Sing To Me, Muse!

Sep 04, 2003 16:21

Something very exciting happened at my school today. For the assembly, we listened to Odds Bodkin, a modern bard/actor who told us part of The Odyssey in dramatic poet's style, as it would have been told orginally. He even played a guitar and made the sounds for wind, waves, seagulls, etc. It was amazing, and during English class, we met him in one of the conference rooms and got to ask him questions about being a bard. For more info, check out his website:

And I'm elated; he's a LOTR fan too!

Otherwise, school hasn't been wonderful, though it hasn't been terrible either. We've had very little homework so far, and all my teachers are very nice. Actually, with the exception of my Precalculus teacher, they've all taught me before, which is a plus since it means I can predict their habits. Know thy enemy, after all.

My only real gripe is Gym class. Our teacher is a fitness fanatic, and wants to get us in shape by making us jog. Unfortunately, not only do I get short-winded easily (I have a deviated septum), but today the air was so full of water vapor that it was hard to breathe. The worst part is, the teacher is incredibly nice, which makes me feel guilty for not fulfilling her expectations. I wore my gym clothes for the rest of the day because I was so overheated. I hate East Coast weather.

I haven't done much art, but that's only because I've been busy getting back into the flow of school. When the weekend comes, I'll be cranking them out. The same thing will happen with my stories (yes, "A Silver Morning Star" and "The Redwall Squadron" *will* be finished; I do not abandon my stories. You just have to be patient.)

And lastly, here's a questionaire, stolen from KS Claw and edited a bit to make sense for me.

Ten Movies You Own
2)The Exorcist
4)Yellow Submarine
6)The Reduced Shakespeare
7)The Muppet Movie
8)The Matrix
9)The Addams Family
10)Christmas Eve on Sesame Street

I never said I was normal.

Ten CDs You Own
1)The Hairspray soundtrack
2)The Spirit: SotC soundtrack
3)The Sweeney Todd soundtrack
4)"The Subway Series" - Christine Lavin
5)The works of John Williams
6)"The Only Broadway CD You’ll Ever Need"
7)"Helium" - John Forster
8)The Les Miserables soundtrack
9)"The Beatles #1"
10)The Eleanor soundtrack

For some reason, I love soundtracks more than songs that stand alone.

Five Men You'd Like To Screw
1)Anthony J. Crowley
3)Samurai Jack
5)Dr. Viper

Yes, my top 5 lusts are all fictional characters.

Five Women You'd Like To Be
1)Athena (my patron goddess; go girl power!)
2)Maleficent (a woman who can turn into a dragon is by definition cool)
3)Bulma Briefs (it's the hair)
4)Luna (I love cats)
5)Susannah Dean (one of the bravest literary characters I know of)

Last 2 Movies You Have Seen In The Theaters
2)The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

And both were good.

Two Recent Movies You Want To See
1)X-Men 2
2)28 Days Later

Three Movies You Need To Buy!
2)The Sixth Sense
3)Osmosis Jones

Bands You Have Seen In Concert
1)Da Vinci's Notebook
2)Christine Lavin

I love satirists.

Five Bands You Want To See Really Badly!
1)The Beatles (maybe in Heaven someday)
2)The Capitol Steps (not really a band; more of a satirical acting group)
3)The Reduced Shakespeare Company (likewise)
4)The Backstreet Boys (why not?)
5)John Williams (his work is wonderful)

I've actually seen John Williams conduct before, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Name All of the Countries You Have Been In
1)Grand Cayman
2)The Czech Republic
4)Costa Rica

I was also in Germany for about 3 hours, but never left the airport.

Top 5 Places You'd Like To Live
2)The Pacific Northwest
3)The Pokemon world
4)San Diego
5)The land of Rohan

Yay Rohan horsies! ^^

Top 3 Dream Jobs
1)Psychological Researcher
2)History Teacher

Five Stores You Could Spend A Million Dollars At
1)Barnes & Noble
3)The Museum Company (even though it's closing down)
4)Best Buy
5)Any store on Venice Beach ;)
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