hump day

Oct 02, 2013 09:50

Well, got Sleepy Hollow but no one has loaded Bones (which I lost the second half of due to stupid Fox disappearing Monday night) so I went to to check. It's the eight days wait except, look ma, my cable provider lets me sign in and watch it the next day! What's weird is that it logged me in automatically. Firefox at work is set to save NO passwords since I'm not supposed to goof off online at work--I use Chrome for work stuff. No clue.

Also, DISH on Demand, which mom and dad never use because it generally sucks and offers very little, actually has Fox on it so they should be able to watch it on their tv. Since they can't stream videos they were waiting for me to do the naughty.

No one has uploaded OUAT either, which is odd, but I can get that right away on (and mom and dad watch it since they don't watch other stuff Sunday night--for me, no one uploads TAR or the cartoons but someone always uploaded OUAT so that seemed the logical choice. Oh well, I CAN stream with no problem so I can just do it the legal way.)

Fox and CW are the only two networks that make you wait eight days or have deals with cable providers. It makes no sense. Do they WANT people to illegally download? Luckily my little cable company has a deal with Fox at least.

Okay, enough of that. I'll watch stuff this afternoon while hole punching since I have very little to do till tomorrow and Friday. *sigh*

I'm wearing one of my dresses I usually put a pin in to cover the cleavage gap but I also am wearing one of my more uplifting new bras and standing it looked fine. Sitting, not so much. *sigh* Why do I keep losing weight in my boobs????? And my shoulders, like I'm getting narrower up top. Stupid body.

I got more writing done last night and am over the necessary 8000 words. I need to go back and write my first ever pegging scene (can you believe it? Writing smut online for over 15 years and I've never written pegging. Okay, I did write Darla using a 18th century dildo on Angelus but it wasn't a strap on.) and I have the fic pretty much plotted out in my head. I've got to stop writing dialogue in my head because by the time I get to typing it, it's never as good. The Lydia gives Stiles permission to be with Derek scene I wrote last night didn't come out as well as it did when I was driving to my parents'.

I should have time to write today and tomorrow night, but I doubt it'll be finished. I have a women's group potluck at church on Friday night.

It's weirdly foggy and overcast this morning but it's supposed to be 87 today through Friday and then plunge to 40 at night and low 60s during the day. I need to mow hopefully one last time before true Fall starts. Maybe Sunday before church if it doesn't rain much before then.

Comic book day. I finally updated my subscription last week--well, I handed the giant (no literally, he's like seven feet tall) my list and hopefully he got it to the right person. I took over three or four DC books and added several Marvel. I'll see if they actually made the changes.

Have eaten popcorn so tooth is pretty good. What's weird is that both the cap and the inlay I had a couple years ago are on the left side, which is the side I typically chew on. My inner cheeks is still a bit sore from the shots.

So, let's talk SHIELD.

So I enjoyed it a lot. I understood Fitzsimmons a lot better; I think they slowed down. Not really surprised Skye's a spy, but it looks like Coulson is wary which is good. May kicks ass, literally. The plot was okay, not a surprise the Peruvians turned on them. While I enjoyed the 'hammer' mention and the 'tesseract' mention, I hope they start pulling back a bit from that before it gets too cutesy. I don't have an issue with Hydra--that's not purely an Avengers thing--but I'd also like to see somethings that have no connection to the movies. Even the "bad guy" in ep one was using extremis from Iron Man 3.

Though if Nick Fury wants to keep popping up, that's fine and dandy with me. *g* I'd read SLJ wanted to cameo but didn't expect it so soon! I told mom to make sure dad watches the reprise. She doesn't watch, she has no interest in superhero movies, she is a heathen. *g*

The fullmoon ficlet prompt this week is "late" and I keep going to Stiles being overdue to give birth except I already wrote it where he goes into premature labor. Need to shake off that idea. Though maybe baby number two... Hmmmm

Day 20: Favorite crying/sad scene

Huh, I'm not a big fan of men crying scenes mostly because it's the rare actor who can do it convincingly, so I'll go with sad scene of which there are a lot.

The scene after Sam jumps into Hell and Dean, all bloody and beaten, is on his knees, just so defeated, with Bobby and Cas both dead. Pretty damn sad. Jensen did a great job of portraying Dean's helplessness at that moment.

Still trying to figure out why, when I came to work, the lights were on in the main office and the locked break room, the doors were open to the conference room/rest of building, and the other attorney's office was open with the fan on. Cleaning guy wasn't here--he tends to leave things on. I figured other attorney was at court or something but it's been over an hour.

Oh well not my problem.

work silliness, meme, stupid weather, writing, tv blather, tv babble, stupid body

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