Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 10, 2013 20:33

Dear Yuletide writer,

First of all, thank you so much for writing for me! I’m so excited to see whatever you come up with. Here are a couple ideas, but please don’t feel too bound by them if you come up with something more fun. :)

Things I generally like, although these are totally flexible: I really like light angst or light fluff. Hurt/comfort (emotional or physical) is probably my favorite trope. Light-hearted, funny stories, ridiculousness and goofy adventures, or introspective things are all good. Awesome ladies being awesome is always great. Friendship and family bonding are awesome-I love reading about close platonic relationships. Good-natured bickering is a plus. I enjoy seeing compassion and characters working through hard times. Snuggling and hair-petting are adorable. I will happily read slice-of-life, even characters just hanging out. And serious things are good too!

Things I would prefer to avoid: Non-/dub-con, underage, incest, and bestiality are squicky for me. I’d rather not see character death, suicide, horror, or really dark endings. I’m not really looking for PWP or kink. I’m also not really into mpreg (or babyfic in general) or AU tropes like a/b/o, D/s, coffeehouse or hooker or high school AUs. No character bashing, please.

I’m not big on holiday fic, but if you want to go for a winter theme, I’m totally cool with it.

As concerns spoilers and crossovers: Don’t worry about spoiling me, I’m probably current on most of these and if not, I still don’t mind. Honest. I’m not really looking for crossovers, but if you want to bring in other characters from the same universe (the larger DCU, for example), feel free.

Now, for the fandoms, in no particular order:

Fandom: FF
Character(s): Darla Deering
Details: I love the zany, fourth-wall-breaking, rainbow-bright world of FF. The dysfunctional found-family dynamics of the school are great, and all the characters are really fabulous. Darla is my favorite-I’m really intrigued by her bravery and determination, her wallflower past, her contradictions, and of course, her amazing pink hair. I’d love to see her doing anything, really. I think seeing her lead one of the FF’s bizarre Magic School Bus-esque field trips would be AMAZING, but I’d also be happy to see a more reflective story, more Darla/Scott interaction, or Darla hanging out with any of the kids. (All of whom are adorable, but I think it would be especially neat to see Darla and Tong having girl time.)

Fandom: Blue Beetle
Character(s): Jaime Reyes, Brenda Del Vecchio
Details: Blue Beetle is such an adorable comic-I love Jaime’s sweet-natured determination to do good even when the Scarab has other ideas, and his friends and family are so great. I’d love to see Jaime and Brenda having best-friend time, and I’d be interested to see how Brenda fits into the Reyes family when she’s staying at his house. Brenda chilling with Jaime on the couch after a hard day of superheroing would be cute, or maybe her organizational skills and determination come in handy against El Paso’s next big menace. If you wanted to have Brenda hanging out with Milagro or Traci, I’d be down for that, too, with or without Jaime. Shipping isn’t my main interest for this fandom, but if you want to do background Paco/Brenda or Traci/Jaime, I am cool with that.

Fandom: Batwoman
Character(s): Bette Kane, Kate Kane
Details: This is kind of an and/or request. If you want to go with just Kate, just Bette, or something with both of them, any of those are totally fine. I would love to see a story exploring either of these ladies, to see them working together and being awesome, or to see more of the Kane family dynamics. I’m not really looking for shippy fic for either of them, although I’m not opposed to any of Kate’s ladyloves being part of the story. I loved the arc where Batwoman teamed up with Wonder Woman, so if you want to follow up on that (do they keep in touch? what does Bette think about Wondy?) that would be neat. I’ve been really enjoying Bette’s character development in the past few issues, so I’d also be interested in fic that addressed that. Also, if you want to have Team Batwoman meet any of the other members of the Batfamily (pre- or post-Flashpoint), that’d be a lot of fun, especially Bette comparing notes with any of the Robins. Also, it is totally my headcanon that Kate is buddies with Nightwing after she teamed up with Dick in 52 and Batman & Robin, so I would draw hearts all around that crossover if you wanted to write it.

Fandom: Batgirl: Year One
Character(s): Barbara Gordon
Details: Babs is one of my favorite characters, and I really like how Batgirl: Year One manages to hit a fun retro tone while working in allusions to her future of computer-hacking awesomeness as Oracle. I’d love to see Babs having adventures as Batgirl, using her geek skills for great justice, getting used to the weirdness of the Batcave and all that goes with it, or growing into more responsibility in taking care of Gotham. If you want to have her interact with other members of the Batfamily, excellent. I especially love her relationship with Dick-the bickering, the affection, the competitiveness, and the comradery. If you wanted to do something with their baby superhero adventures, collapsing together after a big night of fighting crime, or goofing off in the Batcave while Bruce is away, I would so be there for any of that.

Fandom: Worlds’ Finest
Character(s): Helena Wayne, Damian Wayne
Details: Helena and Damian are both born soldiers and yet weirdly sheltered in a lot of ways. Damian basically spent his childhood in assassin training, and I get the sense that Helena missed out on a lot of “normal” things by growing up in a vigilante household, not to mention she’s literally in a different world than the one she grew up in. I love how cranky Damian is and how buttoned-up Helena can be, and I think it would be really entertaining to explore the bickering sibling dynamic they had in issues #6 and #7. Maybe circumstances lead them to another team-up, or Damian drops in at Helena’s safe house. Or maybe they have an awkward-siblings ice cream date (Helena always seems to be eating ice cream, haha). Whatever you want to do with this would be really fun! I would prefer to avoid fic dealing with Damian’s death, though.

Anyway, thank you again in advance! I am really looking forward to whatever you write. 

worlds' finest, comics, dear writer, blue beetle, ff, yuletide, batwoman, batgirl

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