why is it still not friday yet?

Oct 10, 2013 10:19

God this week has been slow at work. I really have very little to do. Paying payroll taxes takes all of two minutes thanks to it all being done through our accounting software and online (I couldn't figure out why the Feds wanted it so early but then remembered that Monday, thank God, is a holiday). I have three garnishments to draft, and that's it. I think I'll be organizing those receipts.

At least I leave a half hour early for my manicure. I have no idea what color to go with. I really like having odd colored nails, despite my age. The blue is just gorgeous.

Choir practice went well. "Both Sides Now" is an easy song except for the fact that I was really breathy on the three Cs and one D in a row each verse. I wasn't that afternoon when singing with youtube, so maybe it was because I hadn't warmed up. I never warm up before a solo, but I may do some scale work on Sunday morning. My comfort zone is really a B or B Flat so one and two notes higher is HIGH for me.

The song we're singing for Day of the Dead service has the alto part go down to a G below middle C and apparently that's too low for our first alto. Val and I, the two lowest altos--she can't go as high as I can--just kind of looked at each other because that's like four or five notes higher than what we can comfortably sing. I have a two octave range easily.

I got home yesterday after running some errands and turned on the TV and it was frozen, but it wasn't because I switched channels and it was fine, so I don't know if that was just a glitch in the channel or what. Everything recorded and it was working this morning.


Speaking of TV, I watched Castle, Survivor (lots of blindsides!), Arrow (love Felicity), CSI, and American Horror Story which I quite enjoyed. So I only have The Originals and Criminal Minds (and Revolution which I'll have to watch on nbc.com) from this week. I decided not to give The Tomorrow People a try. I think dad watched it so I'll ask him what he thought. I am planning to watch this November premiering show about an android cop with Karl Urban.

My local newspaper has done one more thing to piss me off. They're going to start requiring the use of real names and having a Facebook account to comment, so I'm gone (and I'm not alone by far--I thought I was the only net savvy person who didn't use Facebook but there are at least a hundred just in the commenter pool at my paper). The first is because of trolling and trashing and basic asshattery, and they claim they need to link a real name to Facebook for some reason. The real reason is, of course, money, because just like the Google ads, Facebook will have access to data, but this time who we really are. Of course you can set up a fake Facebook, but, as I said in my comment (while I still can), that gives Facebooks a legitimacy I don't want to give it. I wrote a harsh email to the paper and did get back a comment, well reasoned and calm, but they're not going to change their minds. At first I was fine with using my real name but apparently some people who have have been stalked and harassed both online and off!

The easy solution in my opinion is to have everyone register with the paper with their real name and an email address, maybe even a phone number, tied to a specific username. They can verify it's a real person, and then ban that person, not just the username, if they get out of line. This seems logical to me.

Of course, they won't get Facebook money that way which is the real reason for this. :P

ESPN started doing this several months ago and while I've never commented there, I stopped paying them for Insider because of it. If I got the physical newspaper I'd be canceling it. It's the principle of the thing--you don't force people to use certain platforms!

I've mentioned before one of the things I hate most about the internet is the proliferation of Facebook and Twitter buttons everywhere so we can link to what tv shows we're watching and what comments we're making and what we're buying. No, I don't want that crap. Hell, even here in Firefox, the AVG search bar has a Facebook button. Why??????

In happier news, I heard back from my artist and sent her the fic this morning. :)

This weekend is mostly going to be devoted to writing my IWRY fic since it's due in ten days. And watching football, of course. KU will lose, but the Chiefs have a chance of winning the next three games, all at home, against opponents with weaker records. I may or may not watch parts of the Bears game tonight (I record two shows from 7-7:30 and 8-8:30 so it won't be the whole thing) and maybe work on writing and signing up for Yuletide. Or I may just nap, you never know.

The SPN meme is on favorite quotes--that takes research, so later hopefully. I'm not a quote person.

So, to work...

working for the weekend, singing, stupid newspaper, choir, writing, tv blather

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