*sigh* why lj why?

Dec 12, 2012 09:11

I'm pretty much meh about the new profile page. I'm getting used to the new posting page. I'm not looking favorably at all to the coming friends page; even if they make scrolling optional, I like my pretty pretty blue page with correct font size for my eyes and my own mood thingies etc.

Why fuck around with what's working?!

Still not committing to moving to DW completely. We're in a wait and see holding pattern until they force the FL page changes on us.

Didn't stay at my parents' long last night, just till after supper, as I was getting a scratchy throat from sinus drainage. Still there today. I need to get some sugar free ricola as I took a regular one at 2:15 this morning and my blood sugar was around 125--maybe due to that, maybe not; I really have no clue what causes it to fluctuate but I'm not going to eat the exact same thing every day to find out if it'll stay the same (when I was 14 I was on a diet and DID eat the exact same thing every day...)

Caught up on a bit of tv but not enough. I hope tonight, when I'm at choir, it recording two things for three hours doesn't make the DVR explode. It's at about 86% full.

I forgot to mention that, due to the extreme cold Monday night, I dug out a pair of old flannel Nick & Nora pjs that I haven't been able to wear for years and they FIT! Yay! Also, today I'm wearing a dress I haven't worn in years--it's a stretchy dress but it just really rolled over my tummy. I tried on a silk circle skirt I've owned for about twenty years and could wear again when I was my thinnest five years ago and it fits--a bit tight as it has a button closure, but hopefully by Christmas it'll be comfortable. I also tried on one of my several fancy lace blouses and it buttoned over my tummy! Dad said I'm actually getting a waist. :) At least my boobs don't seem to be disappearing this time. In losing eighty pounds, I dropped three cup sizes.

My forearms are different sizes. My right (dominant) is actually a bit fatter/flabbier. There is no loose skin around my left wrist (the one that's like six inches and means that I have to wear children's watches/bracelets if I want them to fit) either and there is a bit around the right. I'd like to get some of those calipers and measure the difference in the arm fat. It's kind of weird that my dominant arm is fatter. Maybe because, except for writing, I pretty much do everything left handed?

Bodies are weird man.

Tonight, along with choir practice, I need to order the final gifts from Amazon, package up two boxes to take to the post office in the morning, and watch a lot of tv.

I did start writing yesterday and hope to continue that today. I need to get the Derek/Stiles fic out of my brain so I can concentrate on Yuletide and others this weekend. It's just so insistent, damn it, and, of course, it's dark. I am looking forward to seeing the reception it gets on AO3. My TW big bang has over 50 kudos and over a 1000 hits, by far the highest of any fic of mine, and that's not even popular pairings. Amazing.

Also, I need to respond to feedback on that and the Buffy/Spike ficlet.

Need to type up the solstice notes today so we can get that rolling as it's in two Sundays. Boss won't be in till noon or so and then will probably be gone most of the afternoon. I do have some work to do--fears of having nothing to do this week were wiped out yesterday.

So...probably should do something...

Oh, holiday cards going out this weekend so, Holiday Card Poll possibly last chance!

ETA: OMGOMGOMGOMG Big Arrow Spoiler--and, no it's not about Merlyn, that's another articel at today's tvguide.com SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Can you tell I'm happy about this? *g* Not as much about the actor but the character, though I'm fine with the actor.

holiday poll, clothes fit whee, dieting, sick, work, writing, stupid body

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