Lives in Fast-Forward: Part II

Sep 01, 2010 23:44

Title: Lives in Fast-Forward
Series: All Our Yesterdays
Episode: 3 of 13
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: All TW series 1-3, and DW 1-4 (at minimum)
Summery: The new Torchwood three is just starting to get settled in when three seemingly unconnected students die in weird circumstances. Torchwood takes the case and finds the students seem to have been aged, but only on the inside. With a lack of connection between the victims and no clues Mickey, and Ianto are forced to do a more in depth investigation.

Previous Part

Jack was antsy. He sat down at his desk to start paperwork, then promptly gave it up. He got up circled the office. Stopped. Overlooked the Hub eyes searching. Where was he? Abruptly Jack turned to sit at his desk again and open up a file on the computer. Then close it. Stand. Circle the office, then repeat.

At least it was back to being his office again. Over the last week he and Ianto had gotten rid of the sleek, modern desk and furniture, to replace them with older worn and more comfortable ones Ianto had found. The office was more comfortable more him then it had been before.

Still though, he couldn’t seem to find a moment of rest right now. It most definitely was not that he was nervous about Ianto’s reaction to his check and what it meant. No, definitely not. . . . Who was he kidding, it was. What if Ianto didn’t want to share his flat with him? It wasn’t like Jack had plans to fully move in there, no. Over half of Jack’s stuff was here at the Hub, and would stay so. Just like some of Ianto’s wardrobe would. They would still spend a lot of nights in the Hub. It was just a statement.

Jack sunk in his chair, what if it was a statement Ianto didn’t want? He growled in frustration, stop thinking like that, he told himself firmly. When he heard the Hub alarms signal someone had come Jack leapt to his feet grabbed a folder, and leaned a bit too nonchalantly against his desk pretending to read. After a few moments no one had come into the office.

He looked up then closed the folder and stuck his head out of the office, “Johnny?” He said in surprise when he noticed the woman.

She looked up from the computer screens, “Captain? Is there something wrong?”

“No. Nothing at all,” he fumbled.

The woman looked around, “Where is Ianto?” She asked in obvious confusion. Every time she’d come in they’d both been there or (when, much to Ianto’s annoyance, Jack had turned off the alarm) they had come in together.

“He’s sleeping in,” Jack said with a shrug, “I had to come in to look over this,” he held up the folder.


“Yeah, had to get to it soon as possible,” he nodded.

“Forgive me, but the Prakt incident from 1919, seems like something that could wait,” she gave a bit of a smirk.

Jack actually looked at the folder, damn, how had that gotten on his desk? “Yeah . . . but hey,” Jack was desperate to change the subject, “Johnny, is that a smile?” Johnson merely raised her eyebrows. As Jack regarded her, “You know we don’t have a uniform,” he gestured to her pseudo-military clothing.

“It’s practical, in a job like this.”

“So are jeans,” he supplied, “Just wait, we’ll get you into some civilian clothes yet.” The woman just turned back to her work ignoring her boss. Jack was about to continue ribbing her (after all it was a good distraction and quickly becoming a fun pastime) when he heard the alarms go off again.

His heart leapt into his throat and sure enough it was Ianto. Jack turned to retreat to his office as the younger man began brewing the first coffee for the day. All too soon the younger man came into his office as Jack sat at the desk pretending to read the file.

Jack looked up to accept the coffee, then paused for a moment taking in the white and blue striped mug. “Huh.”

Ianto nodded, “I took the liberty of finding specific mugs for everyone.” It had been something easy to do to make this place seem more like Torchwood, and less like U.N.I.T.  Also it had been something he could control. At the moment he needed anything he could get to make himself feel like he was back in charge of his life.

Jack nodded, “Anything else?” he added, maybe Ianto hadn’t seen the check?

“Ah yes,” Ianto took the check out of his suit pocket then placed it on the desk, “You’ll have to take this back.”

Jack sunk in his chair, he really should’ve guessed. Of course Ianto would want his own space. “Yeah it was a stupid . . .” Jack tried to act casual and brush it off.

“It was,” Ianto agreed, “You see it’s twice as much as it should be.”

Wait, “What?” Jack asked looking confused.

“You only owe half the down payment,” the younger man clarified.

“Oh . . .oh yeah,” Jack agreed unable to hide the grin on his face.

“As long as we’re clear,” the Welshman turned to leave, then turned back, “I don’t know how much you expect to read of that file upside down,” and with that he was gone.

Jack looked down at the damned file and sure enough, it was upside down. He groaned, but then couldn’t help but grin as he actually started working.

Ianto handed Johnson her dark red mug receiving a nod of thanks, then went back to the kitchen area to make the rest of the team’s coffee. He heard them arrive and some discussion start down in the main area.

As he came out he heard Jack, "You have today off, go home to Cerys."

Gwen stood her ground, "I've had the last four days off. I'm bored and going mental."

"Going?" Mickey asked under his breath causing Ianto's lips to quirk into a smile as he handed him his coffee.

" Look, I'll just stay until lunch," Gwen acquiesced, " If nothing's come up by then I'll go home." her eyes were sparkling with mischievousness as Ianto handed gave her the brightly striped mug. As Jack gave her a suspicious look Ianto preyed the man wouldn't ask. That would give it away.

Jack finally seemed satisfied, though wary. "Fine, but if you're not out by then I'll make you leave, even if I have to drag you out."

"I'm sure a sedative would work just as well," Ianto added as he handed Martha her purple brushed mug.

"I've got a few," the doctor agreed. Gwen glared at them over her coffee. "So who's watching Cerys?"

"Oh, our neighbor Eloise," Gwen answered, "Wonderful woman, bit of a grandmother to all the kids in the area. She's all alone, her kids and their families have all moved away. Took a shine to Cerys and has offered to watch her whenever."

"What? Haven't got Rhys hen-picked enough to stay home whenever you tell him?" Jack teased, "That's not the Gwen Cooper I know."

"Oh shut it you," she threatened as they all chuckled,

"Love the mugs," Martha commented holding hers up to look at it better.

Ianto nodded over his sleek black one, "You each have your own. It helps to tell which coffee belongs to who, and it also prevents people from stealing other's coffee," he sent a look at Jack who was trying, and failing to look innocent.

"Hey wait a minute!" Mickey said, "What the hell is this?" He held out his mug, it was a basic mug with I heart Cardiff stamped on it. Jack and Gwen both burst out laughing as Johnson smiled and Martha chuckled. They had all had to endure Mickey's VERY vocal commentary about welsh weather, welsh food, welsh people and the list goes on.

"Your mug," Ianto replied simply.

"What if I want another?" Mickey glared at him.

"That is what your coffee will be served in. You can just not drink it then."

There was no choice. Mickey drank calling Ianto some creative names under his breath.

"What was that Mickey hmmm?" Gwen taunted.

Jack looked at Gwen then over to Ianto and then at Mickey and his mug, "So that's how it is?" he pointed at Gwen and Ianto accusingly, "Welsh conspiracy yeah?"

"Never dream of it," Ianto commented as Gwen tried wide eyed innocence.

"Ok you," Jack pointed at the woman, “have had your fun. You can head home."

Gwen sat down in her chair practically wrapping herself around her mug, "Nope, I'm here till at least lunch. If something comes up, maybe longer. "

"Fine," Jack waved turning to go back to his office as his phone rang. Gwen perked up as Jack turned back, hand up, "It's not necessarily a case," he pointed at her. Grabbing the phone he checked the screen and grinned, "Hello beautiful," he greeted.

Gwen, Mickey and Martha all glanced at each other in confusion then as one tuned to send a questioning look at Ianto. He didn't seem particularly interested and just shrugged.

"Harkness," growled Swanson on the line, "It's Detective Kathy Swanson not 'beautiful'."

"Ok Kathy." Gwen's eyes lit up as she tried to stifle her laughter mouthing 'later' to Martha and Mickey.

"Detective Swanson," she corrected trying to remember why she'd thought calling Torchwood was a good idea. "Look Harkness, we've got a case for you."

"And here I'd thought you'd called to talk."

"Three dead, Harkness. Just send someone over to get the stuff and please send ANYONE but you."

"Aw, but then I wouldn't get to see you." Jack grinned ending the call before Swanson could answer. "Gwen, Martha, you're with me we need to check out a case the cops have for us."

Gwen was up and ready to go with a grin as Martha took a last sip of her coffee shaking her head.


Next Part

torchwood, ianto jones, fic, all our yesterdays, martha jones, gwen cooper, johnson, captain jack harkness, mickey smith, lives in fast-forward

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