Forever After Pt 108/115 (Working Through Sequel)

Feb 15, 2011 15:20

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 108

Flash Forward 2027

“Damn,” Jacob winced as he looked down.

“What?” Sophia asked with fear in her voice. “What is it?”

“You don't want to know,” Jacob shook his head in amusement as he looked back down at the scales Sophia was standing on.

“I do want to know,” Sophia complained. “Why the hell do you think I'm standing on them?”

“I didn't know someone could put on that much weight in only seven months,” Jacob smirked. “I just hope some of it is you. If it's not, this kids is going to be huge. I mean really huge.”

“Not helping Jacob,” Sophia snapped. “Just tell me what I weigh.”

“Remember when the ball rolled under Papa's car and we tried to pick up the car to get it back?” Jacob asked with a smirk.


“The weight of that car is nothing compared to you.”

“Jake,” Sophia pouted as she smacked her brother on the shoulder.

“Ow,” Jacob winced as he doubled over. “Watch what you're doing.”

“Relax I didn't hit you that hard.”

“Yeah but your man hands have some power behind them,” Jacob complained as he held onto his shoulder.

“I don't like you,” Sophia pouted.

“Join the club,” Jacob mumbled to himself.


“Nothing,” Jacob said shaking his head. “So do you want to watch a movie with me or something?”

“I want to be skinny again,” Sophia mumbled.

“And I want to be about four inches taller,” Jacob shrugged. “We can't always get what we want.”

“I can't wait until this baby comes out,” Sophia sighed as she stood in front of the mirror looking at her bulging stomach.

“I can't either,” Jacob smiled. “Daddy's taking me to get the rest of the paint for the nursery this week.”

“Why are you so excited about this?” Sophia asked as she turned to look at her brother. “I didn't even think you liked kids. You didn't bother much when Aunt Allison had Nicholas.”

“This is different,” Jacob shrugged. “This baby's going to be an Allen kid.”

“It's going to be a Haley kid,” Sophia corrected as she moved to sit down on the edge of her bed.

“So you and Tye are going to be together?” Jacob asked as he moved to sit down beside his sister. “Are you going to be a couple?”

“I think that might make Papa cry,” Sophia laughed. “Cry and then force Uncle Brad to send Tye to that gay camp he's been going on about for months.”

“Like Tye could be gay,” Jacob scoffed. “He's the straightest guy I know.”

“What about Gabe?” Sophia smirked.

“What about him?”

“He's pretty straight.”

“Except he's not,” Jacob pointed out.

“Are you two still close?” Sophia asked causing Jacob to roll his eyes.

“I'm not having this conversation with my sister.”

“Why not?”

“Because you're my sister,” Jacob answered.

“Who else can you talk to about these things with?” Sophia asked. “You're the only openly gay kid in school and I really don't think you want to talk to Papa and Daddy about this.”

“I really don't want to do that,” Jacob agreed.

“So your best option is me,” Sophia smirked. “I'm your best option.”

“That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard,”Jacob sighed.

“Shut up,” Sophia laughed as she smacked Jacob's shoulder again.

“Ow, Sophia,” Jacob winced. “Seriously, stop hitting me.”

“Oh stop complaining you little girl,” Sophia sighed. “Now tell me about Gabe.”

“You know all about Gabe.”

“Are you both still dating?”

“We've never really dated,” Jacob said quietly. “He's still not out and he doesn't want to do it until he's older. He said his Dad would freak.”

“So you've just got to sit and wait until he's ready?” Sophia frowned. “I don't like that.”

“It's not like I can date anyway,” Jacob pointed out. “I'm twelve.”

“But you're not really twelve,” Sophia remarked. “You're more mature than most.”

“Still doesn't mean Papa and Daddy will let me date,” Jacob remarked.

“Hey, at least you can't get anyone pregnant,” Sophia laughed causing Jacob to roll his eyes. “Come on, laugh a little.”

“Nothing is funny,” Jacob sighed heavily.

“What's wrong with you?” Sophia frowned. “You've been all serious for weeks now.”

“I've got a lot on my mind.”

“Like what?” Sophia scoffed. “What belt to wear with what pair of shoes.” Jacob stood up from the bed quickly causing Sophia to jump in fright. “Jake?”

“I have to go.”

“I was only joking.”

“I've got homework to do.”

“Don't be so sensitive,” Sophia called out as Jacob disappeared out of the bedroom door.


“How can he do that?” Kris whispered in his husband's ear as he nodded his head towards the sofa.

“He's an athlete,” Adam shrugged shifting on the Lazy Boy so that Elle to sit up beside him.

“Why is Sebastian drinking eggs,” Elle said pulling a face.

“He's an athlete,” Adam repeated before covering his mouth with his hand. “God that's disgusting.”

“It's good for you,” Sebastian said as he drank down the eggs. “They are going to help me win my fight tomorrow.”

“Are you going to make the other guy drink it too?” Elle asked causing Kris to laugh.

“Your sarcasm isn't funny,” Sebastian answered dryly.

“I was being serious,” Elle mumbled to herself.

“So are you going to have an early night before you fight tomorrow?” Adam asked as Sebastian broken another egg into a glass.

“I'm in the zone,” Sebastian answered.

“Does that mean he is going to sleep early?” Adam whispered.

“Yes,” Kris smiled. “He's in the zone.”

“I used to go to the zone every Friday night,” Adam whispered. “They played the best music.”

“The zone isn't a gay nightclub,” Kris whispered back.

“Sure it is,” Adam remarked. “Used to be right next to Kyle's cafe.”

“Sebastian's going to a gay nightclub so he can win his fight?” Elle asked confused.

“What?” Sebastian frowned.

“Nothing,” Adam and Kris said at the same time.

“They're making you go to a gay nightclub,” Elle said. “It's called the Zone. It's next to Kyle's.”

“Why?” Sebastian asked looking at his parents.

“We're not,” Adam answered.

“They play the best music,” Elle said causing Adam to put his hand over her mouth.

“She's making things up,” Adam said looking at his son.

“Whatever,” Sebastian shrugged before swallowing the glass of eggs.


Kris stood at the bottom of Sebastian's bed as he watched Sebastian and Elle sleep. “Should we just let her sleep there.”

“She'll only wake up and want to sleep in with us if we move her,” Adam remarked as he came to stand behind Kris. “Why is she in the bed with him anyway?”

“He was reading her a bedtime story and they both must have fell asleep.”

“Have you noticed how close these two have gotten since we've moved to LA?” Adam remarked as he moved to wrap his arms around Kris's waist from behind.

“I think Sebastian is trying his best to be the big brother,” Kris explained. “He's only the big brother to one, so he's putting all his energy into Elle. He's a sweet kid.”

“He's such a boy,” Adam whispered. “How have we raised such a boy?”

“I'd like to think he's learned from my manly ways,” Kris said seriously causing Adam to laugh.

“Baby, you're camper than I am.”

“Am not,” Kris whispered.

“Oh but you are,” Adam whispered as he pressed a kiss to Kris's ear. “We should get Jacob to bed.”

“Is he still trying to figure out his outfit for tomorrow.”

“Well Gabe's going to be there,”Adam smirked into Kris's hair. “He wants to look pretty.”

Kris let out a laugh as he looked back down at Sebastian. “How did we end up with two boys that are so different?”

“I guess we're just lucky,” Adam whispered before taking Kris by the hand to lead him out of the bedroom.


“Come on baby boy,” Adam whispered in Jacob's ear as he lay on the sofa. “Time for bed.”

“To tired,” Jacob yawned. “Just leave me here.”

“You won't get a good sleep on the sofa,” Adam whispered as he pressed a kiss against Jacob's ear. “Come on, Daddy's waiting in your room to give you a goodnight kiss.”

“I'm twelve,” Jacob mumbled into the sofa. “To old for goodnight kisses.”

“Never,” Adam smiled as he kissed Jacob again. “Come on.” Adam patted Jacob's arm to get him to move.

“Ow,” Jacob winced as he grabbed his shoulder.

“Jacob?” Adam frowned.

“I guess you're right,” Jacob said standing up and moving away from his Papa. “Sleeping on the sofa isn't comfortable.”

“Did I hurt you?” Adam answered as he followed Jacob up the stairs to his room.

“Of course not,” Jacob said with a forced smile. “How could you hurt me.”

“Is your arm sore?” Adam asked following Jacob into his room.

“What happened to your arm?” Kris asked as he sat on Jacob's bed.

“Nothing,” Jacob answered. “I just fell asleep funny.”

“So are you excited about Gabe coming to visit you?” Adam asked as he held back the covers for Jacob to climb in.

“He's not exactly coming to visit me,” Jacob shrugged. “He's coming to fight.”

“Are you both still...”

“We aren't dating,” Jacob sighed. “We're friends.”

“Okay,” Kris said with a forced smile. “Maybe in a few years you guys could try dating.”

“If he ever comes out,” Jacob mumbled to himself.

“He's only thirteen,” Adam pointed out as he moved to sit down on the edge of Jacob's bed. “Most gay thirteen-year-olds don't come out.”

“It doesn't really matter anyway,” Jacob said as he rolled onto his side. “We're only friends.”

Kris gave Adam a look before sitting down on the bed beside him. “Does it bother you that Gabe and you are only friends?”

“It's not important,” Jacob sighed. “I'm not allowed to date anyway.”

“What if you were allowed to date?” Kris asked.

“Like one date,” Adam added. “Maybe to see a film or something.”

Jacob looked up at his parents. “You would let us go alone?”

“We would let you sit together alone,” Kris answered, “but your Papa and I would have to be there too.”

“And you would have to ask Gabe out,” Adam smiled.

“So would that make you smile a little more?” Kris asked. “You've been very quietly lately.”

“Yeah,” Adam agreed. “We thought it was because you missed Conway.”

“I do miss Conway,” Jacob remarked. “But that's not why I'm quiet.”

“So it's all about Gabe?” Kris asked.

Jacob looked between both his parents before nodding his head. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

“Well, you ask him out when he comes, and we'll buy the popcorn.” Kris bend down to kiss the side of Jacob's head. “Just no kissing on the first date.”

“Or be very sneaky about it,” Adam smiled as he leaned over Jacob to kiss him.

“Ow,” Jacob winced causing Adam to pull away. “I'll never fall asleep on the sofa again,” Jacob half laughed causing Adam to frown at him. “Night Papa.”

“Night,” Adam said softly as he stood from the bed.

“Need another else?” Kris asked as he lead Adam towards the door.

Jacob shook his head. “Night Daddy.”

“Night, baby boy,” Kris whispered as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

Jacob waited until he heard Kris and Adam's bedroom door close before throwing back the covers and sitting up. Slowly he unbuttoned his pajama top to look down at the deep cut running across his shoulder. He let his fingers run over the red line, wincing as it stung.

End Of Flash Forward 2027

forever after

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