason for that,” Adam said dryly.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sophia asked as she looked across the gym where Jacob and Gabe stood talking.

Adam looked across the gym. “I'm sure it will be fine. Right Kris?”

“I...” Kris paused as Gabe reached forward to fix Jacob's bowtie. “He's touching him.”

“And?” Sophia sighed. “You think they are going to date and not touch each other.”

Adam watched as Jacob reached up to fix Gabe's hair. “Jacob's touching him too.”

“Crap,” Kris groaned. “This isn't good.”

“Did you two really think they wouldn't touch?” Sophia scoffed. “You two are really clueless.”

“Maybe this date thing isn't a good idea,” Kris sighed heavily.

“We've said they could now,” Adam pointed out. “And it looks like Jacob's just asked.”

Kris looked across the gym to find Jacob and Gabe hugging. “Crap.”

“Hey.” Kris and Adam jumped at the sound of Sebastian's voice.

“Hey buddy,” Kris smiled. “Fight over?”

“I won,” Sebastian answered dryly as he pulled off his boxing cloves. “Why do you guys come? It's not like you watch me fight or anything.”

“We're trying to be supportive parents,” Adam answered.

“But you don't watch me.”

“Because I happen to love your pretty face,” Adam said taking Sebastian's face between his hands to inspect his injures. “I hate seeing you get hit.”

“I'm fine,” Sebastian sighed. “Just a few cuts.”

“You do know you are pretty, don't you?” Adam asked as he pressed Sebastian's cheeks together. “You are like a young Leonardo Dicaprio.”


“He's nothing like Leo,” Sophia scoffed as she stood up. “Leo's gorgeous.”

“And so is your brother,” Adam remarked as he studied Sebastian's face. “You look a bit like River Phoenix too.”

“I don't know who that is,” Sebastian said pulling his cheeks away from his Papa's grasp. “I want to be like Rocky.”

“I can see that,” Adam smiled. “Maybe you could change your boxing shorts into gold shorts.”

“Huh?” Sebastian frowned.

“He means Sylvester Stallone,” Kris pointed out with a smirk. “Not Rocky from Rocky Horror.”

“Oh,” Adam frowned. “Well that's not cool.”

“Let's just get home so we can get ready for the date,” Kris said standing up. “Well done winning your fight buddy.”

“Thanks Daddy,” Sebastian smiled wide.

“Yeah, well done,” Adam smiled as he leaned down to kiss Sebastian's lips. “Do you know how many girls loved Leo when he first came out?”

“Do you know how many people saw Rocky when it first came out?” Sebastian replied.

“Just go get dressed so we can leave,” Adam sighed as he pushed Sebastian towards the locker room.

“Did I just win an argument with you?” Sebastian quizzed as he began to walk backwards towards the locker room.


“I did, didn't I?”

“I have baby pictures in my wallet,” Adam threatened with a smile.

“I'm going,” Sebastian said quickly as he began to run away.


“This is like some sort of bad eighties sitcom,” Kris whispered as the lights of the movie theater went out.

“Are you saying we've turned into one of those crazy fathers that have to follow their kids on dates just so they don't get up to anything?” Adam whispered back as he dipped his hand into the popcorn bucket.

“It's sad isn't it?”

Adam looked down the front of the theater where Jacob and Gabe sat. “They aren't really sitting that close.”

“They know we're watching them,” Kris shrugged as he stuffed his mouth with popcorn. “Should we go wait outside?”

“And miss this?” Adam said pointing towards the screen.

“It's an action movie,” Kris pointed out. “You really want to watch a teenager take down the whole world to save the girl he loves?”

“Well he's got his shirt off and it's only five seconds into the movie.”

“Oh,” Kris laughed looking at the screen. “Now I know why they picked this one.”

“Are you saying my sweet innocent son likes good looking teen actors ?” Adam asked with a raised eyebrow.

“He has about six posters of that actor on his bedroom wall,” Kris pointed out.

Adam took a look at the screen. “At least he's got good taste.”

“Hey,” Kris warned as he tugged on Adam's chin to make him turn and look at him. “Stop checking out nineteen-year-old actors.”

Adam let his eyes scan over Kris's body. “Can I cheek you out instead?”

“You could...”

“Would you two please be quiet,” came a voice behind them. “Some of us are trying to check out the cute nineteen-year-old.”

“Cheeks?” Kris asked as he turned around to find Brad and Cassidy sitting behind him. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We went to your place and Sophia told us you were here,” Cassidy whispered. “We need to talk.”

“Okay,” Adam said giving Kris an unsure look. “What's wrong?”

“Come outside,” Cassidy whispered before standing up.

“This isn't good,” Kris whispered as he followed Adam along the row of seats until he got to the end.

“When has bumping into Brad ever been a good thing.”


“What the hell are you both talking about?” Adam snapped as he looked around the busy parking lot. “You followed us here to tell us that?”

“It's important,” Brad sighed. “It has to be done.”

“Well you both do it then,” Kris snapped.

“We are already doing it,” Cassidy explained.

“So we've set up an appointment for next week,” Brad said.

“We are not going to couples therapy,” Kris said through gritted teeth. “Our marriage is fine.”

“That's what we thought,” Brad said giving Cassidy a look. “We learned differently.”

“What's going on?” Adam asked Cassidy.

“Brad wanted us to talk things through before we became grandparents,” Cassidy shrugged. “Some things came up.”

“He blames me for not being more successful in his career,” Brad blurted out causing Cassidy to role his eyes.

“I do not.”

“You said if we never got together you would be in New York by now.”

“And?” Cassidy snapped. “Who says I would be more successful in New York?”

“I know you resent me.”

“You know nothing,” Cassidy sighed. “I love you, you stupid little twink.”

Kris gave Adam a look before turning to look at Brad. “What the hell does this have to do with us?”

“You're both going to be grandparents too,” Brad explained. “You need to sort out your marriage before the baby comes. I don't want my grandchild coming from a broken home.”

“Is he serious?” Kris asked looking at Adam.

“Sadly yes,” Adam sighed. “Brad we are not going to couples therapy. We don't need to.”

“I've already made the appointment,” Brad shrugged.

“Well unmake it,” Kris snapped.

“We've already paid for it,” Brad snapped back. “You are going and I don't care how much you both pout.”

“Is he serious?” Kris repeated. Adam shrugged his shoulders causing Kris to sigh heavily. “I'm not doing it.”

“Maybe it's not a bad idea,” Adam said quietly.

“Are you serious?” Kris snapped.

“One session to shut him up,” Adam whispered.

“That's what I thought,” Cassidy sighed. “That was ten sessions ago.”

“So it's sorted,” Brad said clapping his hands before he looped his arm through Adam's and tugged him back towards the movie theater. “You are going to have so much fun.”

“How the hell did this happen?” Kris sighed as he began walking beside Cassidy.

“Don't fight it,” Cassidy whispered. “I tried that. Now I have to go twice a week alone because the therapist said I have commitment issues.”

“Great,” Kris sighed as he followed Adam and Brad into the theater.


“He's watching us again,” Sophia sighed as she sat back against the sofa.

“I think he's afraid we're dating,” Tye whispered.

“Why's he so worried?” Sophia asked rolling her eyes. “It's not like you can get me pregnant again.”

“I think he's more worried about me being straight.”

“You mean he still won't accept you're straight?” Sophia asked with a raised eyebrow.

“He's not forcing me to be gay or anything,” Tye shrugged. “He would just prefer of I wasn't straight.”

“No offense, but your Dad is crazy,” Sophia remarked dryly.

“I can't argue with that,” Tye smiled. “I just wish he would get over it all. I mean, isn't he supposed to be more annoyed that I had sex at the age of fourteen?”

“At least he's not sending you to that camp anymore,” Sophia mused. “I don't think you would have enjoyed learning how to do drag properly.”

“Please,” Tye scoffed. “I learned that years ago. I was Gaga for Halloween one year. The next year it was Madonna.”

“How the hell are you not gay?” Sophia asked with a smirk. “I mean, you've had all the training and everything.”

“He's still there,” Tye whispered pointing towards the kitchen.

“Want to freak him out?” Sophia smirked.

“Not really,” Tye answered unsure.

“Kiss me.”

“Sophia,” Tye warned. “We shouldn't play anymore games.”

“He's making your life a misery,” Sophia pointed out. “You need to teach him a lesson.”

“I really don't want to.”

“Just one kiss,” Sophia smiled as she slid closer to Tye.

Tye stole a glance towards the kitchen. “On the cheek.”

“What am I, your Grandma?” Sophia snapped. “A five second kiss on the lips.”

“Tye stole another glance at his Dad before nodding his head. “But I'm counting.”

“Okay,” Sophia smiled. “Ready?”

“Not really, but let's do it,” Tye sighed heavily before pressing his lips against Sophia's.


Tye pulled away quickly at the sound of his Dad's scream. “Great, now he's calling for backup.”

“Oh that was fun,” Sophia giggled. “I haven't heard anyone scream that loud since my Papa tried to out sing Mariah on the karaoke machine.”

“Our kid is going to be evil isn't it?” Tye groaned as Sophia continued to giggle.


Kris sat down on the sofa next to Gabe as the younger boy shifted uncomfortable beside him. “So you liked the movie?”

“I'm not really into romantic movies,” Gabe shrugged.

“Romantic?” Kris scoffed. “It ended with the guy blowing the bad guys head off.”

“He did it for the girl he loves,” Gabe explained.

“Right,” Kris nodded. “I guess it's more Jacob's thing.”

“I don't think Jacob actually watched the movie,” Gabe sighed. “Kris, is Jacob okay?”

“Why?” Kris frowned. “What's he said?”

“That's the point,” Gabe said. “He hasn't said anything to me since I got here. I do all the talking and he answers as little as possible. I think there's something seriously wrong with him.”

“I think it's just a weird time for him,” Kris explained. “You're the first boy he's every really...well most of his other friends are girls.”

“I'm more than a friend to him,” Gabe said.

“Right,” Kris sighed as he looked at the living room door. “Would you rather talk to Adam about this? He's more understanding than I am.”

“Is Jake mad because I want to come out?”

“He's just...” Kris paused. “You want to come out?”

“Of course I do,” Gabe answered. “I hate lying to everyone.”

“But Jacob said you won't come out,” Kris said in a confused tone.


“He said you don't want to come out yet.”

“I've been wanting to come out for months,” Gabe explained. “It's Jacob that keeps stopping me. He said that coming out was the worst thing he's ever done. He feels like he's ruined his life.”

“He told you that?” Kris asked causing Gabe to nod his head.

“He says he's miserable because of it,” Gabe remarked just as Adam and Jacob came into the living room.

“What are you both talking about?” Jacob asked as he took a seat beside Gabe on the sofa.

“Football,” Gabe answered quickly before Kris could open his mouth. “We were talking about football.”

“Yeah,” Kris agreed. “We were talking about football.”

“Well you can stop that now,” Adam said rolling his eyes. “That new dance show is about to start.”

Kris looked across the sofa at his oldest son. “You okay there Jacob?”

“Sure,” Jacob smiled.

“You okay Daddy?”

“Sure,” Kris smiled back before turning to look at Adam.

“What?” Adam mouthed.

“Nothing,” Kris said with a fake smile before settling into Adam's side. “It's nothing.”

End Of Flash Forward 2027

forever after

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