Hallooooo from Londontown!

Oct 03, 2011 14:56

I'm finally here (well, been here for over a day). After first having the flight canceled on Friday, I got to the KC airport bright and early Saturday to discover the same problem my dad did--that the authorization of the upgrade (from my brother) hadn't been "finalized", whatever the fuck that meant. I got my upgrade but had to pay $75. Not happy. Also got my legs patted down because I was wearing a skirt. I've been wearing skirts exclusively for over 25 years and have flown probably 50 times in those years and that has never happened. WTF?!

Then the flight from Chicago was delayed nearly two hours and the plane was downgraded from a 747 with pod seat/beds to an ancient 777. I did keep my business class seat, luckily, while over 40 economy class people had to switch to a later flight. The seats are STILL better than USAir, which are almost impossible for my short, stubby, fat body to get out of and which has the video arm thing from doom that stress fractured the back of my hand last year. Still, all the movies start at the same time which kind of sucks and the choices were limited to five of which I'd seen one. So I watched Green Lantern which was not the best movie in the world.

I got an hour's sleep or so as the seats recline about 90% to flat. Did get to fast track through passport control so after arriving about an hour late from Chicago around 7:10, I still got to the flat by 8:30 a.m. (at that included customs--luggage was already going round and round--getting money, calling dad, getting on the train, getting off the train, getting a taxi.) At first I thought my phone wasn't working, but I just have to wait thirty seconds for it to start ringing. Dad met me at the door to the flat. We're on the fifth floor (sixth in America) in a nice, modernized flat with the all important wifi and fans. Though there's quite a breeze blowing when you're this high up. The fans are important because it's 80 degrees which is absolutely ridiculous. The wifi is important because duh.

Also, I'm above the pizza hut at Cambridge Circus (for those in the know) overlooking Priscilla's giant shoe. *g* Joel Roubicon's restaurant is RIGHT NEXT DOOR! Not that we're going there. Too much fish for dad.

I tried to sleep, failed, and headed down to Leicester Square tube stop and on to Harrods. Purchased certain items for a certain baby-to-be, got dad the Radio Times (think tv guide but more interesting) and me the all important Country Life. Did not buy the thousand pound shoes or handbags I wanted. I also got a chunk of stilton, some fancy chocolates, and a couple sausages. I love the food courts. Sundays are packed, though.

Though, apparently, most of London shopping is now open on Sundays. Used to be your choices were Harrods or museums.

I napped a bit when we got back and then dad and I headed the block to Chinatown and this restaurant we ate at like four trips ago which dad has wanted to go back to ever since for its crispy chili beef. The chinatown online map didn't show a restaurant where I knew it was, but it was there and the beef was very good, as was the hot and sour very spicy soup. It's on the edge of Chinatown on one of the streets going down to Gerrard Street (the main drag). We went there the last time because it was pouring rain and it was the first restaurant we saw.

Walking back, cute firemen were HANGING around outside the firestation. I wonder if that's why there are so many sirens here? We're a block from a firestation.

I watched Doctor Who. Very cool. Then I slept for like ten hours.

Dad woke me before he left for Kings College. I poured my coffee, added milk, reached for the sugar...

Dad drinks his coffee black and eats Frosted Flakes. There was no sugar. Luckily I found two Splenda packages and two brown sugar packages.

I headed off for the Tesco for groceries (and sugar). At first I thought they'd gone wholly to self-check out which I LOATHE, but thankfully not. I got us Shepherd's pie peel-backs for tomorrow night and fresh peas. I could live on fresh peas. God I love London.

It's about a three block walk to the Tesco we used last year which was a block up from that flat, and I added a block coming back by taking the wrong path when the road split but it was still coolish. I got inside the building and there was a guy--resident I assume--sitting on the bottom step who informed me the lift wasn't working.

Those around for last year's travelogue might recall that our third floor flat (fourth to Americans) was in a building with a broken lift. I was in much better shape back then and the three floors were still horrible. I had cold food, I couldn't wait, so I went up. Somehow I survived.

I drank about a quart of cold water and collapsed, after calling the lift and having it open, then sending it to the ground floor. After my heart rate returned to normal and my face, though I didn't check it, went from I'm sure bright red to pinkish, I braved the lift. It took me to the ground floor and opened.

We're right in the Seven Dials area which is full of quirky boutiques (and places like Guess, Diesel, and other icky American places), theater shops, vintage clothing shops, and natural health food and chemists and makeup places. There's a Kiehls--isn't that the place you Hos go nuts over in Vegas?--and a straight from farm grocer. Also, Forbidden Planet. I went in, I didn't buy anything. Since I haven't read the last three months of DC comics, I'm not tempted to hit it on Thursday for anything new. But, it's tradition to stop by.

I did buy a cool purse, a black molded plastic bird brooch, a book about a woman's spiritual journey, some gifties, and a newspaper. Then I ate lunch at a traditional old Victorian style pub, The Two Brewers. They were out of lamb and mint pie so I had steak and ale. Very good though probably too heavy. Then I headed back in the hopes that the lift was working and it was.

Have no clue what drugs the guy was on.

So, we have dinner tonight at Rules where dad and I'll share the traditional English Sunday dinner meal we had last year--best roast beef I've ever had in my life. It's about a five block walk. I was nearly there when I was at the Tescos. Tomorrow through Thursday we're off to Kew Gardens and the National Archives. I was going to go to the British Museum (also tradition) today but after the five story climb I decided to stick to the neighboring area. I think I'll go there Friday then hit Charing Cross for the book stores and wander through Soho. Saturday I think I'm going to go to the Natural History Museum. I haven't been there since I was a kid. I've been to the V&A, National Gallery and Tate in the last couple years.

Damn, I may be going back to the Tate after all. I saw an ad for this in a tube stop but didn't see more than Apocalypse and gathered it was an art showing. As you may know, I pretty much love all things apocalyptic.

It does cost around $20, though.

Well, I'm going to go watch Merlin. Had no clue it was starting back up! Probably should brave the lift and go buy a couple diet cokes. I wasn't in the mood to lug back a six pack from Tesco along with dad's OJ and milk and the sugar.

travelogue, shopping makes me happy, london

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