(no subject)

Dec 01, 2016 22:41

I have come to a depressing, sorrowful realization.

Due to selfishness and self-centeredness,
rampant unchecked corporate greed
white supremacy disguised as alt right white nationalism
blatant and overwhelming faux news propaganda
brainwashing by refusing to admit self-responsibility
the assertion that there is no such thing as a fact, only opinions
the willfull ignoring of overwhelming scientific data
the fact that half the nation literally doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything
blind loyalty to ideological demagoguery, aka "it's them or us, no compromises allowed!"
and the flat-out denial (see the first line) of humanity's impact on the world...

...we are in our final days as a species.

And we're talking most of life with us.

There's exactly one hope for recovering, and that's for the Electoral College to overwhelmingly reject Donald Trump AND Mike Pence. Without climate change deniers in office in the biggest free economy in the world, we could implement carbon dioxide recapture equipment on industrial exhaust stacks, haul ass to switch over to solar and wind power for most of our energy needs, and reduce the global warming that is now fucking everything over.

They said we had until 2050. We have MAYBE until 2020 to get our asses in gear and get this shit in place. But thanks to all of the above listed flaws, and several more, humanity is fucked. In the ass. With a petrified corn cob lined with razor blades. That we're energetically applying to ourselves, while so many are demanding, "...Source?" in order to stall and stave off actually looking up any of these facts themselves.

Most of the Australian Great Reef is dead or dying.
The Arctic Circle is 36F warmer than it should be, with virtually no sea ice regrowth.
Without that sea ice, the oceans warm up, become more acidic, and kill off various lifeforms...such as the corals.
Without the corals, fish by the millions and billions are dying, unable to handle the abrupt loss of habitat.
With warmer oceans, phytoplankton--the MAJORITY source of the oxygen we need to breathe--will also die off.
Okay, so algae will grow on the corals...for a while...but the warming of the oceans will continue unchecked for a few centuries more, since we won't actually die off in the next 50 years (though with the loss of bees, I'm not so sure we do have 50 years), so that'll all die off, too.
Even the jellyfish will die.

The only lifeform that'll survive will be the tardigrade, aka water bears.

I'm sorry, Mother Earth. We fucked things over so much for most of Your Children. The Planet Earth will continue to spin on and on, the sun will continue to rise and set...but humanity isn't worth being allowed to exist.

So good luck, little water bears. Here's hoping in half a billion years, you'll have repopulated the landscape with new forms of life, once the poisons we spew unchecked into the atmosphere have diminished, and the climates and temperatures and so on and so forth have balanced out again.

...I'm going to keep fighting, going to keep hoping that we'll pull back from the edge. But...December 19th, I'm afraid all those Republican Electors will choose to blindly, selfishly, ignorantly, foolishly follow their party leaders into disaster.

I want them to be the Heroes of 2016 (a very shitty year, most everyone will agree)...but everywhere I turn, Trumpsters (rabid alt-reich followers & brainwashed conservatives) are gloating over Trump's victory, or mindlessy parroting, "Give him a chance!" in desperate self-delusion.

They say depressed people are more realistic than others, that we see reality more clearly than those who are optimistic, etc.

Good luck, little tardigrades.
You're gonna need it.

Now...how the fuck do I write Happily Ever After romances, realizing all of that?

All I can think of is the story of Noah, working on the Ark, choosing to dance and sing and praise God anyway, knowing that God is busy slaughtering millions of people. I don't believe in the Abrahamic God. That shithead is a sadistic abusive sonovabitch. We make our own heaven or hell here on Earth...and it's clear everyone wants to condemn us to hell.

But...I will give what comfort I can to those who are left.

...I'm not counting on the removal of Trump by impeachment bringing any sanity, because Pence is in many ways just as bad. He's a guy who believes it's 100% okay for parents to torture their children so severely, 2 out of 5 successfully commit suicide. Not just try, but succeed in killing themselves, all just to end the pain they're in. He's a guy who thinks it's okay to reduce reproductive and sexual health clinic services to the point of causing an HIV epidemic so bad, the federal government had to step in. The guy who demands funerals for fetuses that have been aborted...and now insists that they have to be cremated, which costs thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands, per instance, rather than allowing the tissues to be disposed of in sanitary landfills alongside organs, etc, from surgical operations and the like.

And even if the Electors are our heroes, the Alt Reich Neo Nazis will rise up with their mountains of guns and start slaughtering average Americans in an uprising. And oh, hey, there's no other military in the world that can stop us, because the U.S. has a military that is bigger than the next 27 nations COMBINED (yes, China & India included).

The Koch Brothers, one way or another, have succeeded in destroying America, just as their father & grandfathers wished. They're destroying the rest of the world, too.

So...we're fucked.

Bless you, little water bears. For the meek you are, and you are the only thing that'll be able to inherit the Earth from us.

...I'm going to go try to write a smutty romance. Yeah. Good luck.
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