why isn't it friday yet?

Oct 01, 2013 11:10

Actually got to work a few minutes early today.

Did get some writing done last night and hope for more today. I only have to have 8K words by Friday night/Saturday morning which is completely dooable as I'm about to write the first Derek/Stiles smooch scene (and then the Stiles freak out over Lydia probably dumping him for cheating despite her being the one pushing them together because they're stupid boys).

I watched the first half of Bones. *sigh* Then I watched this cute movie with Dylan O'Brien and Britt Robertson (from Secret Circle and Under the Dome) that had probably the most realistic virgin sex scene I've ever seen in a movie--as in it was really bad and awkward and they both regretted it. Called The First Time or something like that.

It's the first of October and supposed to be 85 degrees. That's just too much. And then by Saturday they low's supposed to be like 39. My body doesn't like those kind of changes.

I'm very congested. Stupid allergies.

Getting used to tooth. At least my mouth doesn't feel hurt or taste kind of metallic anymore.

Y'know, some people just like to bitch. The tagset was opened in Yuletide before it was finished and people are complaining that they'll have to go through it twice--once now and then when it's finished--and why couldn't they have just waited till it's finished and whine whine.

Who says you have to go through it now!? Just wait till it's done. Sheesh. I, for one, liked having a preliminary look (until they shut it down due to glitches) and I'll look through it again when it comes time to sign up. Either you make the time for both or you wait. Really, why is this is a complaint?

Seasonal godihatesmushedpairnames Spuffy is moving back to LJ which I'm glad about because I never did read anything over on DW and now, with loading all fics to AO3, I never use mine. I signed up for the Fall round because I'm a masochist. Though I always do get a lot of feedback in that comm which is really nice since I've been writing Buffy forever.

Speaking of Buffy, if I'm going to write what may turn out to be a massively long Hell fic for IWRY, I probably should get on that.

Boss is at lunch with his "girlfriend" ie the 80 year old little Austrian woman he takes out about twice a month and listens to her complain about the nursing home, her brother who controls her trust, etc. etc. She's kind of adorable actually. Drinks beer like a fish.

SHIELD tonight! Wheeeee!

It's really nice to see NFL highlights where the Chiefs are portrayed in a positive light. It's been several years.

I'm working on the closed files. When I'm on vacation and the boss' son works here, I think some of them just disappear into the aether. I hate working on closed files. Obviously I have no real work to do.

I'm also trying to figure out why the court is only closed on Christmas Day. Usually they take two days off. Trying to schedule my staycations. I'll probably work the 23rd and 24th and then take off through January 1 unless the court adds a vacation day there. I'm also taking the first two days of March Madness off again like last year and then eleven work days at the end of May into June for London and Scotland.

Okay, probably should wrap this up and work on the fic while boss is gone.

Favorite Gag Reel Moment:

I don't really watch these but I do love the Dean on the car "Eye of the Tiger" bit. If you've never seen it, I'm sure it's on youtube. From Season 3 (I think).

meme, work, writing, movie babble, vacation plans, yuletide, stupid weather, stupid whiny people

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