(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 05:07

Title: Summertime
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Itachi, Deidara, Kisame, mentions of Sasori.
Rating: G
Notes: for antiheroism's birthday! ^_^

It was strangely tranquil, though suffocating and maddening. The man laying on the porch showed no signs of life, his limbs tossed haphazardly, his white tank and grey shorts rumpled and damp. Long black hair, slightly sticky from sweat, was pulled back, tied into a messy bun to keep the strands off his neck.

Deidara flopped down next to him, two triangles of watermelon in his hands. He offered one to the immobile figure, who finally reached up and took it. "Oh, you're alive afterall, mm."

"How can you stand to be clothed in this heat?" Itachi unstuck himself from the wooden floor, pushing himself up and taking a bite of the watermelon. He gestured with his free hand at the blond, who wore a fishnet shirt and loose pants.

Deidara shrugged. "Why are you suffering so much? Aren't summers in Fire Country this bad, hmm?"

"They're bad, but this is absurd. Kisame said it's over 100 degrees in the shade. We went to a creek, but the water was hot too." Itachi swiped at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, licking away watermelon juice. "Where'd you find this, anyway?"

"Sasori and I went to town and bought it. Some guy's refrigerator died, so he was selling them before they could spoil, yeah." The artist spit a seed off the porch, kicking his legs.

The two sat in silence for a while, listening to the cicadas and munching on watermelon, before Kisame finally walked by, throwing towels at them. "What are you two doing?"

"Dying." Itachi replied, pulling the towel off his face. "What are these for?"

"You'll see." Kisame grinned, hopping off the porch and disappearing into the overly-bright garden.

"He's up to something." Deidara tossed the watermelon rind into the grass, frowning at the juice still on his fingers.

"When isn't he?" Itachi grumbled, pushing up a few odd tendrils of hair to mop the sweat from the back of his neck.


Deidara's head snapped up, his one visible eye widening.

Itachi glanced up through his bangs, caught between a desire to run and a desire to stay put.


From about five yards away, a wave of water crashed up onto the porch, drenching both men seated there. The water rolled up to the walls, through the thin cracks of the porch floor, and dripped from the two soaked shinobi. Deidara had managed to turn away and raise an arm, but Itachi had been unable to tear himself away from the jutsu, catching most of it face-first. His bangs lay flat against his face, completely obscuring his eyes and most of the lines under them.

Kisame returned to the porch, grinning. "Itachi-san, I hope you were paying attention, I wouldn't mind cooling off myself."

Deidara held up his useless towel. "Why did you give us these before using that? They won't do much good wet, yeah."

The taller man shrugged. "I didn't feel like carrying them all the way out there. I had to go almost to the edge of the garden so I wouldn't wash you two lightweights away. Itachi, did you hear me?"

The Uchiha pushed his bangs back, frowning, his Sharingan melting away. "I heard you, shut up and go back out there. And don't call me a lightweight."

"Sure, sure." Kisame laughed, walking back out into the summer heat to wait for the welcome counterattack.

"You should just let him stand out there and wait." Deidara suggested, wringing out the towel.

"That would be cruel in this heat. Besides, it's a chance to train." Itachi replied, pushing himself up and stretching. "It's something to do."

"Yeah, you're right." The blond agreed, sitting back to watch the show.


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