Because it seems to matter

Jun 19, 2007 16:23

Seven random facts about me because Tom thinks I don't update enough.

1. I'm bisexual/pansexual/ whatever you wanna call it. I don't really care what to name it. What it means is that I believe who you love has to do with personality and compatability rather than gender. I havn't been in any lesbian relationships, but there have been some girls I've loved, regardless of their sexual preference. (no, I'm not going to name names. Most of them don't know, and I'd like to keep it that way.)

2. I'm in a polyamourous relationship. I have a partner I call "home" at this point, but I and my lovers are free to experiment. The only sticking point is that if we're all going to live together, we all gotta be able to get along, but the last time that was a problem is practically ancient history. Recently, no live-ins or wanna be live-ins. This used to be because I felt I could love multiple people at once and not one more or differently than any other. Now, I keep it going because I still get curious what it would be like to do this or that with this or that person. Also because my partners still want to get out there and gain experiences. Honesty and mutual respect is important in this.

3. I'm an Otaku. That's right, it's official. I watch so many animes at this point that I think I qualify. Not to mention my Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist sweatshirts plus other paraphenalia.

4. I like country music. I can hear the cringes from here, but it's what I grew up with, and despite my usual obsessions with classic rock and metal, I love the music of my childhood and still sing it at kareoke bars.

5. I write poems. I usually prefer the term "emotional vomit" but I do think I've gotten a little more refined. I want to start posting them up here, but I need to be on the computer that has them first. The house ate my notebook. I'm really pissed about this.

6. I like to change my hair. I have yet to find a hairstyle that eally suits me, so I cut my hair pretty often or restyle it. What I really should do is shave it off and wear wigs, but that's really too expensive, and probably more work than it's worth.

7. I love to sing. Singing is where I really find my voice. The only problem with this is I can only sing other people's songs. I can't write. I just sing my heart out. I've found release and an audience at kareoke night at the local bar. It's really very gratifying to hear my own voice alone with the music and no one else singing. It's just me.

I don't want to tag anyone since I don't believe in chain letters or anything like them, but I know some of my friends will be bored enough one night to want to do this for fun, so feel free to tag yourselves.

By the way, here's the one poem I can post now because it's one of my away messages.

The Sea

Where do you go when your heart is bleeding?
I go to the sea
For the vast movements of the sea slow my pulse
Its waters cool my anger
And its waves beat against my body
And numb my pain
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