Lives in Fast-Forward: Part I

Aug 27, 2010 00:12

Title: Lives in Fast-Forward
Series: All Our Yesterdays
Episode: 3 of 13
Previous Episode: Reflections of a Friend
Spoilers: All TW series 1-3, and DW 1-4 (at minimum)
Summery: The new Torchwood three is just starting to get settled in when three seemingly unconnected students die in weird circumstances. Torchwood takes the case and finds the students seem to have been aged, but only on the inside. With a lack of connection between the victims and no clues Mickey, and Ianto are forced to do a more in depth investigation.

A/N: Ok I got it written, mostly because the week started beautifully until wendsday which is when all hell broke loose for one day (actually you know what give me hell I would've taken that over that day). But I'm in classes now, so I will TRY to keep up the weekly updates, but we'll see

Gladys was walking home tonight. The last two weeks life in Cardiff was starting to go back to normal, after the last year or so. She felt safe enough to go back to her usual walk home instead of taking a cab. Nobody was on streets in this area anyway.

As she walked by a door she jumped when something hit it hard. She heard a click as it was unlocked and out it burst. Gladys froze looking at the thing. It was huge pale yellow three legs, four arms and a head covered in bubble-like eyes.

She heard shouting and so did the creature. It turned and fled down the street. She watched it for a second. Suddenly four people, two men and two women, dressed in dark clothes and waving guns also burst out the door.

“Ma’am, did you see . . .” the dark skinned woman began obviously winded. Gladys just raised her eyebrows, and pointed in the direction the creature had taken off in. “Thanks!” the woman called as all four took off in that direction.

Gladys just shook her head and went back to walking home in the opposite direction as it got quiet again. She looked up when she heard someone running to her. The man was wearing a long grey coat and holding what looked to be a giant gun from a bad sci-fi movie. He slowed down as he came up to her flashing a grin, “Have you seen . . .” Gladys just pointed in the direction that the other group went. “Thanks,” he called taking off his coat billowing out behind him.

She watched him go, “Bloody Torchwood,” she said with a small smile on her face.


“How was I to know it‘d pop like a balloon?” asked Jack for what felt like the hundredth time as he, and the team minus Gwen entered the Hub. The team was covered in bright yellow . . .goop was the only word to describe it. Jack, however, had remained goop-free. Considering he was the one who shot the thing, the team was, understandably, not happy with him.

“What does everyone want for dinner?” asked Ianto.

Mickey gave him a disbelieving look, “You ask me what I want to eat when I’m covered in this?” he gestured emphatically at the goop.

“I figured I’d order it while we were getting cleaned up.”

“I’ve got that covered,” they all turned to see Gwen standing there.

“You had today off,” argued Jack.

“I heard from Martha you were heading out on a call. I thought I’d make dinner for you all.”

Jack, and Ianto shared a fearful look. The captain turned to the woman, “You cooked?”

She rolled her eyes, “No, Rhys cooked. He and Cerys are down setting up the conference room for dinner. Both men looked relieved. “Now you all go get cleaned up.”

“If Ianto and I take a while, don’t worry. Just start eating without us,” Jack called with a leer turning to go to his office only to be stopped by Ianto.

The younger man looked him up and down, “I don’t think you need to get cleaned up. You should go and help set up.”

Now Jack was pouting, “But Ianto,” he whined, “I went running around and got sweaty.”

Ianto quirked an eyebrow, “Hardly, go help.”

Jack deflated and turned to go as Mickey called out, “Denied!” The team all went for the showers and Gwen carried a dish full of food from the kitchen area downstairs.

“However,” the captain whipped back around to look as Ianto continued in a low voice, “If you're sure about it. We could do a thorough check after dinner, sir.”

A lecherous grin slowly covered Jack’s face, “And you’ll just have to make sure I get clean.”

Ianto sighed in a very put-upon manner, “If I must,” his eyes were shining though as he left to go get in the shower.

“Ha!” Jack grinned as he bounded down the stairs to go help with dinner. “Well if it isn’t Rhys,” he called as he entered the conference room, “And the mini-Cooper,” he added seeing that Rhys was holding Cerys.”

“Harkness, if you paint racing stripes on my daughter,” the man warned with a grin.

“Don’t give him ideas,” Gwen chided smiling as she walked in carrying some plates. Jack made a show of looking like he was considering it, so Gwen hit him on the arm. He laughed walking over to the head of the table and falling into his chair. “Weren’t you supposed to be helping?”

“I am helping,” he gestured to them setting the table, “I’m supervising.”

“Oh supervising, are you?” Martha bopped him in the back of the head as she, and the others came in and sat down.

Johnson paused looking at Cerys, “She’s beautiful,” she said nodding at Gwen.

“So even Torchwood has a ‘bring you daughter to work day’.” Mickey teased.

“Apparently,” Jack said with a shrug, leaning forward to serve himself some food.

Gwen batted his hand away, “You, were just supervising. So you can supervise us eating,” to make her point she grabbed a roll and took a bite. Everyone laughed and served themselves as Jack looked theatrically offended.


Ianto woke up alone in bed. That was unusual; since they’d been back he’d yet to wake up alone. Jack had made a point of staying with him. It was inevitable though, there must have been a call and Jack didn’t want to wake him. He frowned he preferred when they handled those calls together.

He took a quick shower and shave, before going to the kitchen to make some toast. His new flat was nice, Jack had helped him find it and move in two days ago. Ianto smiled, house shopping with Jack had been a trip. He really doubted he’d be able to face some of the realtors ever again. Getting ready to head out he reached for his keys. He stopped. There was a piece of paper on top of them, no it was a check.

Ianto took it and looked at it. A check from Jack? Oh, bloody hell. Ianto did some calculations in his head the amount was the full down payment for the flat. Why would he pay for the flat? Could he . . .no. Jack wouldn’t. That just wasn’t him. Ianto went into his bedroom and looked around noting how half the wardrobe was already claimed, as well as half the bathroom. There was no excuse that it had all just been left here over time; he’d had the flat two days.

Ianto almost laughed right out. That man. He would face armies of the worst enemies with nothing but a grin and nerve, but he ran from something like this. He settled for just chuckling and shaking his head, though . . .wait. Ianto looked at the amount. Oh that certainly wouldn’t do.


Detective Kathy Swanson was having a bad morning. Then again any morning where your wake-up call leads to a possible/maybe murder scene couldn't be called a good one. She took a sip of her coffee again before remembering they'd screwed up her order.

Cursing under her breath she pulled her car up just outside the police tape, and got out slamming the door. One of the PCs raised the tape for her as she made her way over to where the body was and another handed her some information they had gathered. "Lewis please tell me you have good news," she begged the M.E. as she came up.

The older man shook his head, " 'Fraid not. Same as the others."

Swanson sighed looking at the body, a student if the previous trend held up. From the outside there were no obvious signs of trauma. "You sure?"

The man looked up at her, "I can't be positive until the autopsy, but almost certain."

"Great," she mumbled glancing down at the papers: Julie Bedward, 21, student.

"The first two were possibly freak accidents, but now."

"We have to assume it wasn't and accident," Swanson nodded.

Lewis considered his next words carefully it was no secret Swanson's opinion of special ops. "I've never seen anything like this before and have no clue what could have caused it. Maybe we should pass this case on?"

Swanson's frown got even deeper. Torchwood was the best option, they would stop it. She knew this, but that didn't mean she had to like it. "I'll call them in," she nodded turning away from the scene. She was not looking forward to that call. Unthinking she took another sip of her coffee, her face screwing up as she once again was reminded why it was almost full. She pointedly threw it in the next bin she saw. Time to get everything together and call Torchwood.


Next Part 

torchwood, ianto jones, fic, all our yesterdays, martha jones, gwen cooper, johnson, captain jack harkness, mickey smith, lives in fast-forward

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