it's a nice day to start again

Apr 22, 2011 23:23

Flist o flist!

I have a question for you! Which may or may not be born from my vague Balkanic annoyance with the Willian/Kate craze (not the actual people, but the craze, it has infected my television in a way that keeps baffling).

What makes a good fictional wedding?
I can think of some weddings I've read/watched, but generally they ended with ( Read more... )

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thornyrose42 April 23 2011, 07:30:18 UTC
Hmm... Amy Pond's wedding was quite cool. But for reasons other than the central ship.

Don't know if you'll hate me for bringing up Grey's Anatomy. But honestly its the only show I know where the marriages alternately break my heart and make me go 'ahh'. Mainly because the various weddings that have happened have been completely right for the characters. Two characters get married by writing their vows on a post it because they gave their big white wedding to the characters who actually wanted one.

I think if I tried to explain it further it would just sound even more odd but hey it is Grey's Anatomy.

As for other fictional weddings... the fact that I'm racking my brains to think of ones probably proves that none of them imprinted very much. :-)

Also you are really getting Royal Wedding Fever over in your country? Jeeze at least it is vaguely pertinent over here.

I haven't seen GoT get. Waiting for my friend to get back to uni. Don't know whether it is a bonus that I've not read the books in years.


laeria April 23 2011, 07:51:18 UTC
Yes. I. The thing with Amy Pond's wedding is, like, in the pro column, we have ACCIO TOP HAT ELEVEN HOW DARE YOU BE LATE YOU PILLOCK and also HELLO PONDS and Eleven/River getting a twinge of chemistry for once. In the con column, we have the fact that we have no actual idea who Amy and Rory are for a lot of the wedding. Their whole storylines (and, inevitably, their love story) got uprooted, and then it all gets sorta meshed, and you really wanna know more about their new lives but you just don't ( ... )


thornyrose42 April 23 2011, 09:29:14 UTC
Exactly the wedding, thematically, just really wasn't about Amy Pond and Rory. It was much more about Amy and her Raggedy Doctor and everything finally fitting together. And the moment when everything fits together is not when her and Rory get married its when Amy stands up remembers her childhood imaginary friend back into existence. Which I do love. Because its all about her believing no matter what the people around her say and bringing back the good childhood things and making the world work to her will. But its not about her and Rory ( ... )


laeria April 23 2011, 10:14:15 UTC
Yes yes, it was about friendship and about growing up not having to mean leaving wonder behind. It was brilliant in a way. (Although I am also squicked by the I-really-hope-that-was-accidental-Moffat Donna comparison, because AMY IS NOT A DONNA FIX-IT THERE IS NOTHING TO FIX GODDAMN YOU.) But, yes, not in a shippy way. I am totally with you on Amy/Rory - they confuse me. I like the THEORY of the ship, very much, love that he's okay with being her sidekick/beta, love that he's okay with defying convention for her although they matter for him. I love that she's kinky and sexually confidant and okay with letting him know it. It's great. But I don't actually - feel it in action? Like, I constantly feel we're being told, not shown, what their relationship is like. Ish. Something. But that's the crux of my Moff issues anyway, and I'm getting fairly good at watching around it ( ... )


thornyrose42 April 23 2011, 12:52:38 UTC
I really don't think it was a Donna fix it. Or at least I hope not. I'd say that any parallels can probably be explained by the whole: its a wedding and they are both red heads. End of. What I would say is that Amy and Rory staying in the TARDIS probably does function as a 'fix-it' in the loosest possible sense of the word, for the old trope that one of the main ways female companions left the TARDIS was to get married ( ... )


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