Memeing for nefarious purposes.

Mar 26, 2011 14:18

Indeed, surprise nefarious purposes. Exam-related surprise nefarious purposes for the Greater Good.

[Also because I'd like to redirect my brain from some stuff.]

Pick any several! characters from a fandom of mine and I'll answer the following questions:
1) What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her.
2) Is he/she important to the general plot?
3) Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally?
4) How much do you like the fandom that this character comes from?
5) Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
6) Is there anything about the character you would change?
7) If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her? Would you get along well? Fall in love with him/her? Dislike? Have a friendly rivalry?
8) Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
9) Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom?
10) Is this character popular with the fanbase?

Also, come talk to me, flist. How are you?

ETA: I take it back. It's just meme pour meme, because my recording equipment is, inevitably, dead. It was going to be this thing where I practice for my eventual Speaking English Like a Motherfucking Adult exam by answering the questions out loud, but I'm too impatient (you people gave me excellent characters) and have no idea when the equipment will start working again. So, I give you my textual answers, but feel free to stew in soft anticipation of Hearing Chilla's Voice one day soon.

ETA2: For yet more characters (including Tara!), feel free to check out the parallel DW post:
One day I, too, shall have figured out crossposting.
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