bit confused there

Feb 14, 2014 10:08

Turned on the women's skeleton live stream and immediately wondered why our gal, who'd been in second, was already taking her third run. Surely they'd go in reverse order. For some reason, fifteen minute delay, so they were showing Vancouver. (ETA, third run is actually fastest to slowest; fourth the opposite).

I have a damn cold. I've been feeling something coming on--a bit more congested than normal, a bit more tired--all week, but last night I felt crappy. No fever, though--97.7. I've been coughing and feel wan and draggy all morning, so I'm going straight home after work instead of to my parents. My dad, with is lung disease, is very susceptible to colds. Plus I feel crappy.

I know you don't get a cold from being in the cold, but I always feel crappy after I go out and shovel/snowblow. I dunno...

Lady came in bitching about a "threatening letter" telling her to pay $100 by today or we'd go back to court. Well, lady, you said you'd pay $100 a month; you've been paying sporadically for the last six months and your last payment was in December and was $30. She still only paid $80. Of course I'd drafted the court papers already.

Yesterday was an excellent day in freestyle skiing--we swept the men's slopestyle. We always do well in the new sports and then the rest of the world catches up. Not doing so well in speed skating, though men's relay, after a fall, qualified and a couple guys in the 1000m qualified in short track. Again, we used to dominate that, too, when it was new.

We did come in 8th in Men's Biathalon, best placing ever. :)

And we have a guy in contention for bronze in figure skating though it's unlikely. He's in contention with about ten other guys. Not sure what to think of Plushenko's withdrawal. He did state he just wanted to do the team event but because they had no other Russian man, he was stuck with doing the individual. I kind of agree with the announcers who said he would have withdrawn before going out to warm up--didn't make sense for him to do it there. Though, on the other hand, if he has a big ego, he'd have wanted to do out before a crowd, right?

Today I'm watching live women's aerials, women's skeleton, and then the replay of both runs of mens's combined skiing. They're all in primetime tonight but we get so little of the actual sport then, it annoys me. At least the daytime televised sports we get most of the athletes. We got all the figure skating. I don't actually care that they show only bits of cross country--or they'd be on for four hours.

I'm behind on regular tv, too--gave up on the soap opera this week--but should have time to catch up this weekend (3 day, yay!)

While I understand why you can't pause live streaming (actually, since you can on a DVR, why can't you?) I don't get why you can't pause or fast forward through the replays. Also didn't realize until yesterday that I could watch full screen...

I watched the second Percy Jackson movie. It was okay. Best thing was the ten minutes Nathan Fillian rocked as Hermes--nice dig to cancellation of great tv shows *g*.

I've gotten everything hole punched and organized already. I have about a half hour more of work today. Maybe I'll porn during events. Porn Battle was extended to Sunday which is nice. I didn't get a chance to write as much as I'd like. Also, everyone's writing happy Valentine's Day ficlets for fullmoon_ficlet.'t be...

KU plays TCU tomorrow here. Should be an easy victory but you never know with this team. I'll have to take a break from Olympic viewing for that. I hope to be well enough on Sunday to go see Monuments Men with the fam. It didn't get great reviews but it's WWII, so dad's in, and it has a great cast. Dad has a colleague who's grandfather was one, though I don't think he's in the movie, unless he's a maternal grandfather with a different surname.

It's so nice to see the Germans NOT dominating a sliding event.

Feel like blech.

ETA: Now I have the pause and fast forward buttons and on a live stream. I knew I had them for a replay earlier in the week but they were gone yesterday. Weird.

work stuff, sick, olympics, writing, stupid body

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