I've had... remarkably little to post about lately.
I don't have a main fandom right now, and I'm kind of drifting about aimlessly. I read in HP, and I'm still nominally in HP, but it's not.... I read in SGA, but mainly because that's where everyone is writing. I read in Supernatural kind of for the same reason. I avoid House fandom whenever possible, and Hikaru no Go is a little fandom where the vast majority of writers are people posting fic on ff.net that's... not exactly up to my standards. I don't even have a favourite television show right now. ...okay, I do, but it's Mythbusters.
I could post about my personal life, but, let's be honest. Most of you don't care about my personal life; that's not why you're here. Hell, I don't care much about my personal life. It's damn boring. I'm a 23 year-old freshman at a community college who doesn't currently have a job (though I have a prospect I'm looking into), has no RL friends, lives six hours from my nearest family member, and spends the vast majority of my time sitting on my ass in front of my laptop.
Of course, I look at my calendar and it doesn't seem like I've been posting less, but I have. Truthfully, I'm almost desperately trying to find things to post about - hence, making Barbie porn. Which was a success, but, you know, yeah.
So, now you know why.
And I'm totally making this post because I haven't posted since Friday.
I am currently at 230 lbs! ...this doesn't sound like much, but I was at 250 in December. So, you know, yay!