in denial, on da nile, whatever, still waiting for gabriel to come back with the blood kali has

Jan 06, 2012 23:05

Due to Cotton Bowl watching, I haven't watched SPN yet (remember the days when I was glued to the tv every Friday night? Yeah, I miss those days--the last two seasons just haven't gripped me, though I still love them)...anyway, I do know what happened. I'm...not quite buying it and I'm not ready to watch it and be depressed though maybe that'd put me in the mood to churn out 3330 words for my dystopia fic that's due in rough draft form tomorrow. I know what I want to write, just need to get it out of my head. Unfortunately I have a sermon to write, too.

I did not expect Arkansas to be this good. *sigh* Oh well, if KSU loses, which it probably will, the Big 12 is still 6-2, 75%, in bowl games, and then it's truly basketball season as our second conference game is tomorrow, and despite the fact that this KU team isn't that strong, everyone is still saying that it's our conference to lose and the championship goes through Lawrence. :)

Now if basketball mattered at all in all this conference realignment crap, we'd be golden.

Despite having gotten the music for "I Don't Know How To Love Him" on Christmas Eve, I hadn't looked at it and I was a bit worried that it would be scored in a higher key than the one in the movie, but it's not. It goes to a C above middle C twice but they don't have to be held more than a dotted quarter note. I rehearsed with my pianist after work today and it went pretty good.

I finished up my other fic due tomorrow and sent it off and, last night, I finished up the 21 fandom stocking ficlets and loaded them all, then watched TVD and got all YAY at the last few minutes. Read an Alaric/Damon fic today in which the author stated they should have given us a scene with them and not wasted those minutes at the end. Yeah, whatever, the tv gods are never going to give us Alaric/Damon! I like the pairing in fic as much as I like Elena/Damon but for the show I ship the realistic one.

Stocking 21 stockings is that a good number? I mean, I could have wished lots of people happy holidays but I wanted to do something a bit more substantial and I wrote in a couple fandoms I've never written in before. Also got bitten by a very interesting bunny and one ficlet might get spun into a wider universe. Some ficlets were happily written for people I know--others for complete strangers. I'll post them all on DW along with a lot of other fics after this weekend and the reveal of everything. I think the Dean/Cas SS reveal is soon, too.

Despite my complete obsession over Sherlock I can't see myself writing fanfic for it--I don't think I'd be able to capture Sherlock at all well. I don't do case fic either. I do love that a lot of fics have him asexual. I'm most intrigued by those. I think the show leans that way, too.

Tinker, Tailor etc. is here, but at the art theater. Since it might not last long, the plan is to go see it after work some night next week. It's just a few blocks from my office and there's a showing at 4:45--I can skip out a bit early--and since dad wants to go, we can get parking since he has a handicap hangtag for his lung disease.

New tv shows a-starting soon. I'm looking forward to Alcatraz and Touch most of all. Might give this GBC (or whatever) a chance in March since I love Kristen Chenowith but if it's too preachy, it'll have to go as I'm not a Christian and sometimes when it's overt and heavy handed I get irked.

A bit of sad news this morning. Mom got an email from my cousin who lives with her mom--it's time to put my aunt in a nursing home. My cousin's a nurse but she just can't care for her mom at home anymore. Her memory's going, she doesn't eat right (and she's diabetic) if my cousin isn't there, she sometimes can't get up off the couch, has tremors and is unsteady walking. She's the last surviving aunt/uncle. Luckily they can put her in a home in the town she lives in and my cousin works in so while they'll sell the house, my cousin will still be close.

Well, need to start writing dark fic. :)

writing, sports, tv blather, holiday fics, family

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