Fic: Switch 25 Challenge - Giggle (VM/OB) 13/25

Feb 26, 2007 10:53

Series: Enchanted Boy (13/25)
Prompt: Giggle (7.)
Author: laeglass
Pairing: ViggOrli
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is fiction.
Summary: Viggo visits Orlando’s folks for the first time.
Beta: the lovely namarie120 *huggles*
A/N: Written for Switch 25 Challenge. My table and links to earlier fics here. Samantha’s 3rd person POV.

Samantha Bloom wasn’t easily fooled; in fact, she prided herself on her ability to read people, to see people as they were, regardless of how they wanted to present themselves, but this time she was genuinely lost.

Viggo Mortensen was the type of person she had never expected Orlando to bring home, and she didn’t think she had quite managed to conceal her surprise at Orlando’s sudden arrival with a new boyfriend in tow. Sonia had recovered instantly and hurried off to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and Orlando had only then dared to unwrap himself from around Viggo.

“Sam,” he breathed, and hugged his sister. “Fuck, I missed you.”

“And I missed you,” she said. “And look at you, you’ve brought a guest as well.”

Orlando almost blushed, but then he bravely hooked his arm with Viggo’s. “Yeah.”

Samantha kept a close eye on the two of them during their tea, noticing how Orlando’s hand continuously sought Viggo’s, and how Viggo’s fingers, in turn, curled protectively around Orlando’s slender ones. She saw that he was much older (how much exactly, Orlando hadn’t even told their mum, let alone his sister), and that he obviously was very taken with Orlando. He spoke with Sonia about art, and acting, and his son, and he patiently answered all of Sam’s questions regarding Beanie, to Orlando’s amusement.

“Yes, Sammie,” he said in a sing-song voice just to piss her off, “he’s just as gorgeous up close and personal, if not even more so.”

“Bugger off, kid brother,” she grumbled but laughed, and silently wondered why Orlando’s new boyfriend had almost seemed to disapprove of Orlando’s praise of their castmate.

Later in bed, she thought long and hard about why she was so opposed to Viggo. Okay, so he was a he, one of the very few men Orlando had ever dated and the first Orlando had ever brought home. Okay, so he was also older; a lot older than Orli. Okay, he already had a kid while Orlando was little more than a kid himself. He seemed kind enough, and obviously he was nice to Orli. He seemed intelligent, too, and he wasn’t all that bad looking for a forty year old. Didn’t mean she had to like him, though. But maybe, just maybe she could give him a chance, for Orli’s sake. Her little brother most definitely deserved to be happy and loved, and she hadn’t seen him this elated in maybe years.

Having reached this decision, Sam grabbed her nightly reading from the floor beside the bed and switched on the little lamp above her head, fluffing her pillow so that she could lean on it comfortably. Just as she opened her book she heard the unmistakeable sound of Orlando’s giggle. Samantha slammed her book closed as she realised that Sonia had housed them in Orlando’s old room, which was separated from Sam’s room by only a thin, flimsy wall. She used to know Orli’s nightly wanking schedule a bit too well when they were still growing up, thanks to the stupid wall that was anything but sound-proof, and the fact that Orlando was rather vocal when finding his pleasure.

Samantha considered slamming the wall with her book, but then Orlando stopped giggling, and she opened her book again, eyeing the wallpaper suspiciously. Just when she found the part where she had left off the previous night she heard it again; giggling followed by shrieks of laughter.

“The fuck,” she said aloud, and was just about to knock on the wall to let them know she could hear them when she heard yet another noise. Someone was moaning now, and when the bed started creaking soon thereafter there was no mistaking what was going on.

Samantha stared at the flower patterned wallpaper stupidly for another ten seconds, and only another moan from Orlando broke her reverie. Her eyes widened in realisation just as a furious blush spread on her cheeks. Blindly she reached for her iPod and finding it on top of her nightstand, quickly put the headphones on. Soon enough Coldplay filled her ears, drowning the noises from behind the wall, and she sighed in profound relief. She and Orlando were closer than most siblings and he was a dear, but she wasn’t about to listen to her baby brother getting screwed in the next room.

Samantha realised she had nodded off when the book slid down from her chest onto the floor with a dull thump. A glance at the wall clock told her that it was past midnight already and she had fallen asleep for well over half an hour. Samantha winced as she took her headphones off, making a mental note to never again fall asleep again wearing the damn things, and reached to switch her night light off when a muffled shriek of oh God Vig I’m coming! reached her ears. Samantha’s eyes boggled in disbelief. Thirty minutes and still going at it? Leave it to Orlando to find a man with some impressive stamina.

When the creaking still didn’t cease Samantha donned her nightrobe, grabbed her pillow and crossed the small hallway to knock on her mother’s bedroom door. The door was open, and Sonia was still up, sitting on her bed and reading a women’s lifestyle magazine.

“Make room,” Samantha said, crossing the threshold. “There’s no way I’m going to spend the night in a room next to Orlando’s.”

Sonia shrugged. “Climb in,” she simply said. It had been at least fifteen years since one of her children had last slept in her bed, but it was big enough for two grown-ups to sleep in, and her adult daughter curling up on the left side of the bed was perfectly acceptable.

Samantha closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet that was only interrupted by the occasional turning of a page.

“Good night, sweetheart,” Sonia finally said, and switched off the lights.

“G’night, mum,” Samantha mumbled, burying her head in the fluffy pillow and pulling the duvet to her chin, breathing in the comforting scent of fabric softener and her mother’s perfume. “Mum,” she said some time later, almost asleep already, getting a sleepy mumble in return.

“Yes, luv?”

“I think Viggo makes Orlando happy.”


fic: pairing: v/o, fics, fic: switch 25, fic: rps

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