Love Lights Your Way Through The Night.

Jul 13, 2008 06:37

Title: What Drives You?
Pairing: Inspex! (Inspector/X)
Rating: PG-13
Description: "What In This World Keeps Us From Falling Apart? No Matter Where I Go, I Hear The Beating Of Our One Heart."
Words: 3230
Notes: Dedicated to <3nautilusl2<3! Because she inspired me to write it in the first place XD It's originally based on a song mix drabble that can be found Here if you're really that interested.

Lyrics: "I Drove All Night" - Celing Dion ... Which is where I got the idea for the fic and the Description.

The day had been a jumbled mess of meetings and endless reports given by the various heads of the CIB regarding their particular cases. This was necessary ever so often as most cases usually interconnected somehow when it came to the underground crime syndicates involved in them. Even knowing that though he’d wanted nothing to do with any of it and hated that it was mandatory he be there, especially since he was close to some 600 miles away from his own bed. Which might’ve been alright could he have just hopped on a plane, but no, tickets were traceable after all and usually the less people that knew his whereabouts the better. So for security reasons it was better he drive the 10 some odd hours it took to get him there. Much too long a drive to make twice without sleep. This annoyed him all the more.

Inspector Detector sat on the edge of his hotel room bed, feeling the stress of the trip forming knots in his tired shoulders. He rubbed at them half heartedly knowing it wouldn’t do much good and he secretly wished the other man had been there to help, he was good at that. He sighed heavily as let himself fall back against the bed and stared at the ceiling. He had already tried twice now to get to sleep and found himself just completely unable to settle down despite his tired mind.

Sighing heavily, he pulled himself up and made his way towards the bathroom hoping against hope that a hot shower would release him from his restlessness. He quickly took his glasses off and set them on the sink then slid his boxers off and hung them over the towel rack before he stepped into the shower. He flinched at first, the cold water making him catch his breath but it made it all the more delicious as the water heated up and steam started rising around him. He rested his head against the cool shower tile, letting the water run over his shoulders and down his back.

When had everything become so monotonous? There had been a time when his entire trip would have just been an part of his regular routine. He’d have gone through the paces and been perfectly fine, but now, the whole thing just left him feeling restive… and alone.

His thoughts shifted to X and there he found his answer. He could imagine those intense eyes watching him and his heart beat a little faster. He could almost feel those fingers slipping down his skin in place of water droplets and he released a shuddering sigh.

They had known each other for over ten years now. What had started as a strategic alliance had, over the years, become a deep and understanding friendship. Inspector was the only person in the world that knew everything about the mysterious man known as Racer X and in return X knew an entirely different Inspector than anyone else. Both had a habit of holing themselves away from the world, yet it was Inspector that could make X smile whenever he got to thinking too much and it was X that could make Inspector to laugh himself to tears. It had been a bond they had both come to cherish.

Neither could tell when it had changed. It had been so subtle and flawless it just didn’t matter. That movement beyond the friendship into something completely uncharted. It had been X that had pressed him against the door leading out of his office, stopping mere inches from his face. He could have pushed X away, X had expected him to do so. But as they stared at one another, searching for everything and nothing within the other it had been Inspector that had reached up and curled his fingers into the loose folds of X’s leather collar and pulled him in.

Inspector leaned back, letting the heat of the water run down his face, pressing his lips together and rolling them out into another sigh. This wasn’t helping. He rubbed his face with his hands and flipped the shower handle off in frustration. One night alone shouldn’t have been having such an effect on him, he thought miserably as he brushed a towel over his hair then tossed it aside lazily and made his way to the bed…again… He stretched out and sighed…again.

He HAD to get some sleep he told himself silently. He raised up and turned the bedside lamp off and laid back, staring at the ceiling. The glare of his alarm clock annoyed him, reminding him of how late in the night it was and he grabbed the second pillow lying next to him and threw it over his face trying to block it out. Then came the sound of his wrist watch sitting on the bed stand… tick--tick--tick--tick--tick… louder than even his own heartbeat. Reminding him with each thunderous ‘tick’ that only one mere second had passed and he was still lying in his bed just as awake as he had been 10 minutes ago only now he had a pillow over his face and was clutching it violently. With a growl he flipped himself over and plopped the pillow on top of his head.

Maybe if he imagined he was in his own bed? The softness of clean, well broken in sheets below him and a soft, warm cashmere blanket pulled close around him. He smiled to himself, almost swearing he could feel the warmth of another body next to him in his own bed. He could almost breathe in that familiar spice that calmed him so… could almost reach out and just touch him.

Inspector’s eyes snapped open when he realized he’d reached out to nothing but the empty bed beside him. That was the reason he couldn’t sleep! It had nothing to do with being away from home… and everything to do with being away from X.

There was no way he could be acting like some love starved twit! He rolled over again, sighing heavily. Now that he’d figured it out he thought maybe it’d be easier to sleep. But as the minutes continued to pass and he stared blankly into the darkness, thoughts of home continued to harass him until finally he was imagining himself pulling into the driveway much earlier than originally planned.

Before the thoughts could even solidify completely in his mind he was up and moving around. Arguing with himself over the insanity of it all even as he packed the few thing he had lying around the hotel room with a smile on his face. Within minutes he stood staring at his room making a last inspection for missed items. Seeing nothing he slung his bag over his shoulder and stopped. He looked down and bit his lip, raising an eyebrow. He sat his bag back down and unzipped one of the pockets

“Clothes… clothes might be good.” He mumbled to himself, flushing at his major oversight. Love, it seemed, could turn even the most rational men into stark naked fools ready to take on the world.


Take on the world might not have been too far off from how the Inspector’s drive home was going. It seemed as though everything that could and might possibly go wrong… was.

Night time brought out the crazies he had once heard and he was finding out just how true that could be as it seemed the every other driver on the road was either just completely insane or lacking any intelligence at all.

One car had come completely out of nowhere and was suddenly riding his rear no matter how much faster he went or how harshly he seemed to slam on the breaks in warning. It wasn’t like they couldn’t have just gone around him so he was certain they were getting some kind of kick of screwing with him. He wished he’d had one of X’s fancy car gadgets on him. A well aimed tire shank or perhaps something a little more befitting the situation… like a rocket launcher. At one point Inspector even grinned diabolically imagining himself shooting one of their tires out with his gun. With a position as high as his any technicality that came out of it could have easily been brushed under the rug and forgotten. He sighed, hands tightening on his steering wheel as the car finally gunned its way past, seeming to be done with him. It would've only taken a small nudge to their backside to make them go spinning wildly out of control. He sighed yet again, silently damning the fact that he was such a peaceful man.


Inspector wasn’t sure if there was such a thing as mental karma but if imagining blowing up a car and laughing as it went up in flames constituted as bad mental karma then he was certain it had come to collect on him as he sat on the side of the road drumming his fingers against the steering wheel in annoyance. It wasn’t so much that he had a flat tire that annoyed him… it was the steady rain that had decided to start falling only about 10 minutes before the flat tire that made him curse under his breath. He was thankful that he’d at least had the foresight to wear a simple T-shirt and a pair of jeans for the trip home and not his suit as he finally convinced himself to get moving.

It shouldn’t have been such a difficult task. He knew how to change a tire and he had all the proper equipment to do so. Then when the car slipped off the jack suddenly sending the cars frame down and smacking his hand so that the lug nuts he was holding went skittering against the concrete in various directions he could only stare at his hand where the force and the sharp metal of the frame had sliced into it. Rain already carried blood away from the wound in thin rivulets and still without even really thinking about it a word escaped his mouth and that alone brought his focus back. He raised an eyebrow in disbelief not being able to recall any other time before then that he’d used such a word. Though it did seem entirely appropriate at the moment.

He finally got back into his car after crawling around in the dark to find the lug nuts and finally getting the new tire on. He was completely soaked and shivering at the cool night air, the only thought keeping him going was at least he was over half way home. He’d bandaged up his hand with items from the small first aid kit he kept in his trunk but already he could see where blood was starting to seep through the thin gauze wrap and he simply ignored it, the blood would dry and form its own bandage. He found himself praying for the car to start before he ever put the key in the ignition, with the way his luck was holding it might’ve very well blown up by that point. It was kind of sad though that it didn’t make him feel much better that it did start.


Countless miles passed and finally it seemed as though he might finally make it home without interruption. The sun had long since come up and he was just a little over 120 miles outside of Cosmopolis which in his mind put him just under 2 hours to home. It was the first bit of excitement he’d really had since starting the awful trip.

His body ached from pushing himself so hard and his eyes were dry and bloodshot but still, he smiled imagining the shock on X’s face when he walked in completely unannounced.

… … … He pressed the gas down harder, a new determination to get home energizing him.


If Inspector Detector had a breaking point for his patience then being less than 30 miles away from his own bed only to see bright flashing lights in his rear view mirror was the proverbial straw that broke it.

He pulled his car off to the side and looked at himself in the mirror. He really did look like hell, which might’ve actually served him better with the plans that were rolling around his very weary mind. As the police man walked up Inspector rolled his window down and reached for his badge.

“Alright, Speed Racer. What’s your hurry? Do you have any idea how fast you were going?” He was young, probably new to the force. Inspector suppressed the urge to grin.

“Did you not see the plates on this car, son?” Inspector watched the dumbfounded look spread across the young man’s face. He quickly followed up by flipping open his badge to the man.

“I am Chief Inspector Detector. I have been in pursuit of a very dangerous criminal for almost 2 days now and finally have a chance to apprehend this man. Your blatant disregard for common sense has cost me precious time and possibly the lives of some of my best men. So officer, unless you have some more pressing business with me than a speeding ticket we’re done here.” Inspector’s voice was low and harsh and he could almost feel the young officer’s fear.

“I… I’m sorry Inspector.” The cop stammered, stepping back and motioning him on.

Inspector hit the gas, quickly leaving the disgruntled man in the dust. He drove along a good few minutes before it all finally hit him and he burst out laughing. True, it was an absolutely awful abuse of his authority but damn it he’d had enough crap to last him a week solid. He grinned, the slightest pangs of guilt trying to hit him as he sped along. It was one of the few times he truly believed he had the best job in the world.


When Inspector turned his car off in the driveway he sat for a moment with his hands still on the wheel. Insanity… the whole thing had been nothing but insanity. Which might have explained the almost insane joy he felt as he pushed himself from the car, not even bothering with his luggage as he made his way to the front door.

As he closed the door behind him he finally started to feel just how tired he was. It pressed down on him like a weight and already he could feel it becoming harder to focus on things around him.

He moved towards his bedroom, pulling his t-shirt over his head. It felt stiff where it had dried from the rain and it was a relief to have it off. He tossed it carelessly to the side, another sign of just how tired he truly was, and started to pull at the button of his jeans when he turned the corner into his room and stopped.

It was very much a welcomed sight to see the man stretched out in his bed. Despite it being a king size bed he’d still managed to find a way to use it all, he laid in the middle arms and legs stretched out, only a corner of cover laid across his waist. The rest of the bed was a mess of bunched up covers and sheets where it looked as though he’d been tossing and turning.

Inspector smiled softly to himself wondering if that meant X hadn’t had much luck sleeping as well. He pushed his jeans down and kicked them off in a corner and made his way towards the edge of the bed.

Just as he leaned down, placing a hand against the bed X leapt up suddenly, snatching Inspector by the wrist thinking he was an attacker and spun him, making him trip on the edge of the bed and fall back. In a second X was on top of him, restraining Inspector’s arms over his head, pinning him down to the mattress with his own weight. As the confusion subsided X realized the body underneath him felt much too comfortable to be there and then he recognized the man despite his terribly askew glasses and lop sided smile to match. Inspector leaned up, pushing their lips together quickly before he fell back to the mattress.

“Nice to see you too.” Inspector smiled innocently, glancing up at X’s hands still pinning his to the bed.

X pressed his lips together trying not to laugh. He could have seriously hurt him. It had been in his mind to throw the first punch so it most certainly was not a laughing matter. Then why couldn’t he stop his chest from shaking?

“I…” His voice shook slightly and finally with a snort his head fell to Inspector’s chest and he was laughing, “Damn it I could’ve really hurt you.” He tried to sound serious but found it nearly impossible as he realized just how happy he was to see him. X glanced over at the bedside clock and rose up to look at Inspector.

“Didn’t think you’d be back until later.” X grinned leaning down so he was just above Inspector’s face, “Missed me that bad, huh?”

“You… could say that.” Inspector would’ve smiled had X given him the chance but X closed the gap between them in a breathless kiss. Inspector arched underneath X, appreciating the feel of stretching his sore and tired muscles but appreciating what his body was pressed up against even more so. He pressed deeper into the kiss and X released Inspector’s wrists, slowly sliding his hands down Inspector’s well toned arms.

X finally pulled back, leaving both of them smiling. No words needed to be said, they’d known each other too long for mere words to say everything they felt. X laughed a bit though, sliding Inspector’s terribly crooked glasses off his face, folding them carefully as he pushed himself off Inspector and went to set the glasses on the bedside table.

Inspector laid there still smiling, at peace with the world around him again. Time was no longer his enemy as he stared at the ceiling through half closed eyes. He was finally home where he belonged… with whom he belonged. The bed was soft and inviting as he snuggled down further, pulling a wad of sheets under his head and closed his eyes completely.

“You drove all night? Have you even slept at all?” X placed Inspector’s glasses on the night stand only to hear a light snore in response. He turned back towards Inspector and smiled sympathetically. Inspector’s mouth hung open slightly and as he inhaled again another barely audible snore escaped and X laughed silently thinking it might’ve very well been the cutest expression he’d ever seen on the man.

“That answers that question.” He whispered so as not to awaken him as he laid himself down next to him. Without waking Inspector rolled over as if on cue, sliding his arm across X’s chest and resting his head on X’s shoulder looking every bit and all like the happiest man on Earth.

X slowly drew a cover over both of them and pulled a pillow under his head. He didn’t think he’d ever been more comfortable in his life as he soon joined Inspector in his pleasant slumber.

inspector detector, racer x, speed racer

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