Since I don't seem to be able to write anything in the current story in
TEAOW&S, I thought I'd try a few short ficlets. If you haven't read any of the series, you'll be seriously confused.
Title: In Silence
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Willow, allusions to Angel(us)/Willow
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 253
Summary: Set a few years into their marriage, Spike and Willow prepare to face her greatest fear.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for
30_quills for prompt #4, "In a world without words"
He holds her in silence as she clings to him. There is nothing he can say to her. This is the life they both chose. Destiny may have had a hand in it, but the five made the choice to accept it, knowing that their lives, already entwined would now be irrevocably bound with bonds of love. If there is none of that emotion between his wife and his sire, the love he holds for both of them is enough.
It will be enough to get her through this.
He knows she chose to ignore the facts--the bliss of ignorance isn't just a cliche--but he's known all along that this day would come.
The day Angel demanded Willow share his bed.
They can't fight it. He won't fight it. It's a sire's right and that truth has been ingrained in him for two hundred years. He knows she understand this. That's why she's not protesting, not yelling at him, demanding he rescue her. She won't hate him for letting Angel do this. She does understand.
To fight it, to yell and hate and hit would only damage the bond. They both know this, and so she'll go to Angel willingly, without tears, and he'll accept it.
And keep the Slayer under control because, while she also understands on some level, she will go ballistic and try to stop it. That worked once.
It can't work again.
They are five as one, not individuals, and this is the way their world works.
Title: In The Moment
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Angel(us)
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 263
Summary: Set at the moment of Spike's death in "Endings & Beginnings"
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for
30_quills for prompt #39(alt), "Will you cry if I die?"
Spike sometimes wondered if Angel cared anything for him. In those first months after the loss of his soul, his obsession with the Slayer was alarming, as was his almost casual cruelty to Drusilla. That he pretty much ignored Spike was a blessing that allowed him the freedom to fall in love with a pretty, shy redhead.
Time changed things, though, and his ability to walk was uncovered and Angel claimed him again, made him his second, but, still, that caring Spike knew two hundred years before seemed to be missing. He put up with it, held onto Willow tightly, and watched his sire carefully.
When Angel admitted his love for Buffy, it bowled them all over.
And Spike began to see a glimmer of his Angel. Then the bond changed everything. Their relationship deepened as that of the Chosen deepened. They returned to an easy comradery. Spike had Angel's back, shared his bed on occasion, and finally knew that he was cared for by his creator. They never talked about love--that was something they held for the women in their lives--but as the years passed Spike began to believe it.
Began to feel it.
So, it was the most natural thing in the world to jump in front of the bullet to protect Angel.
As his heart ripped and the pain seared through him and he knew this was the end, he turned and met the horror-filled eyes of his lover, his sire, his brother-in-arms, his god, and knew he was loved.
And knew that Angel would weep for him.
Title: Who'd Have Thought?
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike, Buffy/Angel(us)
Rating: PG13
Content: sappiness
Word Count: 200
Summary: As the one who holds everything together in the Family, Spike tends Buffy's wounds.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for
30_quills for prompt #25, "Time changes everything"
"There, good as new," Spike said as he cut the end of the thread and looked critically over the neat row of stitches across Buffy's shoulder. "With your healing ability, shouldn't even scar."
Buffy took another slug of whisky, gasped, and mumbled, "Thanks. Stupid Elikinor demon and its stupid butt claw." She gazed blearily at Spike and waved her glass at him. Smiling in amusement, he poured her a fourth shot of Angel's best twelve year old Scotch and watched her drink it down like a sailor.
"Yeah, it's stupid."
"I mean, how do they sit? Who thought a butt claw was a good idea?"
Spike chuckled and took a sip of his own drink then, noticing a bit of her blood on his finger, licked it.
Laughing at the face she made, he nudged her calf with one of his bare feet. "Like I'm the first vampire to taste you, sweetheart."
She rolled her eyes, then fell forward over the table.
He gazed down at the unconscious woman, then rose to scoop her limp body into his arms. "Who'd have ever thought we'd end up friends, pet," Spike murmured as he carried her upstairs to her waiting lover.
Title: Heart On His Sleeve
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Willow
Rating: PG13
Content: romance
Word Count: 168
Summary: Set in the middle of "Last Dance," Spike ponders the new revelation that he loves Willow.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for
30_quills for prompt #5, "Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life"
When Spike made up his mind to love someone, he did it completely and didn't make a secret of it. When Willow asked him, he told her the truth, even though it was new to him as well. She'd freaked out, fled to the powder room, and left him sitting there in the Bronze pondering this new development.
He loved a seventeen year old mortal girl.
A little spitfire hidden beneath a shy and modest exterior, though that exterior was crumbling more and more as they spent time together. A genius, much smarter than him, and the best friend of the Slayer.
A redhead when brunettes had always been his preference.
And he loved her.
At the moment, Spike chose not to think about the future, the implications, the problems.
He loved Willow Rosenberg, and, like everything he did, he loved her fully, with his whole heart on his sleeve. There was no holding him back now.
And when she returned his love, he'd be complete.