Aug 30, 2006 10:20

Firstly, because I saw a few people on my flist discussing this..

If you fall into the target category (women 9 to 26 years old), please please please please please get the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I hate to sound like a spokesperson for Merck, and I really am not (they paid me only for my time, not my advertising), but please get it. It's $300, I know. It's a lot. Save up. It's very important, and very awesome. Yes, it's three shots over six months. It's better than the alternative.

You see, I spent four years in a study to bring this stuff to the market. Four years of pap smears, blood draws, UAs, shots in the arm and sitting for 30 minutes, keeping a logbook after each shot, etc. I had no side effects at all. Yes, I had a fibroadenoma, that was probably a result of my weird genes (I'm predisposed to all sorts of other cancers too). Beyond that, all I had was maybe a headache and a sore arm.

Because of a condition of the study, I still don't even know if I received the full vaccine, though I do know that I received the HepB vaccine that was administered along with it. Merck is awesome enough to offer its subjects the Gardasil vaccine, free of charge, if we didn't get initially and only had the placebo, or only got a partial vaccine.

Yeah, needles suck. Do it anyway. Look away, hold your breath, and maybe hold someone's hand. It'll be over in a few minutes, and you won't even feel it a day later.

Crap. Took too long writing this. Okay, weekend report to come tonight, maybe.
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