
Sep 20, 2011 19:12

Cleaning ones room when one has a cold that has settled into ones throat and chest is not the brightest idea in the world, but I was supposed to start last weekend and the cold hit Saturday afternoon. Luckily I didn't start losing my voice until after I had to convene (and speak a lot) at church on Sunday. I kind of mouthed and dropped down an octave on the hymns so I wouldn't strain my throat.

Also luckily, this cold seems to be a return to my normal colds--moving quickly from head to chest in four or five days and then going poof.

It's heading for my chest and we're just into day four. Only a fever on Saturday, thankfully.

Still, I have to put in an hour or two each night after work to clean my very, very messy and dusty bedroom--think about a thousand books and two cats and the liberal use of baby powder (not on the books or cats *g*).

At least my energy is back. The last couple of days I've felt worn down big time.

Not enough to miss Hawaii Five-0 and Castle, though! Both rocked! Also, Eureka rocked and I'm so ticked at the wrestling channel for canceling this series!


Glee in a few minutes followed by the second ep of Ringer--hopefully it will maintain its noirish enjoyment level for me.

I managed to miss the season openers of The Clone Wars but, in the one magnanimous gesture of his life, George is airing them free by the next day on starwars.com, so I watched the first two eps today while filing.

I'm also following the realignment fiasco. There's a blog on the local newspaper that, while obviously pro KU, is doing a great job of providing up-to-date info for the Big 12 and other imploding conferences. At this point the least attractive choice is a merger of the remaining Big 12 schools (if OU, OSU, and Texas flee) with the remaining Big East because that's mostly second tier football schools and no one gives a crap about basketball. Unfortunately, KU has always and will always be a basketball school. If we can't hold the Big 12 together and the Big 10 won't take us, I'd like us to go to the ACC simply because of basketball. It's a basketball conference.

I really think Texas and it's Longhorn network with its unequal revenue sharing plan has screwed itself out of any place BUT the Big 12 because it's not likely that any other conference will let them take the larger share of the tv revenue. Though I'd LOVE to see them go to the SEC (if they go anywhere) because Texas A&M went there JUST to get away from Texas, starting this whole mess. *snerk*

While I despise Missouri (the sports), I don't want to lose that rivalry. While the conferences play games with money and tv, they've said a big screw you we don't care to the fans. Who doesn't love the rivalry between KU and MU? The football rivalry is the longest uninterrupted west of the Mississippi. Over a hundred years. It would be a real shame to lose that by splitting us up. And I'd miss our 25 year dominance over KSU in basketball, but, then, again, basketball doesn't matter at all in this and that's what we're good at. If it was basketball driving this, we'd have our pick of conferences, but no one wants KU football unless it's to bolster your own losing football team with easy wins. *sigh*

Yeah, let's not speak of the demolishing by Georgia Tech last Saturday.

Let's also not talk about how much the Chiefs suck. Hell, KU might be able to beat them!

When does basketball start? Oh yeah, a few days after I get back from England. *happy happy joy joy*

Thank you to everyone who gave birthday thanks last week and sent e cards and LJ gifts. :) At my age, there's really no celebration, though my parents dropped by my new office and gave me cards. Dad and I are celebrating both our bdays in London at a restaurant called The Square we've eaten at before. My brother did do me good by sending me SPN Season 6, the last two SPN books, XMen First Class and the Glee live concert CD. And I have my treadmill from my parents which I haven't been able to exercise on since last Friday due to this sucky cold.

My boss is gone this week but he sold his cabin so no more trips next year. I got a lot done in those seven work days a month he was gone. *sigh*

We did get the wireless working at work so even though my phone is screwed up so I can't get to the internet through it anymore, I can use the wifi and the phone still works for phone calls. I've also figured out the fax, though the printer doesn't like the age of my computer and won't let me scan, so when I get back from London I'm finally buying a new computer. The other attorney has the same printer and a Win7 computer and he can scan so I know it will work.

To get notifications in gmail (where our website email work) when we get a fax, I had to start using Chrome. I like it so far. It's very fast. You can't password protect like you can in Netscape with a one time password that then lets you save all your other passwords, so I'll probably password protect the new computer itself when I get it so that no one can access anything but me. There's no lock on my office door as it's a pass through for the fire exit and back stairs. I highly doubt any of the other attorneys, the long time receptionist or the bonded cleaning guy would sit down and goof off on my computer, but my boss is paranoid and I would like to save our account info for Amazon and Office Depot, etc.

I'm still doing all my own stuff at work on Firefox where there are no bookmarks or saved history so that the temp won't be able to see that I read porny fanfic. *g*

I leave in nine days! Eeeeeek! I have so much to do as always.

So, I better go make dinner and watch Glee. :)

stupid big 12, tv blather, stupid body, cleaning is the devil's work

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