O Hai sentence fics! How've you been?

Jul 13, 2008 21:40

Title: Speedy Fics
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing/characters: Speed, X, Inspector, Spritle, Mom Racer (Speed/X, Inspex, Inspeed)
Rating: PG-13 to R
Description: 5 quick sentence Drabbles and 1 music drabble.
Words: 1020

Intuition: When Speed had invited X to come see the new improvements to the Mach 5 he never imagined the man would actually show up. They’d spent hours just talking about cars and making jokes at each other and acting like… well…

“Will your friend be joining us for dinner, Speed?” She’d been watching from the doorway for a few minutes before she spoke and she couldn’t help but smile.

“Uhm… I dunno. Whaddya say, X? My mom’s a heck of a cook!” Speed was completely oblivious to X and his mother staring at each other almost like they were sizing each other up.

“Perhaps. What‘s on the menu, Mrs. Racer?” X spoke slowly, deliberately… issuing a secret challenge.

“Oh, I think I’ll cook something special that I haven’t in a long time. How do you feel about chicken marinara?” She could no longer hide her smile. It was a kind and warm smile but even more so, it was a knowing smile.

“My favorite.” He smiled back. It hadn’t seemed like much. It was only food after all. But it was as much of a confession as X would ever give to anyone. Only detectable to a mother’s intuition.

Game: Speed could get behind the wheel of a car and make it do things thought impossible to the human mind. Which made it all the worse that Spritle was totally handing him his ass driving as Racer X in his game “WRL: Extreme”.
“Real cars don’t move like that.” Speed winced and scowled as he crashed his digital Mach 6 into the stands.

Faster: Nothing was ever fast enough for Speed Racer. Not time when he was a child waiting for school to end. Not the Mach 5 as he pushed it past the 500mph mark. Not even Racer X as they somehow managed to fit more than one of them in Speed’s tiny bed. Always… always that word falling from Speed’s lips “Faster, faster, faster…”

Trained: X and Inspector had come to appreciate one another in the fact that it gave them someone they trusted to train with. They threw punches at each other as if they were truly enemies and had no qualms with exiting the facility with more than a few bruises to show for it. The one with the most bruises had to buy the drinks when they went out after words. X ended up having to buy drinks a lot more times than he cared to admit.

View: Inspector was in one of the foulest moods of his life when walked into his house. It was as if his entire day had been a satire on his life and the universe was laughing hysterically at him. Plans blew up one right after another, everything he touched had practically failed right in front of him and it seemed as though everyone was out to get on his last nerve. He flopped down on his leather couch, took his glasses off and rubbed at the bridge of his nose just trying to be thankful the day was over.

“You’re home late. I was already asleep.”

Inspector looked up and he caught a breath in his chest and fumbled with his glasses for a moment when he realized he couldn’t properly focus on the young Racer. He stood at the entrance to the hallway with a thin sheet tied lazily about his waist trailing off behind him. His hair was messy and he blinked sleepily against the light. He yawned, lifting his arms high above his head and stretching his body so the sheet slid dangerously low on his hip.

“Are you coming to bed?” Speed smiled, not even trying to hide the obvious intent in his voice. He didn’t even bother waiting for an answer and turned to head back towards the bedroom. He stepped on the trail of sheet still lying on the floor and it jerked it loose from his waist and he stood there staring at the sheet lying on the floor as it wondering why he’d even bothered with it in the first place. He looked back at Inspector and smiled with a false modesty as he scooped up the sheet and sauntered back into the bedroom.

Inspector stood, blinking a few times and swallowing heavily. His mood was anything but foul now and how could it be with a view like that greeting him?

And a bonus song sentence fic that’s just been sitting on my computer for awhile now with no place to call its own. Yeah it‘s cheesy. Sue me XD I ♥ it:

“Go Speed Racer Go!” - Ali Dee and The Deekompressors

Speed was alone in the house and had just gotten out of the shower, he threw a towel around his waist haphazardly and made his way into the kitchen. He couldn’t help but dance a little as he had a song stuck in his head he’d been hearing a lot lately. The beat was addictive and just made him want to dance. He moved around the kitchen randomly, looking through cabinets and the fridge trying to find something to snack on, his sock feet slid easily against the linoleum floor and he spun around, flinging water droplets from his hair around as he couldn’t help but give a little “Woo!”. He laughed at himself as he grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and spun around again, intent on taking a swig when he stopped. When he lowered the milk carton a cold chill ran over him as Trixie stood in the back doorway, trying very hard not to die laughing.

“W…When did you get here?” He blushed heavily, looking down and finally just smiling a little and shrugging his shoulders like ’what do you want me to say’?

“Oh, long enough ago to see you cutting it up. You big goofball.” Trixie’s smile got even bigger as she let herself in and leaned over the counter, “Thank God your name isn’t Speed Raver… Or We’d all be in trouble.” She started to laugh until a wet towel smacked her in the face.

View's my favorite O.O' I really should expand on that one. Or at least use that adorable scene of Speed in an actual fic +_+ it's amazing <3

inspector detector, racer x, speed racer, sentence fic, speed

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