Flist o flist!
I have a question for you! Which may or may not be born from my vague Balkanic annoyance with the Willian/Kate craze (not the actual people, but the craze, it has infected my television in a way that keeps baffling).
What makes a good fictional wedding?
I can think of some weddings I've read/watched, but generally they ended with spiders and manslaughter. Sometimes they were embarrassing, sometimes they were dull. I can't think of any single wedding that made me feel - yes, this, this is an awesome moment for this ship, this is something I enjoy and root for and will remember fondly. Or even, yes this is utterly heartbreaking and will stay inprinted on my soul as a moment of immaculate tragedy. Mostly weddings just - leave me utterly cold? I don't know. What weddings did you enjoy? What's your ultimate fictional fantasy wedding? Is elopement preferable?
And, in a vaguely related way, GAME OF THRONES HAPPENED.
WHAT THE SEVEN HELLS WAS THAT ABOUT, WHY DO YOU MAKE A SERIES THAT'S MOSTLY PERFECT (brilliantly cast, beautifully made) and then fuck up a whole very important storyline by having the character omit a crucial "yes" in a crucial moment? WHY HBO WHY.
Please warn for GoT spoilers in comments, thanks.