The Best of the Best
The Categories:
Best Overall Smut:
Did every bit of the smut leave you panting?
Best Overall Dialogue:
Was every word of the dialogue outstanding?
Best Overall Premise/Plot:
Was the plot breathtakingly good?
Best Overall Characterizations:
Did the characterizations make you fall in love with the characters? Even the ones you don't particularly care for?
Best Story Banner:
Did the story's banner draw your attention? Did it catch your notice and make you read a story you otherwise wouldn't have read? Did you remember the banner long after you had finished the story?
Best Beta:
Beta's do all their hard work behind the scenes. Does yours deserve recognition?
Best Author:
Is everything they've written this year simply outstanding?
Best Debut:
It may not be the first fic they ever wrote, but it was their first in the LOTRiPS fandom, and it was incredible. Make certain to include the author's name and the name of the fic.
Best Fic:
This is the Big One! This is the Best Fic written in the year 2006, and it should be damn near perfect. This fic must be outstanding on every point; the plot must be captivating, the dialogue must be entertaining and smooth, the characterizations must be well-rounded, and of course the smut must be truly hot!
Copy and paste the template below into a comment to this post. Comments are screened and therefore are anonymous. Please include as much of the information as possible.
Name of Fic:
Link to Fic:
Name of Author:
Author's Contact Information: