(no subject)

Aug 15, 2016 06:33


Being forced to be diurnal suuuuuuckssss...

I just woke from a nightmare of a young man forcing himself to endure (and I do mean this next part literally; remember, this was a dream) his asshole being spelunked like a cave by three older women from the Steven Universe "gems" universe. They were literally forcing him to let them crawl up inside and move around, all supposedly in the name of some "Ritual of Wisdom" that their leadership must endure, save that they were slowly eroding him from the inside like termites hollowing out a slowly rotting wooden log, only this was all minerals and crystals inside...and I was just horrified at how he *accepted* this violation of his right to say NO, *forced* himself to accept it, all because of "custom" and "culture" and because these 3 bitches ganged up on him.

The only "good" part in any of this is that I have to leave for the airport tomorrow morning at 6:30, so I am forcing myself to stay awake despite getting around only 4-ish maaaybe hours of half-arsed sleep (no relation to the dream; it's been warm and sweaty in the house the last few days/nights).

But honestly, culture is NOT a valid excuse for the systemic violation of bodily autonomy and the right to say NO.

Male, Female, Nonale (genderless/genderqueer, whatever is non m-ale/fem-ale), you have the right to say NO.

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