On A Night Like This 1/1 (Adam and Sauli)

Feb 18, 2011 18:26

I've never wrote a story with Adam in it that doesn't involve Kradam but this story came to me and I had to write it down. So enjoy if you are into this pairing.

On A Night Like This

“One more drink,” Adam yelled over the bad techno music being played in the dark club. Lane looked across the table of drinks to Tommy.

“Why don't we go back to the hotel and watch a movie,” Tommy suggested earning a groan from the rockstar.

“I want to party,” Adam announced. “I've been working so hard. Can't I just get one night off? One night to have fun?”

Adam had been working hard since the beginning of June. He hadn't had an actual day off since he left the states, so now sitting in this dark loud nightclub all he wanted to do was have fun. Not that being onstage wasn't fun, but he wanted more tonight. He wanted a night like he had before he was famous. When people didn't really care who he was, and getting laid was so much easier.

“Well, I don't think I can keep my eyes open any longer,” Tommy sighed out. “We have to be up at six.”

“Go,” Lane said waving her hand. “I'll stay.”

“You sure?”

“It's my job, isn't it?”

“I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lane laughed. “Just remember I'll be a big bitch in the morning.”

“And that's different from any other morning?” Adam laughed.

“I'm leaving before someone gets smacked,” Tommy laughed. “See you all in the morning.”

Adam watched quietly as his bass player made his way carefully through the dancing men. “Tommy's one of the good ones, isn't he?”

“Are we have the 'why am I alone' talk again?” Lane asked with a sense of dread in his voice. It was the same thing every time Adam got a little drunk. He would pick away at himself until he was left miserable and hungover.

“I just don't understand why I can't have what everyone else has,” Adam announced between sips from his glass. “I mean, I'm a nice guy. I could make someone happen.”

“I know you would honey,” Lane smiled. “Whoever gets you is going to be very lucky.”

“Why can't he come along now?” Adam asked on the verge of pouting.

“I'm going to go get the car,” Lane said gently as she stood from the table. “We can go back to the hotel and pig out on ice cream. Would you like that?”

“I would,” Adam smiled. “And then I'll get fat and no man will want me.”

“Five minutes,” Lane warned. “Don't make me come back in here to get you.”

Adam put on his best smile knowing it wouldn't fool Lane for a second. “I'm going to have one more drink, and then I'll be out.”

“I'll call ahead and get them to have the ice cream ready for us.”



“Thank you,” Adam said quietly. “I know this isn't part of your job.”

“It's part of being your friend though,” Lane gave Adam a warm smile before making her way through the crowd.


“Okay, I had more than one drink, but don't bitch at me,” Adam said quickly as he climbed into the passenger seat. “There was a cute guy, and...”


“Jesus.” Adam jumped back against the door at the sound of a strange voice. “You're not Lane.”

“I'm not.”

“This isn't my car.”

“It's not.”

Adam looked frantically around the car for any sign of something familiar. “I'm in the wrong car.”

“You are.”

Adam turned to look at the small blonde smirking at him. “I think I've made a mistake.”

“I think so,” the blonde smiled warmly.

“I am so sorry,” Adam said. “Oh this is so embarrassing. Your car is exactly like mine.” Adam grabbed the handle of the car door. “Really sorry.”

“Wait,” the blonde called out. “You probably shouldn't be wandering around out there on your own. You're not from here are you?”

“What gave it away?” Adam asked.

“I'm Sauli,” the blonde answered as he stuck out his hand.


“So you lost your girlfriend, Adam?”

“Manager.” Adam felt himself being pulled back into the car and the door closing.

“It's not the safest part of the city,” Sauli said. “You should call your manager, and tell her where you are.”

“I...” Adam felt around his jeans for his cell, “don't have my cell. It's back at the hotel.”

“You can use mine,” Sauli said offering his own cell.

“I don't know her number.” Adam continued to watch Sauli's face as he looked around outside.

“I don't think she's here. Maybe she went back to where you're staying.”

“Okay,” Adam said in a daze as he studied Sauli's face.

“I could give you...” Sauli paused as he looked up at Adam's face. “What?”


“You're staring.”


“You were staring,” Sauli laughed lightly. “Like you were in a daze.”

“I'm drunk,” Adam announced loudly. “I've had a busy couple of months.”

“Maybe I should get you back to your manager then,” Sauli laughed. “I'm sure she's missing you.”

“Uh huh,” Adam muttered as he went back to staring.

“Where are you staying, Adam?”


“What one?”

“I...it's a big one,” Adam shrugged weakly. “I'm sorry. I'm not normally this pathetic.”

“That's okay,” Sauli laughed. “Just think of the name of your hotel.”

Adam forced himself to look away from the cute blond sitting across from him. He had no idea why he got like this around people he liked, but it had been happening a lot since he became famous. Everywhere he turned there were gorgeous men to look at.

“Adam?” Sauli pressed. “Do you remember the name?”

“Sauli,” Adam answered.

“I mean the name of your hotel,” Sauli laughed.

“Oh... I knew that.”

“Uh huh,” Sauli laughed.

“You're mocking me,” Adam smiled.

“Uh huh,” Sauli answered with a smirk.

“I'm not normally this pathetic.”

“Uh huh.”

“You're lucky you're cute,” Adam pointed out. “I mean... okay, I really am this pathetic.”

“It's okay,” Sauli laughed. “I know I'm cute. I've been told before.”

“You're funny too,” Adam smiled.

“Uh huh.”

“I'm Adam,” Adam said sticking out his hand.

“We've already done this part.”

“I was a little distracted before,” Adam shrugged. “So, I'm Adam.”

“Sauli,” Sauli smiled as he accepted Adam's outstretched hand.

Adam tried his best not to shiver as he felt Sauli's soft hand press against his own. “Thanks for not freaking out about having a big American climb into your car uninvited.”

“Uh huh,” Sauli smiled.

“Wow, you really are mocking me.”

“I'm sorry,” Sauli laughed. “I guess you're just too cute not to tease.”

“I'm cute?” Adam asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I can't be the first person to tell you that.”

“Not the first,” Adam shrugged. “You might be the cutest.”

“I'm glad we can both agree that we're cute, but we really should find your manager before she calls the police.”

“It has stairs leading up to it.”

“What?” Sauli asked confused.

“My hotel,” Adam answered. “It's got stairs leading up to the entrance.”

“That's a start,” Sauli smiled before starting up his car. “There's a one a few minutes away. We'll start there.”

“Okay,” Adam said unsure as he watched the club disappear from his window. “I'm sure Lane wont freak that I'm riding in a car with a stranger.”

“Are you talking to me?”

“Myself,” Adam answered causing Sauli to laugh. “I promise you, I'm not this pathetic in real life.”

“So what are you in real life?” Sauli asked. “What does Adam do when he's not getting lost in strange countries.”

“I'm a...” Adam paused to look at the blond beside him. It didn't look like Sauli knew who he was by the way he was acting with him. Usually when people realized who he was they changed. They stopped being normal and started acting like they were in the company of a famous person. “I do a bit of everything,” he finished. “I'm a man of many talents.”

“Uh huh,” Sauli smiled.

“Well, what about you?” Adam asked with amusement in his voice. “What does the fabulous Sauli do?”

“A bit of everything. I'm a man of many talents.”

“Uh huh,” Adam said causing Sauli to laugh.

“Okay, Mr. Adam. Is this your hotel?”

Adam looked out the window at the tall building in front of him. “No.”

“No?”Sauli asked. “You sure? It's the closest one to the club.”

“It's not it,” Adam shrugged. “My hotel had darker walls.”

“Well let's keep searching,” Sauli said as he started up the car again. “There's another one a few minutes from here.”

“Okay,” Adam smiled as he settled back against the car seat.


“Are you sure?” Sauli asked. “It might have looked different in the day time.”

“That's not it,” Adam sighed. “I'm sorry. Driving around in the middle of the night with a stranger can't be that much fun for you.”

“It's okay,” Sauli smiled. “Now, tell me more about these fabulous boots you have.”

“Well, they're snake skin, and so comfy.”

“Uh huh,” Sauli teased causing Adam to giggle.


“I don't think your hotel is in this city,” Sauli sighed as he pulled the car to stop outside the nightclub they had been to. “We've been to every hotel in the city.”

“I'm sorry,” Adam sighed. “Maybe I should just let you go.”

“And ruin the last two hours I've spent getting to know you?” Sauli asked. “You can't get rid of me that easily, Lambert.”

“I just don't...” Adam paused with a frown. “How do you know my last name?”


“You used my last name,” Adam said. “I never told you my last name.”

“You didn't,” Sauli smiled weakly. “I already knew your name.”

“You know who I am, don't you?”

“It's hard not to,” Sauli shrugged. “It's even more hard when I spent two hours watching you sing onstage.”

“You were at my show?”


“Okay,” Adam said looking around. “Now, usually my fans are pretty cool. So please let you be one of those, and not one of the crazy ones that want my babies.”

“Oh I'm not a fan,” Sauli said holding up his hands. “I mean, I am a fan. I'm just not one of those. I don't want any babies from you.”

“Uh huh,” Adam said seriously as he looked around. “I should probably go.”

“No,” Sauli groaned. “Don't misunderstand me. I'm not crazy. You just didn't say who you were, so I didn't make a big deal about it. It's not like it matters or anything. I was just getting to know you.”

“Where was I born?”


“What state?”

“I have no idea,” Sauli shrugged. “Is it important?”

“What's my Mom's name?”

“We didn't talk about your parents.”

“What kind of car do I drive?”

Sauli looked around confused. “One like mine?”

“You don't know anything about me,” Adam frowned.

“I know you have snaked skin boots,” Sauli remarked. “And you eat ice cream when you're sad.”

“I told you all that,” Adam said rolling his eyes.

“Exactly, how else would I know about you?”

“From the internet,” Adam answered.

“I told you I wasn't one of those fans,” Sauli remarked. “I just like your music.”

“I'm sorry,” Adam groaned. “You see, this is why I'm single. I've put so many walls up, that when a cute guy does come along he can get through to meet me.”

“I've met you,” Sauli pointed out. “And we've both agreed I'm cute.”

Adam let out a small chuckle as he looked at the blonde. “Uh huh.”

“We should probably get you back to your hotel now,” Sauli said starting up the car. “Your manager probably has called the police.”

“Okay,” Adam breathed out. “If we're being honest now, I should probably tell you that...”

“Your hotel was the first one we went to,” Sauli interrupted with a smirk.

“You knew?”

“It's not everyday superstar Adam Lambert comes here,” Sauli shrugged. “It's been all over the news for days.”

“But you drove to seven hotels,” Adam frowned. “You knew all along where my hotel was, but you still pretended.”

“You looked like you needed the company,” Sauli shrugged. “Plus I got to learn a lot of interesting facts about you. Like how you love to dance, even when the music is bad.”

“I talk too much,” Adam groaned. “I haven't learned nearly enough about you.”

“Well, what would you like to learn?” Sauli asked as he started up the car.

“I'd like to learn your phone number for a start,” Adam said with a smirk.

“That's probably something I'd like to learn about you too,” Sauli smirked back.

“My cells back in my hotel room.”

“Well maybe I could come back and get it from you,” Sauli shrugged. “I mean, if that's what you want.”

“I want,” Adam smiled wide as Sauli pulled the car into the hotel parking lot.

one shot

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