pimping my fics for slashy_oscars, 'cos I'm shameless...

Feb 10, 2007 21:49

(a slashy_oscars pimp post :P)


Beyond the Waste Lands 1-3/3 FINISHED
A long journey across the desert could cost you more than your life; your heart. Viggo is torn apart between an old promise made and a mystical being who isn't all that he first seems to be. AU

Dulce et Decorum 1-6/? WIP
Two young men have been found killed in the centre of London, and it is up to DCI Mortensen, accompanied by DS Bean and DC Monaghan, to find the killer. However, few things are as simple as they first look and not everyone is telling the truth. AU, NC-17

Enchanted Boy Series 1-12/25 WIP
Viggo and Orlando love each other, through thick and thin. NC-17

The Kirillov Project (collab with miss_somersault) Prologue-4/? WIP
How far would you go to save your world? AU, NC-17



An Angel’s Hip
Short and sweet. Viggo loves everything about Orlando. PG

Baby Steps
Oh woe, Orlando just keeps making those babies! Mpreg, crack. R

Be My Bunny
An Easter fic, wherein Orlando wants to be a white fluffy bunny. NC-17

Disciplining Orlando
Orlando needs boundaries. Viggo sets them. R - NC-17

Double the Fun
Curiosity killed the cat. PWP, NC-17, DP

A chance encounter brings two strangers together, and smut ensues. AU, NC-17, PWP-ish

Little Thief
Wherein Viggo learns of Orlando’s need of discipline. Something of a prequel to Disciplining Orlando. NC-17

One Heart
Break-ups are never clean or simple. R

Son of the Sun
The infamous lion fic. It was the mating season… NC-17, AU

Un-named Attractions
A fierce conqueror comes across a young man who captures his heart. AU, NC-17

Viggo goes on a well-earned vacation, but everything doesn't go according to the plan. PWP, AU, NC-17

You Drew A Moon
Mpreg crack!fic, Viggorli style. Orlando just keeps making babies! mpreg, AU


I'm personally especially proud of Beyond the Waste Lands, Dulce et Decorum, The Kirillov Project (which was written with Emma), Son of the Sun and You Drew A Moon, but honestly I'd be beside myself with joy if any of my stories were considered worthy of nomination. :)

Please be kind and consider my fics when thinking about nominating stories for slashy_oscars. :)

To nominate either me or my fics in the Best of the Best category, PLEASE CLICK HERE.



lj: fandom: slashy oscars, fics

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