either busy or lazy weekend

Jul 13, 2014 13:37

Kind of both.

Saturday started out early with market and then a trip to KC to the Hallmark open house. I think I was like the youngest person there and I'm not young. I dunno what Hallmark's going to do with their ornaments in about twenty years when the majority of people buying them are dead.

After we got back I headed to the post office and then World Market to do some shopping for mom's birthday which is this Friday. My original plan was to do the late downtown shopping on Thursday except that's the annual sidewalk sale and I avoid downtown like the plague. Really, if I didn't have to work downtown, I'd go nowhere near the zoo. At least the weather should be decent. Due this weird ass "arctic blast" coming Monday night it'll only be in the low to mid-80s by Thursday. Really, we're on the very southern and western edge of the blast and it's going to be in the low 50s to start the days most of the week. Bizarre.

Of course today's it like 95 and humid thanks to some rain early morning.

Anyway, back to yesterday when it was also hot and humid. I got my car washed and then headed home for Le Tour watching. I spent a lot of time dozing, completely missing the soccer runner up game. Did get three loads of laundry done and the dishes. I ordered the rest of mom's present and it should be here Wednesday.

Oh, I also managed to bruise my leg. If I doze off with my laptop on my legs it tends to leave dents in my fat. Due to the steroids, I actually bruised. yay.

No writing but I thought about it a lot.

The Royals lost AGAIN, completely blowing their chance to gain on Detroit, instead, losing on them.

Last game of the series just started. It would be so nice to have a win going into the All Star Break. So far we did not let them score in the first.

Anyhoo, I got up early and made pancakes for my last day pre-dieting, watched some of Le Tour (first category one mountain) then went to church. My solo went really well. :) Service was on giving and receiving and I sang Nature Boy which sort of fits. Marta, an English professor and quite the storyteller, talked about receiving help mowing her new backyard. Newly divorced in her first home as a single woman, she's never used a power lawnmower. She had a manual push mower for a small yard and tried to do that. She got 1/4 of the backyard done in 90 minutes one day, another quarter in the same time the next day before her neighborhood and she went back and forth about him bringing over his riding lawn mower and finishing and lending her his gas powered push mower to do the small front yard (and show her how). She finally gave in and let him help and he did the whole backyard in like 20 minutes. *g* As a single, feminist, powerful woman she did NOT want help. *g* Sometimes receiving without giving back can be a difficult thing for us to accept. Anyway, her story was hilarious. I'm glad she's going to be on the reformed and reformatted team. We've had some good times working together. We have very similar personalities--introverts.

And now I'm home watching the Royals, taping the soccer, will finish Le Tour, and hoping to write something. My plan is to write one hurt/comfort bingo prompt a weekend, aiming for longer than ficlets. I made it last weekend. Let's see if I can do it this weekend. Not all the prompts are speaking to me but I do want a blackout and I have until the end of the year. Of course, December is crazy busy for writing so really I need to try to finish in November which means some weekends will have to double up. At least I'm ahead of the game on my Teen Wolf big bang! If they run it again, I'd like to to the polyamory bb as well this Fall.

I really need to catch up on tv, too. I was so ticked last night when I stumbled onto last week's The Last Ship about fifteen minutes in. I went ahead and taped it so I only have to watch the first fifteen minutes at the tnt website and then can switch over to be able to zoom through commercials. I'd done a check last Tuesday and that ep wasn't being repeated. Of course all the Defiance eps on Syfy were and then they weren't.

I have rewatched Teen Wolf. I kind of like Liam. He's kind of adorable. A slightly mini-Jackson but not quite as douchey.

I really, really don't want a Derek/Braeden hook up. I just don't don't see it. I'm not sure about Lydia/Parrish (I don't think it'll happen due to the age thing).

If I was a mute guy, I'd die because I'm a mouth breather.


Okay, gonna try to write.

lazy weekend, church, le tour, singing, royals, writing

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