Keep it under light speed XD<3

Jul 10, 2008 19:03

Title: Unbreakable Bond.
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing: Speed/Rex
Rating: PG
Description: A World Where Rex Never Left. A What If For The Ages.
Words: 1645
Notes: Inspired by my fortune cookies "If You Can Shape It In Your Mind, You Will Find It In Your Life." I am a dork.

Speed watched the clock with an unwavering intensity. Everything the teacher said fell on deaf ears as the seconds slid by with a nerve racking slowness. He had the same battle with every clock in every classroom he’d ever been in for the last 4 years… and as the hour topped up and the bell rang he was up and out of his seat in an instant… the best part about those battles was he always won.

Speed literally leapt over a desk as he ran out the door, ignoring the teacher yelling behind him. He dashed pass Trixie with little more than a hurried. “Hi, Bye!” as he ran past the lockers. She didn’t even bother raising a so much as an eyebrow at him anymore at the end of the day and merely regarded him as a freak whirlwind passing through the hallways as she dug through her locker.

He burst out the schools double doors and leapt over the steps in bounds, smiling brightly at familiar sight of his brother waiting for him at the Mach 5. Without a word Speed ran up, slapped a hand on Rex’s shoulder and used him to catapult himself over the door and into the drivers seat, looking every bit and all proud of himself for the impressive move.

“Woah, who said you were driving?” Rex laugh, ruffling Speed’s hair and Speed batted his hand away with mock irritation.

“Um, YOU did. This morning… remember?” Speed smiled brightly knowing good and well that Rex was about as much of a morning person as a vampire and that was the best time to ask him anything as it would most likely be answered with some mumbling and ultimately a sleepy “Sure thing, Speedy.”

“You know Mom’s gonna flip, right?” Rex smirked, already walking over to the passengers side and digging in his pocket for the keys.

“I gotta learn sometime!” Speed laughed and leaned over, unlocking the passenger door. Rex stared at it for a second and placed his hand on top of the door, leaping over it easily and falling into his seat.

“You ain’t the only one who’s smooth. I invented that move.” Rex kept smirking as he tossed the keys to Speed, “Keep it under light speed, will ya?”

Speed gripped the keys as if they were a holy relic and leaned over quickly, throwing his arms around his brother.

“You’re the BEST Rex!” Speed slid back just as quickly, throwing the keys in the ignition and pulling out before Rex’s mumblings of “Yeah, yeah.” became some grounds for reconsidering.

It wasn’t that Speed was a bad driver. Even at 16 he was already one of the best race car drivers Rex had ever seen but within that very fact lied the problem. He was the best race car driver Rex had ever seen. Speed had a hard time keeping the two forms separate and had a way of getting a little wild on the roadways.

Speed gripped the wheel tightly, He’d have been home by now had he just flattened the pedal but he was determined to make Rex proud of him… and if that meant “Keeping it under light speed”… well… then… … Speed puttered along, sighing every few minutes.

When they finally did pull into the driveway Rex got out of the car without a word and Speed wondered for a moment if he’d done something wrong. Rex walked over to the drivers door and held his hand out, glancing briefly to the keys still in the ignition and Speed smiled nervously taking them out and placing them in Rex’s hand. Their eyes met and Speed couldn’t see a trace of what Rex was thinking. He was seriously starting to believe he’d done something wrong when Rex finally cracked, laughing hysterically as he reached down and ruffled Speed’s hair again.

“You did good, kid. You should’ve seen the look on your face though.” He kept laughing even after Speed pushed his hand away, blushing angrily just as Mom came outside, having heard the car pull up. She gasped.

“Rex, you didn’t!!” She walked up briskly, looking quickly for any damage to the car or to either of them.

“Aw, it’s alright Mom, he did fine. Kid’s getting’ better all the time.” Rex looked over at Speed and winked as Speed got out of the car a little sheepishly.

“You know how I worry about you boys!” She slapped Rex in the arm lightly with the kitchen towel she was holding then looked at Speed and smiled, reaching out and grabbing him up into a hug.

“I’m so proud of you though, honey.”

Speed looked at Rex over Mom’s shoulder and Rex just smiled at him and held a thumbs up. Mom kissed Speed on the cheek and laughed, wiping off her lipstick.

“All right you two. I’m going to go start dinner. It’s supposed to storm so don’t you dare leave that car out here with that hood down or your father will have a heart attack.” She started to walk back into the house, satisfied with hearing a unison “alright” from her sons.

They pulled the car into the garage not a second too soon as a roll of thunder echoed through the hallowed metal garage and rain started splattering the driveway. Rex and Speed at the very edge of the garage watching as sheets of rain started falling over the street. Rex threw an arm around Speed’s shoulder and sighed.

“I really am proud of you, Speedy.” Rex’s voice was almost solemn, a tone rarely ever heard in the upbeat man.

“Because I can pull the car into the garage?”

“Yeah, sure… … NO!” Rex laughed, breaking the awkward moment he’d brought up. He knew what he wanted to say he just was never very good with words.

“You’re going to be an awesome race car driver. Your regular driving skills are getting better every day. You’re even doing better in school!”

“Well, Trixie’s the only reason I’m passing.” Speed admitted weakly.

“I didn’t say I cared how you were doing it. You’re making the effort, that’s what counts.” Rex grinned realizing he’d be a terrible father. Yeah sure, go ahead and cheat… just not in racing. That’s wrong. What a role model he turned out to be.

“Yeah, and when I get out of school I’ll start racing for Pops and I’ll whip your butt all over every track from here to Fuji!” Speed smirked and Rex raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me? Did I hear a challenge? Call me when you take your training wheels off little boy.” Rex grinned slyly and Speed went to hit him and Rex caught his wrist… then the other as it came flying at him. Speed smirked back, trying to twist out of Rex’s grip.

“I’ll show you who‘s going to end up on top!” Speed threw his weight forward, shoving Rex back as he pounced on top of Rex’s chest.

“Oh really?” Rex sat up despite Speed pressing his weight against Rex’s chest. It was when Rex started to stand up, still holding Speed’s wrist so that he hovered off the ground that Speed blushed.

“Git offa me!” Speed twisted roughly, breaking free from Rex’s grasp… but only because Rex had let him.

“The only reason you’d ever beat me in a race is because your car’ll have so little weight to carry it’ll practically fly into victory lane!” Rex laughed hard even as Speed charged at him.

“Jerk!” Speed missed completely as Rex stepped to the side.

“Toro!” Rex laughed harder until he saw the flash in Speed’s eyes. It was that determined fire that separated Racers from normal men. Rex new the look well as it was the same look he knew crossed his face before every race.

“Alright, Speedy. Come-n-get me.” Rex winked quickly, taking off out of the garage and into the rain, leaving Speed stunned slightly for a second before he gave chase.

Rex tore off through the wet grass towards the side of the house and Speed quickly caught up to him. True he wasn’t the strongest guy around but damn if his name weren’t a beacon to his best attribute. Speed leapt at him, going for the tackle and Rex suddenly turned around, grabbing Speed by his arms and spun them both around, kicking Speed’s feet out from under him and sending them both down into the mud. Rex hovered over Speed, grinning triumphantly as Speed squirmed under him, unable to get up.

They stared at one another, both breathing hard. Each second that passed pushed them further into a moment that could only be described as awkward.

Speed lifted himself up slightly, breath quickening as he glanced at Rex’s mouth and back at his eyes. Perfection. A gentle smile and kind eyes that watched him knowingly. A love so deep that he could do no wrong in those eyes and Speed would get tears in his. Everything he could say, all the words that fought for dominance in his heart and still… the silence was more powerful. Perfection in a moment. Feeling the pierce of those eyes into his even when he closed his eyes. Everything he could ever hope to convey… all the love and admiration in the world. With a kiss.

The tickle of his tears is what made him open his eyes and when he did only the darkness greeted him. He sat up softly, confused, only the rustle of his bed sheets making any noise around him. It slowly dawned on him by the pillow he held in his hands and the warmth of fresh tears on his cheek what had happened. He laid himself back down, unable to convince himself to stop clutching his pillow. More tears swelled.

Nothing more than a pleasant dream of what could’ve been.

speed racer, rex, speed

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