doing service on Mary Magdelene, icon sort of appropriate

Jan 05, 2012 14:31

I'm beginning to think that the Internet is unreliable.

(No, really???)

I google employers and banks a lot for garnishments and I trust that the online phonebooks are accurate and up-to-date.

Well, the address for Union Pacific Railroad in Topeka is actually the Delmonte Plant, and our local bus service moved at some point in time as the sheriff said the building was vacant, so I called them to get their new address. Every link including our local paper's website for them has them at the old address.

Might as well go back to using paper books if the online sites can't be fussed to update!

In happier news, there's a Gospel of Mary Magdelene, so readings are taken care of (well, I have to find my copy of The Davinci Code and type up what I want read). Probably need to get with my pianist and practice the solo, too. (The one from Jesus Christ Superstar which I adore and once our choir mistress bought the whole book of music I jumped all over doing a service on Mary).

That said, I have two fics due Saturday I haven't even started on, and I have about six more fandom stockings to write and all of them edited and loaded tonight since reveal is tomorrow.


Luckily, boss is gone for the rest of the day and tomorrow morning. :)

KU managed to get through their second half sag and whup KSU last night. I was annoyed with a sign reading something like "KU, been beating KSU in Allen Fieldhouse for 100 years". Um, the fieldhouse was built in the 1950s; yes the rivalry is 105 years old. Jeez, and you're a college student?

Hopefully new Big 12 member West Virginia trashed Clemson in the bowl last night, absolutely trashed them.

I've become completely addicted to Sherlock.

New tv starts tonight but there's still football on.

On another plus note, most of you know I don't use Word, abhor Word etc. My version of Word Perfect can open Word dox and save them as Word dox and for your basic paper or letter that works fine but it HATES our Order of Service format. The person doing the service has to prepare the OofS for our church secretary to print out and I struggle with it because half the time what's printed doesn't appear on the screen unless you click in the blank spaces and then it ends up shifting words and lines and it's just a nightmare. So, the last couple times I've had to do one, I've done it at work because I had Word.

Well, with the new computer, we no longer have Word, but to my surprise we do have some form of Word Light and it opens the OofS with no problem and will let me edit it so an hour long nightmare is down to about 10 minutes before work starts in the morning.

In other random news, I ate one of my English Snickers bars and it didn't kill me, so I'm leaning away from diverticulitis as being behind my stomach problems. I've also managed to swallow small pills as I've been a bit blocked up and worried that the pain will return so I've been taking dulcilax. Maybe I can try swallowing my ibuprofin instead of smashing it up; they're about the same size if I take them one at a time. Yay for getting over 16 year fear of swallowing stuff!

Okay, ficcing time.

stupidity in general, church, stupid computers, work, sports, stupid body

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