oh look saturday's almost over

Oct 12, 2013 17:24

No surprise that KU lost. Our offense stinks (didn't help that our best receiver was out with an injury after last week's game). Our defense is actually pretty good but there's only so much they can do. Still, thanks to them (and special teams) we got some turnovers and managed not to lose too badly on the road to TCU. 27-17. We were tied 10-10 at the half but then they came out and scored easily and then got a turnover on our first possession and then scored again.

Anyhoo...How about dem Chiefs? *g*

Watching KSU losing to Baylor right now. ETA, by the time I was done with this, they'd gone ahead. Oops, Baylor just scored again as I typed THIS. lol

Three day weekend, thank God. Was busy yesterday at work but still managed to write another full_moon ficlet, first time I've written more than one for a prompt (you can write up to five). Also watched Revolution so I'm mostly caught up with tv--have Criminal Minds and Hawaii 5-0 from this past week and maybe OUAT in Wonderland which I'll have to watch at abc.com I'm not a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland but it looks interesting and it has Sayid in it.

Mom made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and lima beans for dinner last night, one of mine and dad's all time favorite meals. :) LJ things lima is spelled wrong. It's a bean, not the city in Peru! Doesn't need to be capitalized.

I'm getting a free tv. Parents have started using mileage points for other things besides trying to get tickets, as that is harder and harder to do. They already got themselves a 40 inch flat screen HD tv for the guest room and they're getting me one as well. I think my current tv is about a 32 inch at the most. So, yay! They offered to buy me one a couple weeks ago but that would be my Christmas present and I'm still a little kid at Christmas and want to open lots and lots of presents. So, between this and dad offering to go halvsies on the snowblower, I'm doing okay with not spending money this Fall! I will buy a new tv stand and pay Best Buy geeks to come and set everything up, hook up all my machines that are currently unhooked, etc.

I need to measure the space before buying a stand, but I think I'll hang the tv on the wall. Right now my "Flaming June" print is hanging there. No clue where I'll put that as the space over the current tv is 1) too small and 2) already occupied with a print. The chair under June will fit there.

Though maybe I'll rethink this because one of the problems with flat screen is that you really have to be facing it to watch. I lay on the couch and watch tv which is at my feet and to the right. currently the chair I'm in is directly across from it. The couch can't move (it's on the only wall) so I'd have to actually sit up properly to watch a flat screen tv.

Decisions, decisions...

Mom and I went to market; it was chilly and probably the last time we'll go since I have a doctor's appointment next week. Also had to go feed the cat and then stop at work and send off an email to legal notices as I forgot to do it yesterday and we need publication to start on Tuesday.

Oh, forgot, I now have silver fingernails! New color from OPI. I think this is it. I'll probably go every three weeks. $27 for work on the acrylic, filing/buffing, and new polish is a pretty good deal, and she's a nice and fun person to talk to.

I need to practice my solo and pray I can hit the high notes without cracking/sounding horribly breathy. I'm certainly not going to the sing-along Program at 9:30 and probably will refrain from singing any hymns or the other music prior to the solo, to save my voice.

It's still ridiculously warm here--mid 70s in mid October is just wrong. We were supposed to get all this rain in the next couple days but we're down to like 20% chances; it's only supposed to cool off about ten degrees and be in the mid 60s most of next week but back up to 70 within ten days. I'll probably mow on my day off as I've been putting it off and I'm sure not mowing before singing. Hopefully that will be the last time this Fall, though.

There are squirrels everywhere. At least a dozen ran in front of the car as mom and I drove to market and back this morning. I just saw one running along my porch railing. I suppose it means a hard winter if they're going crazy gathering foodstuffs. *sigh*

So, need to do my Yuletide sign up and then get cracking on my IWRY fic. It's starting to gel a bit in my head, but I need to find a couple Hell ficlets on my computer that are set at the same time to get Buffy's attitude right. She's definitely darker after a hundred years in Hell.

Oh, but here is the meme, all done now.

Day 27: Favorite SPN Sam Quote

I don't do quotes so I googled...(oh and pretty much all quotes seem to be between the two of them with Sam usually the straight man so this wasn't easy).

From 6.09 "Clap Your Hands If You Believe"

"Dean, did you service Oberon, King of the Fairies?"

Day 28: Favorite SPN Dean Quote:


From 5.08 "Changing Channels"

"Calm down? I am wearing sunglasses at night! You know who does that? No-talent douchebags! I hate this game! I hate that we're in a procedural cop show, and you want to know why? Because I hate procedural cop shows! There's like three hundred of them on television, they're all the freakin' same."

Day 29: Meg 1.0 or 2.0?

Meg 1.0 was very one dimensional. Just evil. It was a good evil, all nasty and deadly, but not that interesting so I had no problem with her being sent back to hell. She had her purpose, served it, and then was gone.

At first I didn't like the actress they chose for Meg 2.0 all that much, but the character was much more interesting. Sarcastic, witty, nasty yet...Sure her reasons for helping the boys was to save her own ass, but she did help. She didn't need to stay with Cas in the mental institution, but she did. Her character wasn't one dimensional, and I did adore her scenes with Cas and all the lovely sexiness. And then she died. :P

Day 30: Favorite Season Finale:

Season 5. Sam chugging the demon blood; Dean's despair at the failure of the rings the first time; Lucifer taking control; Michael showing up in Adam; Bobby and Cas' death; the beat down; the toy soldier; Sam taking control and jumping; Dean's despair; the resurrections; Dean going to Lisa; and the final bit which would have made a great place to end the series--Dean living the normal life that Sam always wanted and Sam watching from the shadows, back from Hell but we'd never know how.

Not that I'm not glad the show continued.

Oh, and the opening narration by Chuck about the car which made Chuck God to me and many others.

football blather, meme, ku football, stupid weather, writing, family, shopping

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