most wonderful time of the year

Dec 13, 2012 09:26

Except for the stuffed up nose and scratchy throat. *sigh*

Did not go to choir last night. Pretty much had no voice and was wiped out. I made tomato soup using marinara sauce, cannellini beans, carrots and pasta. I've had it before. It's low fat (well, when you cut the three tbsp of oil to one!) and really hearty even at a cup a serving. Felt good on the chill night.

I caught up on Arrow, Bones, Leverage, and watched last night's Criminal Minds and Survivor while not replying to feedback, putting together packages for mailing or ordering the last Christmas gifts. Instead, after two and a half years I coded fic for my website. Luckily, except for holiday ficlets, the last two and a half years haven't seen a huge output of fics from me; still have a way to go, though. The goal is to code at least ten fics a day and load twenty a week on Sundays. I also realized that none of the coded fics from years past are on my laptop--they're all on the desk top. Probably should do something about that. I also miss Cute Html to code. I have to copy and paste code out of previous fics at yahoo (my webhost) into the fic on Word Perfect, do a find and replace of all the hard returns to put in the < P >, then copy and paste the fic into a new file at yahoo. I don't have any helpful way to save the fics as html but since I hand code everything, it's all there on the harddrive. I had gotten a routine down by the end of the evening. It's also helping clean up my directories which are full of drafts that need dumping and poorly named fics.

Pretty much all the fics so far have been Supernatural with a handful of DC Comics.

Tonight, after doing that, I'm going to try to wrap some presents (and put together those packages or they'll be getting New Year's gifts). Depends on how I feel. I have leftovers for dinner, so no worries about that. Also watch at least Glee and TVD.

Got a message from brother that he's actually sent stuff for mom and dad. Usually he waits till like three days before Christmas and has to send everything super fast expensive. Go him, being all grown up and responsible at 43. *g* Surprisingly I haven't gotten anything from sister-in-law who is usually much more on the ball. There was also a mention of giving presents to parents this weekend when they're up there so maybe they'll be bringing back smaller stuff. Hopefully wrapped because I like the big unwrap extravaganza on Christmas morn with oodles of prezzies. It's why I ask for small stuff like books and cds and not an HD TV or iPad. Quantity is my motto. *g*

The Dean/Cas Xmas exchange is open! I'm pretty happy with my kind of odd fic. That's why the icon...though I want a lot more than that for Christmas. *g*

Finally typed up all the notes on the Solstice service yesterday. Have heard back from no one. I'm doing the bulk of the work--I'm not recruiting people to help! We're raising a cone of power to assist the earth through winter and doing a spiral dance with the kids. And then the next Sunday, in a total dichotomy which shows just how my church bounces from extremes at times, I'm doing a service on UU views on Jesus... A brilliant soprano is singing Pie Jesu. And because about a month ago, when I helped the teenager with her service on Creation, some bitchy parents complained about her reading the kids the story of the Garden of Eden, I'm going to read something incredibly Christian just because I'm pissed off on her behalf. What really irks me is that she asked me if I thought it was too religious and I said 'No, read it! Just a story.' Our roots are in Christianity but apparently that freaks some people out. Mention any other god and it's hunky dory and multi-cultural, but not Jesus or the Christian God. grrrrrr Also, I just KNOW that if the story had been read by our minister, there would have been no complaints. In fact, she mentioned the Christian God in the story last week.

Grrrrrr And I don't even believe in any of that, but it's a STORY. They're all stories in my opinion. Words can't hurt you unless you let them, and, really, the kids (all very young) came out of it basically giggling about Adam and Eve being naked and how you shouldn't eat something you're told not to. *snort*

Oops, sorry for the rant. Some of the politically correct crap and helicopter parenting at church drives me nuts.

Minister finally got me her notes on Christmas Eve, too. Need to start recruiting readers/participants for that. Busy busy busy.

On a final note, my laptop informed me that while my battery will continue to charge normally it's life is running out. Yay. There's $250 I don't have...I'm getting an extension cord so I can sit at the table in front of my tv and keep it plugged in (the socket there is behind a book case currently covered in snowmen).

church, cooking, technology sucks sometimes, holiday shopping, website, tv blather, stupid people, stupid body

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