why does boss have to be here so early?

Dec 11, 2012 11:19


Though I do have work to do and won't be stretching too much. This time of year always slacks off. The end of next week will be crazy as I need to do the monthly billing early (due to taking the next week off) plus usual Friday stuff and getting ready for taking the week off.

Let's see, choir performance was really good on Sunday. Nailed a couple of the songs with no problem. Both the other alto and I completely failed on hitting the F sharp twice in the a cappella section of the medley when we split from the first altos. Covered well. *g* It was amazing how one extra male voice adds so much. I wish we could get these two guys regularly (one of our regular bass' was out of town so we had two fill ins). Sermon was really good--apparently half of the modern Christmas stuff (poems, songs, traditions) were started by Unitarians and, apparently, there's a war on Christmas because of the existence of abortions and gay people. Or at least Bill O'Reilly believes that which means that every Fox News viewer believes that. Also UUs are responsible for Christmas moving away from depressing original sin to 'let's help our fellow man' and have family celebrations of warmth and love.

Okay, guilty! lolol

The Chiefs sucked again.

Parents' party went well. I sampled a few of the foods but was mostly good. Had a headache for part of it and not much appetite. Had some nice chats. Mom and dad moved the booze out of the front room and into the garden room (their old screened in porch that they had closed in) and everyone congregated out there. *snort*

My cold is back, not bad, but annoying. I ended up falling asleep on the couch after watching The Simpsons and then going to bed at 11:30. Very early for me. So got nothing done on Sunday night.

Temperature dropped dramatically Sunday night, to like the teens. brrrrrrr Still cold all Monday; had to drip faucet in kitchen sink Monday night but it's supposed to be in the 40s today and into the 50s by the end of the week with lows in the upper 20s and 30s. Then maybe snow shower early next week.


Back on my diet big time yesterday, and, in fact, I ate only about half my points. *sigh* Just not hungry. I did finally get through Holiday Wish Lists. Also, all holiday shopping done except for calendars for boss and other attorney which I'll order from Amazon. I need to put together some packages and get to the post office no later than Thursday.

The Derek/Stiles fic is screaming in my head, actual lines and scenarios, and three points of view, starting and ending with Peter. *sigh*

I totally forgot about my HVAC appointment this morning. Luckily my dad didn't and was able to get into the house. Also, luckily the house wasn't a huge mess and I'd just changed the litter box this morning. Everything AOK with HVAC.

Tonight off to my parents' with the gifts I've purchased here for Chicago Wilsons as they're flying up there Friday and why mail stuff when they're each taking large suitcases just for this reason? Actually, I'm guessing mom plans to do some shopping up there. *g*

Need to catch up on tv tonight as I watched nothing last night except for The Amazing Race. Very happy with the winners. :)

Boss now gone to lunch; fanfic reading time! (I have actually done quite a bit of work.)

working for the weekend, dieting, holiday wish list, sick, tv blather, family

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