i need a monday do over

Sep 30, 2013 21:57

or can it just be Friday already?

So, I got up, showered, took my meds, wasn't hungry so decided to take a granola bar to work, took my phone off the charger and opened it to check email...

And there was this big calendar announcement.

It was 8:20.

My dentist appointment was at 8:00.

*head desk*

They'd called--I immediately called and they could still take me, so I brushed my teeth and tore out of there.

They went with a full over 3/4 crown so it cost about $200 more than the estimate and I'm $1200 poorer (when I called my dad afterwards and said that he thought I'd gone and bought a tv; we all forgot about the damn crown.) It took just two hours for the whole thing. Worst was removing of the old filling. Now my mouth is a bit bruised feeling and the crown feels weird but then my inlay felt weird for a while too when I got it.

Then I had to go home to get lunch, still having had no breakfast, so I didn't get to work until 11:00.

I did get a bit of writing done and as mentioned earlier, boss left early with a plumbing crisis at home.

My plan for the evening was to have on the football game and write while taping Bones and Sleepy Hollow to watch later. I had on the football game. I napped on and off for over two hours. Also, mom called around 7:50, waking me up, to ask if anyone uploaded Bones because they lost the Fox signal about 7:30.

So did I. I have cable, they have Dish Network. IDEK how we can both lose it unless the whole area or country lost the Fox feed. The local news is on so it was the national feed. Sleepy Hollow is on again Friday but I'll have to get Bones. I'll also be getting SH because I'm not waiting till Friday to watch it.

Castle is recording so I can watch last week's and this week's along with the rest of Haven which I watched until football and the nap started, or I can watch this high school sex movie with Dylan O'Brien.

I'm still waiting for someone to upload OUAT. Due to football, I have to set my recordings for TAR and the Fox cartoons to go over an hour. Also, no one uploads the cartoons anymore.

I watched Warm Bodies. Such a sweet movie!

Let's see...Dinner out on Saturday was quite good but I ate too much and got a stomach ache and felt ooky all night till about 4:00 a.m. I ordered a maple sausage starter and it was raw. I don't eat raw food. I have now eaten raw food and it was superb. I'm pretty sure the description didn't say anything about it being tartare. I ordered the steak, only ate about 1/3 of it. The sauce was very rich, probably too rich since I'd had tender tummy for a couple days. I also had ice wine and a peach upside down cake and a froo froo drink to start that had creme de cacao and tequila.

Full just thinking about it.

The Royals lost on Saturday night but won the season finale for the best season since 1989. The Chiefs won as well, going 4-0. IDEK about that either.

Church was intergenerational and okay. Kind of funny and silly in places. Choir song actually managed to come together. I bought my book for my chalice circle (small group ministry that starts next Sunday and meets every two weeks through the Spring.

Last night I watched TAR. I'll be rooting for the baseball wives simply because the hubby of one is a Royal--I knew about the partnership for about six weeks as the local announcers have been promoting the show. The other one's hubby used to be a Royal.

Since I napped, my tummy feels gross. I drank about 16 ounces of water--hopefully that'll help. I should go clean out the litter box but ooky tummy.

So...ficcing. I have several scenes in my head, just need to get them down. I'm nearly at 5K.

chiefs, mondays suck, stupid technology, royals, tv blather, stupid body

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