Oh the updating fun

Sep 06, 2006 12:45

Ok… I could do a long rambly post about the weekend and the fun and all, but, eh… don’t feel like it.

So here’s the short: Went to San Diego with the Honey. Left on Friday, got home Monday. Got to visit the beach, go to Balboa Park and see pretty plants, met the pseudo-sister (love her!) and got to rest a lot… Yes we could have done the resting part at home, but probably wouldn’t have.

Oh, and since mom & dad have now been told (which was interesting in itself), guess it’s ok to officially announce - We’re engaged! Wheeee!!! Yes it’s kinda soon, but really doesn’t matter to me. Never felt so right and comfortable with anything or anyone before. There’s a date being tossed around, but it may be re-evaluated, depending on what happens in the next couple months.

So yesterday was quite the Monday… feeling grumpy and out of sorts, and really hard to get back into the swing of things. Was glad that I opted to stay home last night, and was really glad my Honey is so sweet and delivered Tuskers to the park. I got to play with my new sewing machine (doode! Button holes! Wheee!!!), and have mostly finished my kirtle - just need to hem and finish off the sleeves. Yay!!! It’s a bit loose in the chest, but otherwise fits really well. The down side of yesterday was seeing the major damage the vacation did on me. I sooo didn't eat well and while we did some walking and swimming, not much in the way of exercise. Luckily, Elinor_dear is helping to keep me motivated and determined... got to the gym yesterday and today... might try and take the honey for a walk tonight, depending on how he feels.

Today’s going a lot better. Getting stuff done, which is always a good thing. And hoping tonight to get at least one of my sewing projects cut out.

For me (that I have the fabric for now):
Lining for coat
Lounging type pants
2-3 Cotehardies
Another kirtle
1 Persian coat - lined
1 Persian coat - unlined
Embroider 'curtain' for Storage Unit-o-Doom
Get t-shirt and embroider for my cousin's b-day.

For my Honey:
2 doublets
1-2 shirts
Get more fabric so I can make him more clothes...

General to do - figure out what happened to my 5 yds of purple twill I'd ordered a few months back. erg...
Heh… and all this by Southern. *sigh* I can do it.

orion, update

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