2 Dick/Tim Ficlets

Jan 18, 2009 17:07

Title: Cling
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: light NC17
Content: bit o'smut
Word Count: 275
Summary: Tim clings to all he has left
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_ballads for prompt #15, "Freak On A Leash" by Korn

Tim clings to the only thing he has left. Stephanie's return isn't what it should have been. He's left the Titans behind. He can't accept his own part in Cass' fall. Bruce is gone.

His dad, Dana, Kon, Bart.


Gotham is falling to pieces around him and it's all he can do to keep fighting.

The first time it happens they're in the cave, exhausted from endless patrols, bruised and sore from too many fights. Tim's burns are finally healing but he still wears the Red Robin cowl.

It's one step closer to the cowl he'll have to choose soon.

He pushes it off, revealing sparse, sweaty hair, rubs tired eyes, and shuffles towards the bank of computers.

Pulling off his own mask, Dick intercepts him, taking his arm. "You need to sleep."

Their eyes meet, both bloodshot, both surprisingly needy.

And it's all so organic after that. The first kiss, the desperate fumbling aside of nomex and kevlar, hands finally finding their way into tights and past athletic cups to wrap and stroke.

Tim comes first, arching against Dick's hard, slim body, silent as he is in almost all things. His hand tightens and Dick joins him, crying out and shuddering.

Together they slump against a desk, arms holding each other tightly.

"Tim," is all Dick says.

It's the start.

Weeks pass. Bruce is still gone and Tim is closer to taking the cowl, but still he clings to what he has left. He spends what sleeping hours he has in bed with Dick. He spends his waking hours trying to save Gotham.

It's all he has left.

He's not letting it go.


Title: Going To Hell
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG13
Content: ogling of underage boy
Word Count: 172
Summary: A Bat and an Arrow watch a Robin work out, set a couple years in the past
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_ballads for prompt #12, "Pardon Me" by Incubus

"I'm going to hell."

At Dick's muttering, Roy rolls his eyes. "He's got a nice ass. Not as good as yours, but..."

"Shut up," Dick growls and punches the archer in the arm. "That's my little brother you're talking about."

"That's your little brother you're perving on, man," Roy teases, dancing out of the way of another blow as the two of them watch the young Robin working out shirtless in the cave, sweat glistening on newly formed muscles.

"He's fifteen," Dick groans.

"Almost legal."

"He's my little brother."

"Not really."

"Just 'cause you Arrows will do it with anything that moves."

Roy smirks at him. "You'd know, slut boy."

At that, Dick gives in and laughs and the sound startles Tim out of his routine. He stops, cocks one eyebrow at the two men, then rolls his eyes and heads for the pommel horse to work his biceps, triceps and deltoids."

"I'm so going to hell," Dick groans as the young man mounts the horse.

"Yeah, but you'll have great company."


dick/tim, table fanfic

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