Lives in Fast-ForwardSeries:
All Our YesterdaysEpisode: 3 of 13
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: All TW series 1-3, and DW 1-4 (at minimum)
Summery: The new Torchwood three is just starting to get settled in when three seemingly unconnected students die in weird circumstances. Torchwood takes the case and finds the students seem to have been aged, but
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Comments 5
Anyhow, loved the banter! :-)
and thank you I'm trying to keep the feel of Torchwood with team banter and such.
Also, I really like this new team -- Yeah, Ianto!!!! I love that he gave her "sub-standard" Ianto coffee -- can't think of anyone who deserves it more. And to bring in both Martha & Mickey? Stroke of brilliance! Is Tom going to join as a second medic/researcher/etc? Cause that would be really great!!!
Anyway, didn't like the fact that there's no more to read yet, tho -- hint, hint!!??!!?? Can't wait!!!!!
This team just felt right, and some of the dynamics have changed from when I was originally planning(What can I say these characters are stuborn and want to do things their own way)and the dynamic is going to go through changes as the series moves on.
We'll see what happens with Tom(he's probably not comming in until Ep 5)
I'm writing as fast as I have time to. Thankfully I've a buffer or there wouldn't have been any up this week. I'm in charge of a major project and an officer in a student organization while also just starting upper level classes. I'm happy you're so eager though.
I have to admit, I really miss the innocence of my university years -- everything was so new and exciting and every day was an adventure!! But that was a long time ago, and things have settled way, way, way. way ad nauseum down!
Especially since I retired early -- my two yr anniversary was Tuesday -- seems like yesterday and it seems like just eons ago.
Anyway = good luck with your project & your classes -- In my book, those come first, the fic last, so no more pressure from me!!! Instead, I should be working on finishing my own fics!!!!! I get so far and then some new idea pops in and I rush off to write on that one and never go back to the first, and it just keeps going -- my bunnies must shag like Jack, I swear!!!!!
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